[BETA] 3.2.0 Build1107 for TS-x39/509/809/809U & SS-x39

Silas Mariusz

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Help us, GOD!
5 Kwiecień 2008
10 248
2 463
Nowy Sącz
1 GbE
Hi guys,

Here comes one of the most exciting updates for your QNAP NAS! We have added & improved several important features this time, such as the brand new Web File Manager, Apple Time Machine support, and revised iSCSI target for VIRTUALIZATION and CLUSTERING!

Moreover, QNAP now also supports IPv6. This not only makes your QNAP becomes a dual-stack host, but also the very first NAS which supports IPv6. And we have also added the WebDAV support in this release, I've also attached the step-by-step instructions, for more information about how to use it on your QNAP and connect to it on your Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and iPhone/iPod Touch, please see the attachments.

As usual, please feel free to let us know if you have found any issue, ok? You guys have a good one!

* Because we have also upgraded some components (e.g. PHP), therefore, please be aware of the compatibility with your php applications.
** Don't forget to join us on facebook, or follow us on twitter. QNAP is now giving away 1 free unit each week! For more information, please visit: http://www.qnap.com/pro_facebook.asp

[Version & Build]
v3.2.0 Build1107

TS-239: 337622538
TS-439: 4268054080
TS-439U: 2050232488
TS-509: 995438320
TS-639: 1504922121
TS-809: 737038555
TS-809U: 4086429967
SS-439: 3788405876
SS-839: 540054790

[What's New?]
- Web File Manager 2
* Brand new user interface with best use experience
* Supports file compression/decompression (7z, gzip, gz, zip, bzip2, bz2, tar, rar, tgz)
* Sub-folder Privileges
* Supports file searching
* Supports drag-n-drop: moving file & folder within NAS
* Multiple files uploading /downloading
* Upload: up to 128 files at a time
* Download: auto-compress selected files into one zip file

- Apple Time Machine Support
- WebDAV Support
* Supports most modern operating systems. Windows XP/Vista, Mac OS X, Ubuntu 9.10 and iPhone/iPod Touch (must install WebDAV client app first). Please see the attachments for more information.
* For Windows Vista users, you might need to apply the patch (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en) first before using WebDAV on your PC.

- IPv6 Support
- DFS (Share Folder Aggregation)
- Cloud Storage Backup (Amazon S3)
- Real-time Function Search
- Import User List
- Language Support: Dutch & Czech

- iSCSI Target Enhancement
* Supports SPC-3 Persistent Reservation
* Supports MPIO and MC/S
* Fully compatible with VMware vSphere 4.x and Windows Server 2008

- Remote Replication Enhancement
- Windows AD Enhancement
- Surveillance Station Enhancement (Support Windows 64bit OS and Y-cam)
- Date & Time Enhancement (Customized Datetime format)
- UPnP Media Server – TwonkyMedia Server 5.1
- Password Strength Checker
- Support SNMP v3
- HTTPS for both Web Administration & Web Server
- Better NTFS External HDD Support (More stable and faster)
- Component Upgrade (Apache:2.2.14, MySQL:5.1.36, PHP:5.3.0)
- Web Administration page layout can be remembered now

- [WebDAV] Windows 7 doesn't support WebDAV
- [WebDAV] Ubuntu 9.04 or earlier versions might not be able to use WebDAV thru GNOME. (works in 9.10)

[Major Bug Fixing]
- Fixed iSCSI processes in some situations may consume nearly 100% CPU resource and cause reboot or shutdown to fail
- Fixed copying using Windows Explorer may cause NAS system unstable in conjunction with EXT4 file system
- Fixed occasional incorrect FAN speed & HDD overheating on TS-809U-RP

[Known Issue]
- [Twonky Media Server] Media feed setting can't be saved.

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W TS509 poszło OK z wersji 3.1.1 dane zostały zachowane.
Jedyne problemy które wystąpiły do chwili obecnej wymagały wyczyszczenia cache przeglądarki.
EDIT: W webfile manager należy zwiększyć ilość wyświetlanych elementów na stronie - domyślnie 1 - opcja znajduje się w dolnej części okna.

Jak ze stabilnością tego firmware? Czy warto już instalować czy lepiej poczekać aż wyjdzie oficjalna wersja?
Potwierdzam, jak dotąd zero problemów z softem. W Web File Manadzeże jest parę błędów, m.in. jak kolega wyżej zauważył, nie zapamiętuje ilości wyświetlonych plików na stronie, zawiesza sie po wypakowaniu plików (chwała im za to, że w końcu można wypakować praktycznie każdy plik bez potrzeby logowanie się na shella).