Pomoc Wantylator nierównomierne działanie - zadyszka


Passing Basics
9 Sierpień 2018
Wersja oprogramowania Firmware: Build 20200214
Model serwera: QNAP TS-251B

Od niemal roku użytkuję TS-251B głownie jako rejestrator monitoringu.
Co jakiś czas dokładnie losowo o różnych porach dnia (w nocy brak 'pomiarów'), czasem co drugi dzień od QNAPa dobiega nierówna praca wentylatora.
Objawia się to tym tak że skokowo rośnie prędkość wentylatora z około 970 RPM na około 1700 RPM na około 1 - 2 sekundy i z powrotem do około 970 RPM <- czasem prędkość udaje się to zaobserwować w pulpicie nawigacyjnym.
Póki co próbowałem na własną rękę dojść dlaczego więc:
JRE - wyłączone
Media Streaming - wyłączone
Qfiling - wyłączone
Qsirch - wyłączone
SDD Profiling tools - wyłączone
Surveillance Station - wyłączone

Nawet przy długiej obserwacji w monitorze zasobów nic nie widać aby jakikolwiek proces zużywał nadmiernie zaosoby procesora lub ramu.

Dlatego zwracam się z prośbą do bardziej doświadczonych gdzie jeszcze mogę zajrzeć bądź co innego sprawdzić lub jeszcze dodatkowo wyłączyć co powoduje nierównomierną pracę wentylatora?

Oto wynik z PYTTY`ego dla komendy: 'ps -ef | grep -vF '[' > /share/Web/ps.txt':

