Pomoc rtorrent Pro version 0.9.7-A504 unable to update


Entry Technician
Q Associate
9 Maj 2017
1 GbE
I seem to be having an issue trying to update as it keeps failing and Im getting this message.

Type Date Time Users Source IP Computer name Content
Error 2020/05/16 08:07:50 admin localhost [App Center] Failed to download rtorrent-Pro from Qnapclub Store

Im trying to update as I ran into an issue last week where I setup a ratio so it would remove torrents after 5 days, but what it has done is not download any torrents since I assigned the ratio. I had the Min % , Max % , and UL MiB set to 0, the Time was set to 120 and the action was set to remove

Firmware version: Build: 2020/04/08
Model name: QNAP TS-469L
Im trying to update as I ran into an issue last week where I setup a ratio so it would remove torrents after 5 days, but what it has done is not download any torrents since I assigned the ratio.
You dont have to reinstall rtorrent-Pro to revert settings to default, since all advanced settings are stored in Download|Rdownload share.
There are two options to reset ratio settings to default:
  1. Delete ratio.dat file in:
    • Download/rtorrent/settings/users/%LOGIN_USERNAME%/settings/
      or ;
    • Rdownload/settings/users/%LOGIN_USERNAME%/settings/
  2. Click "RESET UI SETTINGS TO DEFAULT" in rtorrent-Pro settings

In my opinion problem with downloading torrents is somewhere else when in mean time you are not able to download package from QNAP Store:
Type Date Time Users Source IP Computer name Content
Error 2020/05/16 08:07:50 admin localhost [App Center] Failed to download rtorrent-Pro from Qnapclub Store

So two things are not downloading?

Are you sure your NAS have connection to the Internet? Are DNS set correctly?

Connect to your NAS by SSH and execute:
curl http://obj.qnapclub.pl/app/net/ip.php
# does it return your Public IP address?

ping google.com
# does it ping google?
to check if your NAS have connection to the internet.
I did not see ratio.dat, could this be because I set i back to No Ratio?.

The NAS is connected to internet as I just did the firmware update and App Updates before trying to update rtorrent.

If i reset to defaults will that effect my setting such as Feeds, RSS Manager Settings I have?


  • SmartSelect_20200516-085534_Qfile.jpg
    188,2 KB · Wyświetleń: 48

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