Download Geneweb


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29 Kwiecień 2013
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Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: Geneweb

GeneWeb is free, open source genealogy software written in OCaml by Daniel de Rauglaudre, a researcher at the Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (Inria).

it starts 2 Daemon

gwd running on port 2317

gwsetup running on port 2316

if url display an Error du to localhost, just replace localhost with NAS IP... (happen calling gwsetup from main page)

do not forget to modify /opt/Geveweb/gw/only.txt (edit it with your NAS IP)

GeneWeb uses a lightweight web server that can support any number of genealogical databases. Its multilingual interactive user interface supports an unlimited number of individuals, families and events using any web browser, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera. Like an HTTP server, it creates new HTML pages on the fly from its databases for each request. It can be installed on a local computer or a distant web server as a daemon or using CGI to share your genealogy over the Internet. The utility gwsetup provides a friendly web interface for configuration and maintenance.

GeneWeb displays birth, death and wedding anniversaries. It also shows some statistics, such as oldest living persons, recent weddings or deaths, and age pyramids for a given year. Since GeneWeb 7.00, all kinds of personal and family events are managed with dates, witnesses, notes and sources for each event.

Global and individual notes use wikitext syntax and allow internal links between individuals, extra images and/or HTML documents.

GeneWeb can import and export genealogical database in its own GW format or in GEDCOM file format. Data not compatible are preserved in notes.

GeneWeb is one of a few genealogy programs that comes with an efficient relationship and consanguinity rate calculator, to help understand inbreeding in families.

Passwords secure databases with accounts for both 'friends' (to access private data) and 'wizards' (to update permissions). Private data can be protected with a customisable configuration file, for example, to hide people born less than 100 years ago. Access to each individual page can even be filtered one by one.

The appearance of the interface can be customised with templates in addition to tweaking CSS files. A specific programming language permits building new templates.

GeneWeb allows searching for titles of nobility and displaying them in a timeline. It can search names with spelling variations and women can be searched for by their maiden names.


Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.


Modele: TS-NASX86 64bits

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