Pomoc rtorrent-QNAP 0.9.2-0513 - Trouble with Advanced Frontend UI


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14 Sierpień 2014
TS-x59 Pro+
1 GbE

i have some trouble with my rtorrent-installation on my nas QNAP 559 Pro+.

I use Silas-rtorrent package now since 32 years and im am happy with these great package.

But now i habe trouble running the webgui. the log window tells me:
[06.09.2014 10:59:43] WebUI started.
[06.09.2014 10:59:44] Bad response from server: (500 [error,list]) <!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if IE 9]> <html class="no-js ie9 ie" lang="en"> <![endif]--> <!--[if gt IE 9]><!--> <html class="no-js" lang="en"> <!--<![endif]--> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Error 500</title> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- CSS styles --> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/qpxinclude/css/organon-red.css'> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.gif"> <!-- JS Libs --> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="/qpxinclude/js/libs/jquery.js"><\/script>')</script> <script src="/qpxinclude/js/libs/modernizr.js"></script> <script src="/qpxinclude/js/libs/selectivizr.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ // Tooltips $('[title]').tooltip({ placement: 'top' }); }); </script> </head> <body class="error-page"> <!-- Error page container --> <section class="error-container"> <h1>500</h1> <p class="description">Oops! Server error...</p> <p>Sorry, it appears there has been an internal server error with the page you've requested If the problem persists, please contact our support at <a href="mailto:dev@qnapclub.pl">dev@qnapclub.pl</a>.</p> <a href="/" class="btn btn-alt btn-primary btn-large" title="Back to Homepage">Back to Homepage</a> </section> <!-- /Error page container --> <!-- Bootstrap scripts --> <script src="/qpxinclude/js/bootstrap/bootstrap-tooltip.js"></script> </body> </html>
[06.09.2014 10:59:45] FILE MANAGER ignited

whats the problem?
Schnappschuss (2014-09-06 11.22.56).png
Schnappschuss (2014-09-06 11.22.32).png
I use Silas-rtorrent package now since 32 years and im am happy with these great package.
Even there is a ~1.5k installas each month I hear feedbacks or ratings reviews very often (Once installed noone gets back for updates or rate it :|)
So it is always pleasure for me to hear.

whats the problem?
Looks like it is a known problem but not with rtorrent...
Let me guess..
Are you Google Chrome browser user?
Do I'm right?

If yes so, then this bug should be fixed 2 months ago by Google, so try removing browser's cache or fully reinstall Chrome and take a try again. (FYI: Google fucked up something with js and css files delivered dynamically by php are recognized as raw html mime-type files.)

But... if that problem occurs on other browsers too, then try disabling AdBlock software or findout what's blocking jquery requests to http://NAS_IP:6009/RPC2 mountpoint. But as I can see the light-weight frontend works fine...

So it's a Chrome. Yes? :)