Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: IPTV Proxy CLI
Reverse proxy on iptv m3u file and xtream codes server api
Command Line added to NAS $PATH
Iptv Proxy is a project to convert an iptv m3u file
into a web proxy server And give a new m3u file
with the new routes to the proxy server
Xtream server api
proxy on xtream server api
support live, vod, series and full epg
Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.
Modele: TS-ARM-X19,TS-X28A,TS-X41,TS-NASX86 64bits,TS-X31,TS-NASX86
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