[QPKG] Asterisk x19 & x86

Silas Mariusz

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5 Kwiecień 2008
10 214
2 330
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Hi Gang,

I needed a newer version of asterisk for another QPKG that I am working on so didn't plan to bundle this one as a QPKG in the first place but then I said why not :).

QPKG Version information
Version - release date 03/06/2011

Install instructions

*Note: This package is not meant to be used as an upgrade for the previous QPKG so back up your custom settings and uninstall it before proceeding with the installer.

It's going to be a 2 stage process, login via SSH or Telnet and do:
# For ARM x19 platforms
cd /share/Public
wget http://db.tt/0FHfPAi
# For x86 platforms
cd /share/Public
wget http://db.tt/EKKOluY
*Note: The downloaded bundles will need to stay in Public folder and do not change their name or the installer will not unzip them and copy the content to the correct folder.

Next download the QPKG from here (the qkpg can be used on both platforms) and install it. It will take a while to install it so be patient.

When finished you will need to open your favorite browser and navigate to http://NAS_IP_ADDRESS/ams and do the AMS install there.
This QPKG comes with a new web interface, which is called AMS developed by Nickolay Shestakov. Is a pretty simple to use interface but pretty powerful. You will be able to add users, check asterisk status, use the Asterisk CLI and much more ...

Back to the installing process, you will need to create a new database directly from the AMS installer and setup the AMS admin password. If you press the second check button (top to bottom) and you see a message about not being writable don't worry about it. After you finish with the AMS setup and you navigate to the AMS first page, login into AMS and check the box next to Use DB parameters as in AMS and save.

Next, go back to the NAS web interface and enable the QPKG. This should start asterisk and you can use the test extensions created.

In order to make things easier to test this QPKG, there are 2 extensions already configured, so this package can be used directly on the LAN, if you want to connect and use it from outside the LAN you will need to setup the NAT option in Asterisk, I think :).
The extensions are: 300 and 400. The extension numbers are the username and the password, the codec allowed is ulaw.

The asterisk startup script has a few more options, that can be useful when troubleshooting, and those options are cli and verbose so if you are having a problem with asterisk you can start it like this:
 # for single drives setup
/share/HDA_DATA/.qpkg/Asterisk/asterisk.sh verbose
# for RAID setup
/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Asterisk/asterisk.sh verbose
# *** it's okay to press CTRL+C to detach from asterisk when it finishes starting ***
In order to use the cli option just replace verbose with cli and you will be connected to the Asterisk CLI interface.

The superuser for asterisk is admin with password admin. Make sure to change this a.s.a.p. you can do that using the AMS interface.

I would also like to thank Nickolay for his time and for helping me when troubleshooting asterisk. He promised to be around in case there are questions about his web interface, so don't be shy to post your questions/issues/ideas.

I hope I didn't forget to mention something :mrgreen: , feedback or issues post them below and will try to help as much as possible.
