Recent Content by lfsantarelli

  1. lfsantarelli

    Pomoc Added a second Drive and need to change paths for new torrents

    But i've already have 6TB seeding on the original folder (disk), my intention is to keep the currents torrents seeding and only add the new ones on the new path, same for the medialibrary. If I simply change the mapping for the Rdownload folder, it will break all my current active torrents. How...
  2. lfsantarelli

    Pomoc Added a second Drive and need to change paths for new torrents

    Hi, Just aquired a second drive for my NAS and I'm having trouble to change the paths for new torrents. I've already managed to change the default download and complete folders after a lot of tries. The GUI version on the Advanced interface seems to not be saving the change on the download...
  3. lfsantarelli


    Hi, My name is Luiz Santarelli! Greetings from Brazil!