Pomoc avidemux docker jobs problem

Brak możliwości dodawania odpowiedzi.


Entry Technician
Q Associate
2 Lipiec 2014
1 GbE
Po zainstalowaniu przez dockera avidemux, dziala jego interfejs przez przegladarke ale nie moge uzywac jobs i nastepnie puscic wszystkie zeby robily sie w tle. Znalazlem info o komendzie ktora powinna je odpalac:

docker exec avidemux env HOME=/config s6-setuidgid app /usr/bin/avidemux3_jobs_qt5
ale dostaje tylko takie info:
env: can't execute 's6-setuidgid': No such file or directory

Nigdzie nie moge znalezc narzedzi s6 ani w entware ani na forum qclub. Czy mozna to jakos odpalic przy uzyciu innej komendy niz s6-setuidgid?
ok problem rozwiazany, autor softu odezwal sie po aktualizacji do avidemux 2.8.1
aby odpalic okienko z zadaniami (jobs) nalezy wpisac w ssh
docker exec -ti <container name> sh
i potem
su-exec app env HOME=/config avidemux3_jobs_qt5

otwiera sie w UI okienko z pracami ktore mozna wykonac lub edytowac
Temat do zamkniecia
znaczy wiecej info

docker cli:
docker create \
--name=avidemux \
-e PUID=1000 \
-e PGID=100 \
-e TZ=Europe/Warsaw \
-p 5800:5800 \
-v /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Download/config/avidemux:/config:rw \
-v /share/CACHEDEV3_DATA:/storage:rw \
--restart always \

