Instruktaż/Tutorial Odzyskiwanie danych - Photorec

Silas Mariusz

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Odzyskiwanie danych - Photorec (wersja 2014-07-07) - Odzyskiwanie usuniętych danych

You probably saw this document before, and may fail to proceed because of “you dont have an accedd to do this” error. I re-edit document and marked them with red, and hope this would help you to save your datas.

What you need:

1) An external USB or eSata drive large enough to hold your deleted data (more on this later) – Or if you have another partition that you can safety write to, this might suffice 2) Download and decompress on your PC/Mac etc. “Linux, kernel 2.6.x i386/x86_64 “ fromTestDisk Download - CGSecurity

A couple of important notes:

1) Stop using your NAS NOW! The more files that get written to your NAS, the more files you will NOT be able to undelete. This includes even the log files that the NAS generates. I’d recommend turning off all services, applications and protocols except for the basic minimum (SMB, AFP etc.)

2) You MUST copy your undeleted files to the external USB/eSata drive. This program does not “undelete” like Microsoft where it restores the file where it sits, it literally re-writes the new “recovered” file – and thereby will overwrite the files you are trying to undelete.

3) Testdisk vs. Photorec : My partition was in tact and my goal was to recover deleted files only. In this case I’d strongly recommend using PhotoRec vs. Testdisk. Ignore the filename, as PhotoRec recovers MUCH MORE than just photos. If you are recovering from a deleted or corrupt partition – use Testdisk. Much of these instructions would also apply to Testdisk, although the specifics would change. The scope of this HOWTO is to undelete files using PhotoRec
Disclaimer: Obviously this isn’t supported by QNAP – although if you ENSURE you recover your files to another partition or external drive, this process is also non-destructive to your existing partition as it only reads from your existing partition/hard drive.


STEP 1 – Plug in your external drive, format it (EXT3 or 4). Copy the uncompress TESTDISK/PHOTOREC files into “Public” folder on your Qnap, not to your external drive

STEP 2 – SSH/Telnet into your NAS, and find your way to the directory in which PhotoRec resides.
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  1. uncompress