Recent Content by neo

  1. N

    Instruktaż/Tutorial Własny Serwer Pocztowy SMTPS+IMAPS+POP3 + DODATKI (Qnap jako ServerDNS + Autorun + ApacheConf)

    Thanks for answer me, do You know if it's possible install docker on qnap ts-231?
  2. N

    Instruktaż/Tutorial Własny Serwer Pocztowy SMTPS+IMAPS+POP3 + DODATKI (Qnap jako ServerDNS + Autorun + ApacheConf)

    Good morning, I'm new at this forum: first of all I'm Italian and don't know Polish language, so please, answer me in english language. After that, I have made all the steps listed on the first page of this topic (for setup Perl I have runned the following command: "opkg install perl"). At step...