Pomoc TeamSpeak v3.0.3 FINAL x86 (10th release)

Silas Mariusz

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5 Kwiecień 2008
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TeamSpeak is a proprietary Voice over IP software that allows users to speak on a chat channel with other users, much like a telephone conference call. A TeamSpeak user will often wear a headset with an integrated microphone. Users use the TeamSpeak client software to connect to a TeamSpeak server of their choice, from there they can join chat channels.
The target audience for TeamSpeak is gamers, who can use the software to communicate with other players on the same team of a multiplayer game. Communicating by voice gives a competitive advantage by allowing players to keep their hands on the controls.

This QPKG is for Intel QNAP series ONLY (x39 and x59 series, 509 and 809), as TeamSpeak does not provide binaries that are capable to work with the ARM-cpu. Please do not request for it here, as i simply can't provide for it until TeamSpeak releases an arm based build.

[Installation instructions]
1. Install and enable the TeamSpeak qpkg

The TeamSpeak service will create a TeamSpeak_info.txt file in you Public share. This file will provide you with Server Query Admin Account credentials as well as the ServerAdmin token.

If you have a licence you would like to use with TeamSpeak then simply copy licensekey.dat and serverkey.dat to the Public share of your NAS. Then start or restart (mandatory step) the TeamSpeak instance.

If you are behind a firewall then you will most likely have to forward the following ports:
9987 UDP for Voice
10011 TCP for Query Service
30033 TCP for File Transfer

[Fixed issues]
10th release:
- Update to TeamSpeak v3.0.3

9th release:
- Update to TeamSpeak v3.0.2

8th release:
- Update to TeamSpeak v3.0.1 final

7th release:
- Update to TeamSpeak v3 final
- Fixed the issue some users were having while generating the information file (readlink)
- Packaged using QDK 2.0.1 (you may want to save your configuration before update)

6th release:
- Update to TeamSpeak v3 rc1
- Packaged using QDK 2.0 (you may want to save your configuration before update)

5th release:
- Same as 4th release but built with QDK 1.2.2 to avoid space issue when upgrading (changed location for the saved configuration data during an upgrade)

4th release:
- Allows user to provide licence (thank you Tearlow). See Installations instructions above.

3rd release:
- Service script rewritten from scratch. Service will not be started when NAS boots if ENABLE is FALSE in qpkg.conf.

2nd release:
- TeamSpeak_info.txt file is now going through unix2dos and looks nicer when opened using notepad
- Saving configuration when upgrading

[Known issue]
- No known issue.

[Download link]
TeamSpeak v3.0.3 (x86 only, 32-bit binaries) [~3Mb]
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Reakcje: QNAP

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  1. qnap teamspeak server