Pomoc Nie uruchamia się rtorrent [x86] 0.9.2-b0409


Entry Technician
Q Associate
19 Luty 2009
10 GbE
Witam ! Zainstalowałem dzisiejszą wersję rtorrenta, ale w przeglądarce nic nie ma na porcie 6009 (nie można nawiązać połączenia). Program w app center pokazuję jako aktywny. Qnap ts-870pro, firmware 4.06. (poprzednia wersja 0.9.3 odinstalowana z poziomu QTS). Proszę o pomoc. Pozdrawiam
login as: admin
admin@'s password:
[~] # /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh status
(info) rtorrent: ORIGDIR: /root
(info) rtorrent: PROGDIR: /share/50014EE6594B61FA_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: RT_DOWNLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download
(info) rtorrent: process lighttpd pid file not found!
(info) rtorrent: process rtorrent pid file not found!

[~] # /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh stop
(info) rtorrent: ORIGDIR: /root
(info) rtorrent: PROGDIR: /share/50014EE6594B61FA_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: RT_DOWNLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download
(err!) rtorrent: Lock file not found. Stop aborted.

[~] # /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh start
(info) rtorrent: ORIGDIR: /root
(info) rtorrent: PROGDIR: /share/50014EE6594B61FA_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: RT_DOWNLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download
(info) rtorrent: Omitting autotools.dat default paths
(info) rtorrent: Omitting cookies.dat file.
(info) rtorrent: Fix no more PTYs issue ...
(info) rtorrent: Creating link: /usr/bin/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: TZ: Europe/Sarajevo
(info) rtorrent: Port Web: 6009 is available.
(info) rtorrent: Port SecureWeb: 6008 is available.
(info) rtorrent: Port SCGI: 5000 is available.
(err!) rtorrent: Port DHT: 6881 is already in use.

Po ostatniej komendzie bez zmian.
Pewnie tak... Wywinduj DHT rtorrent'a na inny port z przedziału 6881-6889.

Ponadto jeśli miałeś wcześniej zainstalowanego rtorrenta to pewnie została Ci stara struktura katalogów. Dlatego w każdym z katalogów watch, downloads i complete utwórz podkatalogi kategorii - tzw. labele. Np.: mp3, games, movies ...
Jeśli wrzucisz .torrent do katalogu watch/games to zacznie on być pobierany do downloads/games, a następnie podlinkowany lub przeniesiony do complete/games.
Nazwy kategorii możesz sobie wymyślić po swojemu.
Mam ten sam problem. Wersja 0.9.2 - 0715. U mnie na porcie 6009 pracuje chyba lighttpd choć nie wiem go uruchomiło.

[~] # lsof -i:6009
[~] # /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh start
(info) rtorrent: ORIGDIR: /root
(info) rtorrent: PROGDIR: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: RT_DOWNLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download
(info) rtorrent: Fix no more PTYs issue
(info) rtorrent: Creating link: /usr/bin/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: Creating link: /usr/bin/mc
(info) rtorrent: Creating group: rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: Creating user: rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: TZ: Europe/Sarajevo
(err!) rtorrent: Port Web: 6009 is already in use.

[~] # lsof -i:6009
lighttpd 18984 admin    4u  IPv4  62214      0t0  TCP *:6009 (LISTEN)

Jak zmienić domyślny port rtorrenta na inny, albo łatwo obejść ten problem.
Hi there,

Apologies but I only speak English and hope you can help.

My QNAP will not support firmware 4.3 so this is the last version of torrent I can run. I get a lot of error from it mainly due to monitorix being down, or rtorrent itself is unresponsive.

I thought to remove rutorrent and reinstall, but now I get the error "rtorrent: Port Web: 6009 is already in use".

I stumbled across this thread and ran the three scripts mentioned by Silas.

Is there a fix for this and if so, how? Also, how can I stop torrent being so unresponsive for me?

Thanks :)

* To start using rtorrent-environment you need to run `source /usr/bin/rtorren t/env`

[~] # cd ..
[/] # source /usr/bin/rtorrent/env
[/] # /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh status
(info) rtorrent: ORIGDIR: /
(info) rtorrent: PROGDIR: /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: RT_DOWNLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download
(info) rtorrent: process lighttpd pid file not found!
(info) rtorrent: process rtorrent pid file not found!
[/] # /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh stop
(info) rtorrent: ORIGDIR: /
(info) rtorrent: PROGDIR: /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: RT_DOWNLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download
(info) rtorrent: Lock file not found. Stop aborted.

[/] # /etc/init.d/rtorrent.sh start
(info) rtorrent: ORIGDIR: /
(info) rtorrent: PROGDIR: /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: RT_DOWNLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download
(info) rtorrent: Fix no more PTYs issue
(info) rtorrent: Creating link: /usr/bin/rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: Creating link: /usr/bin/mc
(info) rtorrent: Creating group: rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: Creating user: rtorrent
(info) rtorrent: TZ: Europe/London
send success
(err!) rtorrent: Port Web: 6009 is already in use.
[/] #
[/] # lsof -i:6009
lighttpd 27493 admin 4u IPv4 125150 0t0 TCP *:6009 (LISTEN)
[/] #
Either disable WebDav on QNAP or change port for GUI

Super fast response - thanks.

I killed the PID (before your response), and ran the scripts again - seems to have fixed it :)

How do I stop Monitorix from crashing and torrent being unresponsive so frequently? I'm on a QNAP TS-559 PRO II with 3GB RAM and 2GB of it is thrown at rutorrent.
How do I stop Monitorix from crashing and torrent being unresponsive so frequently?
No idea.

@Silas Mariusz - any hints here ?

Thanks :)

Can't anywhere with it now after changing the settings (increased the RAM allowance and hit "save settings").... removing and reinstalling doesn't help. Apologies if this is not the right forum.

Type Date Time Users Source IP Computer name Content
Warning 2017/01/05 19:27:02 rtorrent localhost (warn) rtorrent: watchdog svc: rtorrent is down. Relaunching...

Stays there not doing anything.

I'll try to run the start script again and see what happens.
Pozwalam sobie odkopac temat, bo mam podobne doswiadczenia ostatnio z rtorrent na moim NASie. Albo lighttpd sie zawiesza notorycznie i mnie odcina od portu albo monitorix sie wysypuje i przy okazji takze rtorrent. Moja wersja b0409, a NAS nie dostanie upgrade'u do 4.3. Zastanawiam sie czy nie zrobic downgrade do poprzedniej wersji, ktora chodzila zdecydowanie stabilniej przez cale tygodnie.
Zastanawiam sie gdzie szukac problemu. Gdzie mozna zmieci numer portu UI rtorrenta z 6009 na jakis innny? Nie wiem, czy to z kolei rozwiaze problem. Czekam na wasze pomysly..


Użytkownicy znaleźli tą stronę używając tych słów:

  1. To start using rtorrent-environment you need to run `source /usr/bin/rtorrent/env`