TS-409/Pro Official Firmware (Version 2.0.1 Build 0416)

Silas Mariusz

rm -rf /
Help us, GOD!
5 Kwiecień 2008
10 273
2 451
Nowy Sącz
1 GbE
Data wydania:

Rewizja, Build:
2.0.1 Build 0416

Co nowego?
- None

- Obsluga kopii zapasowych Vista Windows Backup tool.

Glowne poprawki:
- BT download tasks occasionally stop at 99.9%.
- Compatibility issue with WD 750GB hard drive.
- After SSL connection is first established when entering the Multimedia Station, users are redirected to normal http connection when returning to the login page.
- The LED flashes red when the disk status is in 'Syncing' mode after configuring the disks to RAID 1 (LED light goes back to normal after system reboot).
- Unable to remove files in AFP-mapped share when Network Recycle Bin is enabled.
- HDD is unable to go to sleep mode.
- NAS is unable to detect the drive after a cold reboot.
- Firefox unable to open Microsoft Office 2007 files from Web File Manager.
- Compatibility issues with TviX HD Player.
- After system reboot, winbindd is unable to get AD user/group in certain network environment.
- AutoCAD file issue in Network Recycle Bin.
- The thumbnail page in Multimedia Station does not show up after refreshing the page sometimes.
- The error code in System Logs when changing Smart Fan configuration.
- Change tmpfs size to 16MB, because 3rd party application "mlnet" (MLDonkey) cannot be run normally.

Download sites:
TS-409 Turbo NAS
Mirror 1: United States
Mirror 2: Taiwan
Mirror 3: Europe

TS-409 Pro Turbo NAS
Mirror 1: United States
Mirror 2: Taiwan
Mirror 3: Europe