Download Chia blockchain (CLI)


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29 Kwiecień 2013
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Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: Chia blockchain (CLI)


Chia is a modern cryptocurrency built from scratch, designed to be efficient, decentralized, and secure. Here are some of the features and benefits:

Proof of space and time based consensus which allows anyone to farm with commodity hardware

Very easy to use full node and farmer GUI and cli (thousands of nodes active on mainnet)

Simplified UTXO based transaction model, with small on chain state

Lisp-style turing complete functional programming language for money related use cases

BLS keys and aggregate signatures (only one signature per block)

Pooling protocol (in development) that allows farmers to have control of making blocks

Support for light clients with fast, objective syncing

A growing community of farmers and developers around the world

Please check out the wiki and FAQ for information on this project.

If you are behind a NAT, it can be difficult for peers outside your subnet to reach you when they start up. You can enable UPnP on your router or add a NAT (for IPv4 but not IPv6) and firewall rules to allow TCP port 8444 access to your peer. These methods tend to be router make/model specific.

Most users should only install harvesters, farmers, plotter, full nodes, and wallets. Building Timelords and VDFs is for sophisticated users, in most environments. Chia Network and additional volunteers are running sufficient Timelords for consensus.


all chia command line added to NAS $PATH

CHIA_ROOT export in QPKG PATH (/opt/CHIA)

Documentation :


Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.


Modele: TS-NASX86 64bits

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