Pomoc QNAP 453PRO SYSTEM BOTING - try to flash bios


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5 Sierpień 2020
recently my nas has broken and it's showing only SYSTEM BOOTING.
I've contacted the support and went through following steps:

( from How to check for possible hardware faults? )
1.Power off your NAS.
2.Remove all the HDDs from the device, press the power button.(power on NAS without any HDDs)
2.1 Check: LED on the front panel turns on ?
=>No: P1: Can Not Power On
2.2 Check: The NAS sound a short beep ?
=>No: P2: U-BOOT/BIOS Boot Fail
2.3 Check: After 2-4 minutes, the device sound one or three long beeps
=>No: P3: Firmware on Flash/DOM failure
2.4 Check: Connect the device to PC directly and run QNAP Finder. Finder should find the device.
=>No: P4: Network Failure
2.5 Check: Hot-plug the working HDDs then click the details button on QNAP Finder. All the HDDs should be on the list.
=>No: P5: Drive Bay Failure (Note: Make sure the HDDs are on the QNAP HDD compatibility list and working.)

And it looks like I've ended on P2. Qnap offered me the fix for 320USD so I'm not going to do that, but would like to fix it by my way or buy a new one.
I've already tried to remove the keyboard but it is not working so I thinkg that USB is not working at all.
So my next attempt would be to flash bios from SATA disk like described here How to flash BIOS if USB function is disable - QNAPedia but as I'm not windows user I'm asking here if anybody can share some guide for linux/mac.

Thanks in advance
If I remember correctly, I've installed the latest update and then vent on vacation. And when I came back there was only system booting. Unfortunatelly I didn't have some monitoring/notification set up so I don't know the exact reason.

Użytkownicy znaleźli tą stronę używając tych słów:

  1. https://forum.qnap.net.pl/threads/qnap-453pro-system-boting-try-to-flash-bios.29144/
  2. ts-453 bios
  3. booting
  4. BIOS TS-469
  5. ts 453 pro bios
  6. ts-453pro
  7. QNAP TS-453 Pro system booting