[QPKG] TVHeadend (arm-x19, x86, x86_64)

Silas Mariusz

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TVHeadend is a light but powerful software that can record DVB streams from a tuner and save them as MKV files.
You can set up scheduled recordings of your favourite programs or stream a channel directly to the network.

[Important notes]
  • As I've started the packaging of this QPKG using my DVB-T tuner, at the moment this is the only one that is supported.
    However, using community-provided data, I think that it should be possible to support any other USB tuner (if supported by the Linux kernel).
    News! Starting from v0.3 all DVB USB tuners supported by kernel should work.
  • Some features of the original TVHeadend package (AVAHI and XMLTV) have been left out for dependency issues.
    News! I've released a separate XMLTV package if anyone wants to use it together with TVHeadend (24/12/2011).
  • I use this own-built QPKG on my NAS and I've decided to put it here to improve it... but it's BETA and you have to install at your own risk. This is my first QPKG and I'm not so skilled with Linux... I'm learning...
  • The QPKG includes compiled kernel modules for the Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T tuner (and compatible, see below); the required firmware is downloaded from linuxtv.org during the QPKG installation.
  • There is a directory lib/modules inside the QPKG path where you can insert other modules (i.e. ".ko" files) for your tuner and a file modules.conf which is read by the QPKG main script to know which modules to add (and in what order). So if you are expert enough you can make it work with your tuner. If it is working, please post here the info, so it's possible to include in the later versions.
    Some hints on compiling kernel modules for other tuners
    Find out kernel modules dependencies and load order
  • DO NOT DISCONNECT the USB tuner without stopping the QPKG first. Doing so may lead to unpredictable results.
  • Starting from v0.3 TVHeadend QPKG will detect the tuner prior installation. If your tuner is not on the list of the supported tuners, you cannot install TVHeadend. However, during installation, this QPKG check if a TVH_Dev_xxx QPKG is installed to provide access to other tuners which are not supported by kernel directly (such as HDHomerun) and lets you install the software.
  • Starting from v0.3 TVHeadend will not run if the tuner detected during installation is not connected. So, either attach the tuner at NAS start or, if you connect it later, use the web UI to stop & start or open an SSH session and type (from any location):
    tvheadend start
  • Starting from v0.4, it is possible to install TVHeadend without tuner support. This can be useful if you just want to stream/record IPTV streams; unfortunately, you cannot install the QPKG using the webinterface.
    Instead, download the appropriate QPKG ZIP file, unzip it for example into /share/Public folder, and then using SSH install the QPKG by submitting the NO_TUNER=1 option:
    [/share/Public] # NO_TUNER=1 /bin/sh TVHeadend_0.4.0_x86.qpkg
  • TVHeadend QPKG supports only 1 tuner even though TVHeadend itself supports more than one. Reason is explained HERE.
  • I tell you another time. THIS IS BETA! Don't forget to backup your data first!
[QNAP Firmware versions]
  • If you have QNAP Firmware v3.5.2, you'll have to use TVHeadend QPKG v0.3.
    If you want to downgrade to v3.5.2 here there are the links: X86 | ARM
  • If you have QNAP Firmware v3.6.0 or newer, you'll have to use TVHeadend QPKG v0.4.
    This is due to incompatible Linux kernel introduced with v3.6, which prevented the modules from running correctly. Apparently QNAP has modified the kernel sources, so the vanilla can't be used anymore. Additionally, if you use kernel modules compiled for FW v3.6 on v3.5.x, your NAS will drop the Ethernet connection and hang; so I've blocked the loading of TVHeadend v0.4 if the firmware version is below v3.6.
    MANY THANKS to hugovipper for discovering the solution.
[System Requirements]
A QNAP x86 or ARM-x19 with Linux Kernel (current), Optware QPKG installed and a supported USB tuner:
  • Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T USB 2.0
  • Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T HD USB 2.0
  • Any other Dib0700-compatible USB tuner
  • From version v0.3 all DVB USB tuners (so this list DOES NOT include analog/hybrid devices that require V4L!) directly supported by kernel (please report working tuner commercial names, so I will update this list)
  • See the previous QNAP Firmware versions paragraph.
  • Download the attached QPKG for your platform
  • Connect the supported USB tuner on a USB port of the NAS
  • Install the QPKG that will detect your tuner and, if it is supported, will continue the installation (see System log for details)
  • If you DON'T have a supported tuner, install a TVH_Dev_xxx QPKG for your tuner (if available)
  • Enable the TVHeadend QPKG and reboot the NAS (reboot is not mandatory)
  • Access the web interface on http://nas-ip:9981 (default user = admin, password = password)
  • Configure the tuner by adding the muxes/channels
If it does not work correctly, check with dmesg if the tuner is detected and the firmware downloaded correctly.
Another useful command implemented to debug possible issues is:
tvheadend showlog
which, as the parameter suggests, prints the log of the last TVHeadend start/stop operation.

Version 0.4.0 (works ONLY with QNAP firmwares v3.6 and higher)
INTEL x86 - Download
INTEL x86_64 - Download
ARM x19 - Download

Version 0.3 (WITH tuner autodetection and support to tuners)
INTEL x86 - Download
INTEL x86_64 - Download
ARM x19 - Download
  1. Backup your modules.conf on another location (such as /share/Public) if you have altered it in any way. If the v0.3 works for you, then you can throw it away.
  2. I recommend to first uninstall it and then install v0.3, i.e. without upgrading.
[Useful notes (links)]
[Release history]
v0.4 (07/03/2012) - Support for QNAP firmwares v3.6 and higher with no more "dvb-usb: could not submit URB no. 0 - get them all back" errors on dmesg (thanks to hugovipper); more logging; ability to install from SSH without any tuner support with NO_TUNER=1 option. NOTE: TVHeadend version is still git-d66746c version because the newer one seems more unstable and choppy on my system.
v0.3 (03/01/2012) - Lot of new features; TVHeadend script has been almost fully rewritten (so new issues may be present now). TVHeadend updated to latest GIT; USB tuner autodetection during installation for all DVB USB devices supported by kernel (please report working devices); support for additional TVH_Dev_* packages that install custom modules for tuners not directly supported by kernel; symlink to /usr/bin for easy access by typing tvheadend (in lowercase letters) inside any directory; changed process running detection; added showlog parameter; the script now checks if a kernel module is already loaded into memory and reports on the log; TVHeadend no longer starts if the tuner detected during installation is not connected; x86_64 version of the kernel modules (the application is still 32 bit).
v0.2.5 (24/12/2011) - Fixed missing i2c-core.ko on ARM (thanks to fergalom); fixed unsuccessfull loading of DVB tuner firmware after updating QNAP firmware to v3.5.2 (thanks to xtv, arturol, meshuga for reporting)
v0.2.4 (24/11/2011) - Fixed bugs on arm release (thanks to fergalom for testing and reporting issues) and latest TVHeadend build from GIT
v0.2.1-v0.2.3 (19/11/2011) - First experimental arm-x19 release
v0.2 (12/11/2011) - Fixed bug of unsuccessfull channel name retrieving (thanks to cival for this and xtv for testing)
v0.1 (20/09/2011) - Initial x86-only release (thanks to micke for his wonderful QDK package... it's very easy to build a QPKG, yet very hard to make an application work on the QNAP...)
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Reakcje: QNAP

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