Download Wowza Streaming Engine


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Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: Wowza Streaming Engine

Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software is a robust, customizable, and highly extensible Java-based platform that powers live and on-demand single-bitrate and adaptive bitrate streaming to any device, anywhere. This article introduces the different aspects of Wowza Streaming Engine and how you can use each of them.

About Wowza Streaming Engine

Part of what makes Wowza Streaming Engine so powerful is the variety of ways you can use and extend the software to meet your needs. Ultimately, all settings and configurations for Wowza Streaming Engine are saved in .XML files within the Wowza Streaming Engine installation directory. You can edit the .XML files directly or, when possible, use Wowza Streaming Engine Manager. For more information, see About Wowza Streaming Engine XML configuration.

Modele: TS-NASX86 64bits

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