Dear QNAP, Thank you for updating my HS-251 to...

Dear QNAP, Thank you for updating my HS-251 to some fucked up who the fuck knows what. Now I can't use it as a NAS, I can't use it as a video player, and the rtorrent won't run either. Thanks for being the shittiest way to keep my data safe ever imaginable, I should just take my files and set them on fire rather than entrust them to your shitty ass products. Fuck you all very much.
Hi Sir, we'd love to help you with your NAS. To provide your more accurate assistance, could you submit a ticket to QNAP Helpdesk - Then our tech support agents will contact you. Sorry for the inconvenience occurred to you.
Me too. HD station fail, KODI fail. Multimedia catalog is off and all app is unable to connect. two days to recovery kodi config. DB data fired and nothing works fine. During the reboot this stupid machine fail one disk as missing but diag said OK. bleah.
Dear qnap sir, your tech support was supposed to remote desktop into my computer to fix this this morning. I was stood up and haven't heard from him yet. Shittiest support and firmware update ever.