Download PodCastGenerator (Apache74)


29 Kwiecień 2013
1 290

Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: PodCastGenerator (Apache74)

PodCastGenerator an Open Source Podcast Publishing Solution since 2006

Podcast Generator (PG) is an open source Content Management System written in PHP and specifically designed for podcast publishing. It provides the user with the tools to easily manage all of the aspects related to the publication of a podcast, from the upload of episodes to its submission to the main podcast directories, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.

Click & Go

PG has very little server requirements, as a matter of fact, it works in any web host with PHP support. The user’s data is stored in XML format, hence no MySQL DB is needed. PG can be installed in a less than a minute through a 3-step setup wizard. In most of the cases a manual installation is not even necessary, as PG is offered as a preinstalled package by some of the biggest hosting and NAS service providers worldwide (e.g. PG is part of the Softaculous bundle, available to millions of users through the control panel provided with their hosting plan).

Power and Simplicity

Publishing an episode using PG is as simple as uploading a file through the web browser "as if it was a webmail attachment" (try the demo out!). PG automatically generates or updates a W3C-compliant RSS podcast feed and produces a dynamic website that includes a list of the most recent podcasts, a podcast archive and a streaming media player. In this way not only are podcast episodes available via RSS, but also through the website, thus gaining an increased discoverability and visibility in search engines. To do so, PG fully implements the sharing capabilities of some among the most popular social networks (Facebook, Google+ and Twitter) and adopts SEO techniques such as permalinks and open graph meta tags.

Newbie-proof technology

Through PG’s admin interface, the user can upload new episodes or edit existing ones, manage categories and customize all the details of the podcast feed, including – but not limited to – title, description, cover image, author and language. PG automatically performs a preprocessing of the input from the user to avoid the most common formatting errors (e.g. non-alphanumeric characters in filenames, html entities conversion, etc.), thus ensuring the podcast interoperability and compatibility with the widest range of clients.


A number of extra features is offered to more advanced users. PG adopts a tailor-made theme engine that allows the customization of the graphical appearance with new skins or the integration with existing websites.

PG also provides the means to manually upload one or more episodes via (s)FTP and easily include them in the podcast feed from the admin area (called the “FTP Feature”). This allows for the upload of multiple files at once without the need to postprocess the episodes individually, since title, author and other details are extracted directly from the embedded ID3 tags.

Apple Friendly

The RSS feed generated by PG includes full support for Apple-specific tags such as long description of the episodes, keywords, content rating, iTunes category and cover art. The episodes can be optionally organized into thematic categories, each of which features its own separate feed.

Open Source

PG is free and open source. It is released under the GNU/GPL license, it adopts GNU gettext to handle localizations and is currently available in several languages. The translations are autonomously managed by a community of volunteers.


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Modele: TS-XA28A,TS-X41,TS-NASX86 64bits

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