PID Uid VmSize Stat Command
1 admin 1892 S init
2147 admin 1692 S < udevd --daemon
2350 admin 10584 S /sbin/hal_daemon -f
3934 admin 5248 S /sbin/lvmetad
4673 admin 3864 S /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/config/ssh/sshd_config -p 22
4749 admin 776 S < qWatchdogd: keeping alive every 5 seconds...
5031 admin 1364 S /sbin/netwatchdog -d
5051 admin 4192 S /sbin/cs_daemon
5052 admin 4300 S /sbin/cs_qdaemon
5252 admin 3184 S /sbin/modagent
5966 admin 728 S /usr/local/network/bin/logrotate /var/log/network/err.log 102400
5968 admin 944 S tail -f /var/log/network/err_log
5969 admin 660 S /usr/local/network/bin/logrotate /var/log/network/events.log 102400
5971 admin 1096 S tail -f /var/log/network/events_log
6292 admin 38632 S /mnt/ext/opt/Python/bin/python ./manage.pyc runfcgi method=threaded socket=/tmp/netmgr.sock pidfile=/tmp/netmgr.pid
6332 admin 2700 S /mnt/ext/opt/netmgr/util/redis/redis-server *:0
6342 admin 28388 S /mnt/ext/opt/Python/bin/python /mnt/ext/opt/netmgr/api/core/asd.pyc
7382 admin 104 S /sbin/rdnssd -r /var/lib/rdnssd/ -p /var/run/network/rdnssd.pid -u admin
7383 admin 1904 S /sbin/rdnssd -r /var/lib/rdnssd/ -p /var/run/network/rdnssd.pid -u admin
7395 admin 7040 S /usr/local/bin/ifd
7398 admin 944 S /bin/sleep 1
7402 currentuser 2312 R ps -ef
7403 currentuser 984 D -sh
7427 admin 9080 S /usr/sbin/dhclient -4 -nw -D CLID -cf /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf -lf /etc/config/dhclient/eth0.leases -pf /var/lib/dhclient/eth0.pid eth0
7548 admin 21492 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7555 admin 15396 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7556 admin 18108 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7926 admin 22884 S /mnt/ext/opt/Python/bin/python /mnt/ext/opt/netmgr/api/core/ip_monitor.pyc
7975 admin 18372 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7976 admin 18576 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7977 admin 17984 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7979 admin 15484 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7982 admin 17368 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7984 admin 14788 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7987 admin 15064 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7988 admin 18168 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
7998 admin 2664 S /usr/local/bin/rates_monitor_start
8065 admin 4284 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/fcgi-pm -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf
8072 admin 11740 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxy -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf
8291 admin 4816 S /usr/local/apache/bin/fcgi-pm -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf
8479 admin 18908 S /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf
8592 admin 1896 S /sbin/dnsmasq
9017 admin 1380 S /sbin/iscsid --config=/etc/config/iscsi/sbin/iscsid.conf --initiatorname=/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
9018 admin 2720 S < /sbin/iscsid --config=/etc/config/iscsi/sbin/iscsid.conf --initiatorname=/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
9027 admin 6012 S /sbin/vdd_control -d
9165 admin 2844 S /bin/sh /usr/local/mariadb/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/usr/local/mariadb/my-mariadb.cnf --basedir=/usr/local/mariadb --datadir=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/data --user=admin --default-storage-engine=MyISAM --wait_timeout=2628000 --pid-file=/var/lock/mariadb.pid --tmpdir=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/tmp
9607 admin 77176 S /usr/local/mariadb/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/usr/local/mariadb/my-mariadb.cnf --basedir=/usr/local/mariadb --datadir=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/data --plugin-dir=/usr/local/mariadb/lib/plugin --user=admin --default-storage-engine=MyISAM --wait-timeout=2628000 --tmpdir=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/tmp --log-error=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/data/mNy.err --pid-file=/var/lock/mariadb.pid --socket=/tmp/mysql_mediadb.sock --port=3310
9697 admin 10460 S /sbin/qpkgd -d0
10641 admin 22732 S /usr/local/sbin/ncdb --defaults-file=/mnt/ext/opt/NotificationCenter/etc/nc-mariadb.conf
10672 admin 1968 S /usr/local/sbin/ncloud
11118 admin 8288 S /usr/local/sbin/ncd
12417 guest 1948 S /usr/sbin/dbus-daemon --system
12927 admin 6888 S /usr/local/apache/bin/apache-dav -k start -f /etc/apache-dav-sys.conf
12934 admin 5868 S /usr/local/apache/bin/apache-dav -k start -f /etc/apache-dav-sys.conf
12976 admin 7708 S php-fpm: master process (/etc/config/apache/php-fpm.conf)
12977 httpdusr 6704 S php-fpm: pool www
12978 httpdusr 6704 S php-fpm: pool www
12985 admin 7716 S /usr/local/apache/bin/apache -k start -c PidFile /var/lock/apache.pid -f /etc/config/apache/apache.conf
12987 httpdusr 4396 S /usr/local/apache/bin/fcgi-p -k start -c PidFile /var/lock/apache.pid -f /etc/config/apache/apache.conf
13610 admin 3352 S /usr/sbin/cupsd -C /etc/config/cups/cupsd.conf -s /etc/config/cups/cups-files.conf
13818 httpdusr 11060 S /usr/local/apache/bin/apache -k start -c PidFile /var/lock/apache.pid -f /etc/config/apache/apache.conf
14147 guest 11560 S proftpd: (accepting connections)
14152 admin 1120 S proftpd: (RPC)
14184 admin 5960 S < /usr/local/samba/sbin/winbindd -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14232 admin 4928 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14236 admin 3932 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14237 admin 4712 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14242 admin 8712 S < /usr/local/samba/sbin/winbindd -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14243 admin 3248 S < /usr/local/samba/sbin/winbindd -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14244 admin 3440 S < /usr/local/samba/sbin/winbindd -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14245 admin 5500 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14246 admin 4640 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14247 admin 4636 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14248 admin 4636 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14249 admin 4636 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14250 admin 4636 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14251 admin 4636 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14285 admin 5200 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/nmbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
14367 admin 4460 S qooba --service spotlight
14838 admin 2572 S /usr/sbin/SCREEN -dmS MYTRANSCODE /usr/local/medialibrary/bin/mytranscodesvr -debug -db /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/
14840 admin 6532 S /usr/local/medialibrary/bin/mytranscodesvr -debug -db /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/
14987 admin 3252 S /usr/local/medialibrary/bin/mymedia_cli -d
15133 admin 5448 S /usr/local/sbin/_thttpd_ -p 58080 -nor -nos -u admin -d /home/httpd -c **.* -h -i /var/lock/._thttpd_.pid
15177 admin 7764 S php-fpm: master process (/etc/php-fpm-sys-proxy.conf)
15178 admin 6228 S php-fpm: pool www
15179 admin 6228 S php-fpm: pool www
15291 admin 7612 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxy -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf
15784 httpdusr 4240 S /sbin/lpb_scheduler -d
15884 admin 1116 S proftpd: (RPC)
16053 admin 6232 S /sbin/genthd
16185 admin 6888 S /usr/sbin/upsutil
16263 admin 3564 S /usr/sbin/ntpdated
16399 admin 10608 S /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf
16759 admin 1868 S /usr/sbin/crond -l 9 -c /tmp/cron/crontabs
17082 admin 3744 S /usr/bin/lunportman
17144 admin 2908 S /sbin/upnpd eth0 eth0
17198 admin 2260 S /sbin/rfsd -i -f /etc/rfsd.conf
17203 admin 4428 S /usr/local/bin/rfsd_qmonitor -f:/tmp/rfsd_qmonitor.conf
17308 admin 14924 S /sbin/bcclient
17502 admin 1560 S N /sbin/acpid
17608 admin 2444 S /sbin/gen_bandwidth -r -i 5
17747 admin 6688 S qLogEngined: Write log is enabled...
17759 admin 2696 S /bin/sh /etc/init.d/klogd.sh start
17772 admin 5248 S /sbin/qShield
17777 admin 4536 S qNoticeEngined: Write notice is enabled...
17898 admin 1032 S /bin/dd if /proc/kmsg of /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs/kmsg bs 1 count 1024000
18070 admin 6164 S /sbin/sdmd --daemon
18102 admin 7516 S /usr/bin/qsnapman
18111 admin 7480 S /usr/bin/qstorman
18144 admin 5772 S /usr/bin/qsyncman
18753 admin 2340 S /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -f /etc/rsyslog.conf -c4 -M /usr/local/lib/rsyslog/
18760 admin 844 S /sbin/syslog_maild -d
19258 admin 8068 S /usr/bin/qsnapman-alive
19865 admin 8564 S /usr/bin/qsnapman-smart
19911 admin 8308 S /usr/bin/qsnapman-recyc
20181 currentuser 6716 S sshd: currentuser@pts/1
20185 currentuser 4104 S -sh
20312 admin 4776 S /sbin/daemon_mgr
20342 admin 2800 S ./qnas_console_install
20735 admin 3964 S /bin/sh /sbin/qdesk_soldier
21433 admin 16188 S /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -l /var/log -D -s /etc/config/smb.conf
23004 admin 6912 S python /usr/local/network/nmd/nmd.pyc
26940 admin 3368 S /usr/local/sbin/qboostd -b
27332 admin 7872 S /sbin/upnpcd -i 300
27713 admin 1852 S /sbin/getty 115200 tty1
27714 admin 1952 S /sbin/getty 115200 tty2
27719 admin 1900 S /sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100
29460 admin 15540 S /mnt/ext/opt/Python/bin/python2 /sbin/wsd.py
31526 admin 4416 S /usr/local/bin/ql_daemon -d 7

Użytkownicy znaleźli tą stronę używając tych słów:

  1. Hal_daemon