TS-x10 Pro/Std Beta FW (Version 3.2.1 Build 0104)

Silas Mariusz

rm -rf /
Help us, GOD!
5 Kwiecień 2008
10 248
2 463
Nowy Sącz
1 GbE
beta Firmware v3.2.1 Build0104

[Before Getting Started]
- It's highly suggested that you should back up all the data before applying this update.
- If you found the UI is incomplete/incorrect, please try to clear the browser's cache first and then refresh current page.
- Remeber to clear the browser cache & cookies after firmware upgrade.

[Version & Build]

v3.2.1 Build0104

TS-110: 3499035266
TS-210: 1114682886
TS-410: 467042452
TS-410U: 2699911643

[What's New?]
-Web File Manager 2
* Brand new user interface with best use experience
* Supports file compression (zip) /decompression (7z, gzip, gz, zip, bzip2, bz2, tar, rar, tgz)
* Supports file searching
* Supports drag-n-drop: moving file & folder within NAS
* Multiple files uploading /downloading
* Upload: up to 128 files at a time
* Download: auto-compress selected files into one zip file

-Apple Time Machine Support
-WebDAV Support
-IPv6 Support
-DFS (Share Folder Aggregation)
-Cloud Storage Backup (Amazon S3)
-Real-time Function Search
-Import User List
-Language Support: Dutch & Czech

-Remote Replication Enhancement
*Displays task percentage and estimated remain time
*Manual start/stop for replication jobs
*Enhanced error log message

-Surveillance Station Enhancement
* Supports Windows 64-bit OS (XP, Vista)
* Supports Y-cam

-Date & Time Enhancement
* Customized datetime formate
* Daylight Saving Time (DST) support with customizable DST

-UPnP Media Server – TwonkyMedia Server v5.1 (5.1.2)
-Password Strength Checker
-Support SNMP v3
-HTTPS for both Web Administration & Web Server
-Better NTFS External HDD Support (More stable and faster)
-Component Upgrade
* Samba: 3.3.9
* OpenSSL: 0.9.8e
* Apache: 2.2.14
* MySQL: 5.1.36
* PHP: 5.2.11

-Web Administration page layout can be remembered
-Provides the Write Cache option for EXT4
-PHP supports LDAP module

-[WebDAV] Ubuntu 9.04 or earlier versions might not be able to use WebDAV through GNOME. (works in 9.10)

[Major Bug Fixing]
-Fixes iSCSI processes in some situations may consume nearly 100% CPU resource and cause reboot or shutdown to fail
-Fixes copying using Windows Explorer may cause NAS system unstable in conjunction with EXT4 file system

[Known Issues]
- Remote Replication and Synchronized backup jobs can fail in some conditions
- Cannot access new shares via Samba if the user name contains spaces
- Surveillance Station is not compatible with 64-bit Windows 7 operating system
- USB external drives cannot be recognized after reboot. Must manually reconnect the USB drives.
- Enabling Jumbo Frame on both PC and NAS will cause NAS http browsing to fail




Zainstalowałem ten firmware ale nie wiem dlaczego nie działa mi webowy manager plików, wywala mi komunikat "..requested resources not found on this server"
Czy coś jest nie tak? Jak wgrałem poprzedni firmware to działa a jak ten to nie?

I jeszcze jedno, zauważyłem że mimo że mam wyłączone wszystkie usługi poza siecią windows i web manager to pokazuje mi wolną pamięć około 180 MB z 256?
Czy to może błąd firmware?

OK, nie działa pod chrome a pod explorerem działa (web manager).
- If you found the UI is incomplete/incorrect, please try to clear the browser's cache first and then refresh current page.
- Remeber to clear the browser cache & cookies after firmware upgrade.

Nalezy wyczyscic cache i cookiesy w przegladarce.