Help Rtorrent-pro won't open in QTS due to browser error.


Entry Technician
Q Associate
Jan 30, 2016
1 GbE
I click on Rtorrent-pro icon in QTS and new Firefox browser tab opens with error.
The connection was reset.jpg

I've cleared cache, refreshed, disabled Enhanced Tracking Protection, made pop-up exception, updated QTS, and restarted QNAP.
Similar error occurs in Vivaldi and Edge browsers.
Please advise how to fix browser error. Thank you!
Error does not happen on port 6009. Thank you, Silas!
This was not a fresh rtorrent installation. I installed latest rtorrent over an old version from a few years ago.
Then I got a "no connection to rtorrent" message, so I tried restarting using "/etc/init.d/ restart".
I got lots of chown errors, so I restarted QNAP. Now everything's ok.
Thanks again!
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