[QPKG] Unrealircd (including Anope Services 1.8.6)

Silas Mariusz

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Unrealircd & Anope Services 1.8.6

UnrealIRCd is an Open Source IRC Server. Development of UnrealIRCd began in May of 1999. Unreal was created from the Dreamforge IRCd that was formerly used by the DALnet IRC Network. Over the years, many new and exciting features have been added to Unreal. Anope is a set of IRC Services forked from Epona early 2003 to pick up where Epona had been abandoned. Ever since there have been improvements on quality and functionality of Anope, resulting in the feature rich set of service.

- Channel Half-ops (+h)
- Channel Owners (+q) and Channel Admins (+a)
- Advanced anti-flood and anti-spam systems (such as Spamfilter)
- Advanced banning through 'extended bans'
- Swear filtering (+G)
- Channel linking (+L)
- Hostname cloaking (+x)
- Color blocking and stripping (+c/+S)
- Vhosts
- WebTV Support
- DCCDeny
- Advanced and highly configurable configuration file
- Module support
- Extensive documentation in several languages
- Anope NickServ
- Anope ChanServ
- Anope MemoServ
- Anope OperServ
- Anope BotServ
- Anope HostServ

Download and untar the gzipped tarball below and use the GUI to install your QPKG. At this point do NOT start the service it WILL NOT work out of the box.

The package is NOT configured by default, you will have to edit the unrealircd.conf (in the package root) and QPGK_ROOT/services/bin/services.conf accordingly. Configuring an IRC Daemon and its services are not for the fainthearted. The motto here is READ, READ, READ

After you have configured both configuration files you may start the service using the GUI or by issueing the following command from its package directory in an SSH session;

/etc/init.d/ircd.sh start

You can generate the three required cloak keys for the unrealircd.conf file using;

/etc/init.d/ircd.sh gencloak

[Current Version]
0.6 Beta

[Release notes]
Alpha release. Do not use for production purposes. This package has been released for feedback.


- Fixed 'cannot stat' error on ARM init script and uploaded new package
- Fixed some bugs in options of the init script
- Recompiled ARM/Intel source for new path, will now work on any volume configuration
- Changed method of adding unprivileged user

- Upgraded Anope services to 1.8.6
- Compiled Anope for ARM x19 devices
- Cleaned out most of the overhead

- Expanding the startup options on the launch script (gencloak|version|rehash|mkpasswd|status)
- Fixed the installation script for the QPKG

- Several bugfixes on the ircd init script

- Cleaned up source code from package
- Renamed service daemon from unreal.sh to ircd
- Added restart option
- Added validation for Optware coreutils (required for non priviliged user creation)
- Added icons

Inital Alpha release Do not use for production purposes.
This package has been released for feedback.


Forum Discussion
Official UnrealIRCd documentation
Official Anope documentation

Main location (EU)
Unreal & Anope 1.8.6 build 0.6 (x86 only) / 4.85MB / MD5 File Checksum 17e43cb76ea542defea862e8a25ad1fb
Unreal & Anope 1.8.6 build 0.6 (ARM x19 only) / 4.82MB / MD5 File Checksum 299b0790f4d05b7939674a289a61a2a5

[Remarks & Known Issues]

- The service needs to manually enabled in the Web interface and started after the package has been configured with;

/etc/init.d/ircd start

Please note:
- Make sure you have backups of your configuration and service database files before upgrading
- I will not support server configuration, there is extensive documentation on both daemons
- The irc daemon and service run under a non privileged user (ircd)
- Eggdrop 1.6.19 can be installed via ipkg, using ipkg install eggdrop
Please ensure you run the eggdrop under the created 'eggdrop' user. Configuration can be found in /opt/etc/eggdrop.conf

To do:
- Adding Ziplink and SSL support
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Reakcje: QNAP
Thanks for the update Silas, much appreciated. I know this project is major old, but are you aware of any existing, possibly still in development IRC server based applications for QNAP?

Alternately, do you have any instructions on compiling the source on Windows?

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  1. UnrealIRCd 3.2 anope