log z container station przy dodaniu konwersji do job:
[app ] [decoderFFH264] 15:36:49-254 [lavc] Decoder init: AV_CODEC_ID_H264 video decoder initialized! (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10)
[app ] [EditorCache] 15:36:49-254 Video cache instance created at 0x7fd62b6c63b0
[app ] [createBuffers] 15:36:49-254 Added 16 video cache buffers, 16 total.
[app ] [addReferenceVideo] 15:36:49-254 Original frame increment 00:00:00,041 = 41708 us
[app ] [addReferenceVideo] 15:36:49-265 min increment 00:00:00,041 = 41000 us for frame 3
[app ] [addReferenceVideo] 15:36:49-265 max increment 00:00:00,125 = 125000 us for frame 2
[app ] [addReferenceVideo] 15:36:49-266 About 41708 microseconds per frame, 133333 frames
[app ] [addReferenceVideo] 15:36:49-266 The first frame DTS = 0 ms
[app ] [addReferenceVideo] 15:36:49-266 The first frame has a PTS > 0, adjusting to 83 ms
[app ] [updateStartTime] 15:36:49-266 Setting DTS start in ref to 00:00:00,000
[app ] [updateStartTime] 15:36:49-266 New total duration = 01:32:41,180
[app ] [ADM_verifyDts] 15:36:49-266 Verifying DTS....
[app ] [ADM_verifyDts] 15:36:49-266 Checking from 1 to 133333
[app ] [ADM_verifyDts] 15:36:49-274 Pass 2..
[app ] [ADM_verifyDts] 15:36:49-282 DTS verified
[app ] [Editor] B- frame possible with that codec
[app ] [addFile] 15:36:49-282 [Editor] This is H264, check if we can fill missing PTS
[app ] [ADM_setH264MissingPts] 15:36:49-286 We have 0 missing PTS
[app ] [addFile] 15:36:49-286 AVC1 sometimes has invalid timestamps which confuse avidemux, checking
[app ] [seektoTime] 15:36:49-286 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,083
[app ] [seektoTime] 15:36:49-286 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,083
[app ] [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 15:36:49-286 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[app ] [edCache] Flush
[app ] [ADM_FFgetFormat] 15:36:49-317 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[app ] [goToTimeVideo] 15:36:49-370 Seek done, decoded to 83750 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 83750 us
[app ] [checkForValidPts] 15:36:49-370 Checking file for broken PTS...
[app ] [checkForValidPts] 15:36:49-370 Checking 100 frames out of 133333.
[app ] [seektoTime] 15:36:50-903 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,083
[app ] [seektoTime] 15:36:50-903 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,083
[app ] [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 15:36:50-903 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[app ] [edCache] Flush
[app ] [ADM_FFgetFormat] 15:36:50-947 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[app ] [goToTimeVideo] 15:36:50-981 Seek done, decoded to 83750 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 83750 us
[app ] [checkForValidPts] 15:36:50-987 -------- Stats :----------
[app ] [checkForValidPts] 15:36:50-987 nbBFrames:71
[app ] [checkForValidPts] 15:36:50-987 nbPFrames:26
[app ] [checkForValidPts] 15:36:50-987 nbIFrames:3
[app ] [checkForValidPts] 15:36:50-987 nbNoImage:0
[app ] [checkForValidPts] 15:36:50-987 nbPtsgoingBack:0
[app ] [checkForValidPts] 15:36:50-988 -------- /Stats ----------
[app ] [seektoTime] 15:36:50-988 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,083
[app ] [seektoTime] 15:36:50-988 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,083
[app ] [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 15:36:50-988 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[app ] [edCache] Flush
[app ] [ADM_FFgetFormat] 15:36:51-007 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[app ] [goToTimeVideo] 15:36:51-037 Seek done, decoded to 83750 us in ref (00:00:00,000 linear) with segment start at 83750 us
[app ] [checkForDoubledFps] 15:36:51-037 Checking for doubled FPS.., time increment ceiling = 75074
[app ] [checkForDoubledFps] 15:36:51-058 Checking DTS...
[app ] [checkTiming] 15:36:51-060 Good : 1
[app ] [checkTiming] 15:36:51-060 Bad : 133331
[app ] [checkForDoubledFps] 15:36:51-060 Checking sorted PTS...
[app ] [checkTiming] 15:36:51-060 Good : 1
[app ] [checkTiming] 15:36:51-060 Bad : 133331
[app ] [checkForDoubledFps] 15:36:51-060 Cannot halve fps
[app ] [destroy] 15:36:51-061 Destroying preview
[app ] [renderDisplayResize] 15:36:51-061 Render to 1920x1080 zoom=0.5432, old one =0 x 0, zoom=1.0000, renderer=0
[app ] [simpleRender] 15:36:51-062 creating simple render.
[app ] [init] 15:36:51-062 init, simple render. w=1920, h=1080,zoom=0.5432
[app ] [spawnRenderer] 15:36:51-069 simpleRenderer init ok
[app ] [RDR] Resizing to 1043 x 586
[app ] [renderCompleteRedrawRequest] 15:36:51-131 RedrawRequest
[app ] [A_ResetMarkers] 15:36:51-141 Video Total duration : 01:32:41,180 ms
[app ] [setMarkerBPts] 15:36:51-141 Selection's end point set to 01:32:41,180 (5561180624 us)
[app ] [rewind] 15:36:51-155 Rewinding
[app ] [switchToSegment] 15:36:51-155 Trying to switch to seg 0 with startTime in reference pic= 83 ms
[app ] [seektoTime] 15:36:51-155 Seeking to a keyframe at 00:00:00,083
[app ] [seektoTime] 15:36:51-155 Seeking to frame 0 at 00:00:00,083
[app ] [DecodePictureUpToIntra] 15:36:51-155 Decoding up to intra frame 0, ref: 0
[app ] [edCache] Flush
[app ] [ADM_FFgetFormat] 15:36:51-158 Multithreading enabled, skipping hw accel lookup.
[app ] [switchToSegment] 15:36:51-195 Switched ok to segment 0 (dontdecode=0)
[app ] [start] 15:36:51-195 admPreview,starting
[app ] [updateLoaded] 15:36:51-246 conf updated
[app ] [AudioEncoder] Selected copy for index 0, tag 0x0
[app ] [HandleAction] 15:36:59-642 ************ SAVE_QUEUE **************
[app ] [jobInit] 15:36:59-643 Initializing database (/config/.avidemux6/jobs.sql)
[app ] [jobInit] 15:36:59-643 [Jobs] jobs.sql does not exist, creating from default...
[app ] [ADM_jobInitializeDb] 15:36:59-653 Creating database schema...
[app ] [jobInit] 15:36:59-669 Database created
[app ] [ADM_jobCheckVersion] 15:36:59-669 Db version 3, our version 3
[app ] [ADM_jobCheckVersion] 15:36:59-669 Same version, continuing..
[app ] [jobInit] 15:36:59-669 Successfully connected to jobs database..
[app ] Creating dir :/config/.avidemux6/jobs/
[app ] Scripting video streams
[app ] Scripting segments
[app ] Scripting markers
[app ] Scripting post-processing
[app ] Scripting HDR tone mapping config
[app ] Scripting video encoder
[app ] Scripting video filters
[app ] Scripting audio tracks
[app ] Scripting muxer
[app ] [jobShutDown] 15:37:08-199 Shutting down jobs database
[app ] [HandleAction] 15:37:15-152 ************ SAVE_QUEUE **************
[app ] [jobInit] 15:37:15-152 Initializing database (/config/.avidemux6/jobs.sql)
[app ] [ADM_jobCheckVersion] 15:37:15-153 Db version 3, our version 3
[app ] [ADM_jobCheckVersion] 15:37:15-153 Same version, continuing..
[app ] [jobInit] 15:37:15-153 Successfully connected to jobs database..
[app ] [jobShutDown] 15:37:16-801 Shutting down jobs database
[app ] qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 3555, resource id: 2097693, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0

i proba wywolania kolejki jobs
[~] # docker exec avidemux env HOME=/config s6-setuidgid app /usr/bin/avidemux3_jobs_qt5
env: can't execute 's6-setuidgid': No such file or directory

Czy to cos dalo?
ok problem rozwiazany, autor softu odezwal sie po aktualizacji do avidemux 2.8.1
aby odpalic okienko z zadaniami (jobs) nalezy wpisac w ssh
docker exec -ti <container name> sh
i potem
su-exec app env HOME=/config avidemux3_jobs_qt5

otwiera sie w UI okienko z pracami ktore mozna wykonac lub edytowac
Temat do zamkniecia
Brak możliwości dodawania odpowiedzi.

Użytkownicy znaleźli tą stronę używając tych słów:

  1. Container Station 3