
  1. Silas Mariusz

    Rtorrent-Pro [x86_64] 0.9.9-0037

    Rtorrent-Pro (Intel/AMD only) Faster, safer and smarter! NOW 99% DISCOUNT Time to say "Goodbye uTorrent" and move on to QNAP NAS For anyone looking for an alternative to μTorrent® (uTorrent) on PC that looks similar but lacks the bloat, rtorrent-Pro has a lot to offer. rtorrent-Pro is...
  2. mabroze

    Help How to verify BT/DHT port forwarding is set up correctly?

    When it comes to configuring a torrent client, I always like to verify NAT and port forwarding are set up correctly, as download and upload speeds suffer if it's not. I did not find an obvious way to verify this from within the rtorrent-Pro UI, nor did I find any information on this forum (tho I...
  3. Silas Mariusz

    Warning log DHT default port 6881 is already in use. Perhaps an another downloader is already running ...

    Symptoms: Get warning message in system Events log during start of rtorrent-Pro: Cause Warning notification: DHT service is unable to start Resolution: Please change DHT port to next available. Optional: Uninstall Download Station or other torrent downloader.
  4. Iceman_jkh

    Help Downloads only work for a few minutes each restart

    Hi, Can you please help me fix the following 2 issues I am getting with rTorrent: I receive the following warning "(warn) rtorrent: watchdog svc: rtorrent is down. Relaunching..." Sometimes it occurs every minute. Sometimes it doesn't occur for a day or two. I turned off DHT but I mostly use...