TS-409 Pro/Std Official FW (Version 2.1.2 Beta Build 1031)

Silas Mariusz

rm -rf /
Help us, GOD!
Apr 5, 2008
Nowy Sącz
1 GbE
Powstala szybka rewizja ostatniej bety ze względu na to, iż użytkownicy nie mogli zainstalować paczek QPKG.

Wymienione elementy na czerwony są dla wydania 1024, natomiast elementy w kolorze purpurowym są dla wydania 1031
[What's new?]
- Supports 1.5TB hard disks now
- Supports MAC Bonjour service
- Multimedia Station now supports Coolirs (Formerly PicLens)

- Authorized keys will survive after a reboot
- Added option to delete the files/directories when deleting the share.
- Upgrade Twonkymedia to 4.4.9
- Upgrade rsync from v2.6.6 to v3.0.4
- Upload/Install QPKG can now be done via QPKG web page (Was using the 'System Update' page)

- DDNS update function enhancement (Time interval settings added)
- Disable SMART test on Seagate hard drive with firmware version AN05.
- Network recycled bin now only supports file deletion via SAMBA & AFP (Spec. changed)
- Download Station UI component updated to adapt to IE7, IE8, Firefox 3 & Opera
- Download station now supports direct download from Rapidshare or through QRapid
- TS-x09 will now generate its unique FAQ SSH key files when FAQ SSH remote access is enabled at the first time.
- Adding a 'PRO II' string on the bottom of the administration page for identifying TS-109/209 Pro-II models
- Pressing and holding the reset button for 10 seconds will now restore to the default configuration settings.

[Major Bug Fixed]
- Some QPKGs can't be installed /QPKG install failure due to model mismatch. (in build1024)
- DDNS web page becomes blank after updating
- Linksys wvc 200 can't playback
- Formatting the system will make the system name becomes uLinux when Surveillance Station was enabled
- SMART test & schedule can't work after using the Reset function in the web administration page.
- Italian strings cannot show correctlly on DDNS service webpage (in build1024)
- Gatway can be set to x.255.255.x
- Remote Replication failure caused by changing FAQ SSH public key
- [System Restart] webpage does not show "Reconnection countdown"
- [DNS] DNS (IP) addess limitation
- When disable anonymous login in FTP settings, it can still be accessed with the "guest" account.
- [Web File Manager] Percentage exceeds 100% when copying/moving

- Synchronization deletes the existing files on the destination before taking place
- Hide network share does not work if the path was specified manually
- Rsyncd fails to restart after enabling the disk write-cache
- Solved IP address octets can't be configured to '255'
- Remote Replication fails while the destination NAS HDD goes into standby
- SMART Test schedule stops working after clicking on 'Reset' in 'Backup/ Restore/ Reset Settings' and reboots NAS
- Fixed incorrect link the 'FTP' button in Web File Manager
- MySQL & Apache stop running after RAID expansion finished.

- Fixed Surveillance station playback page not working
- NAS still shuts down when power cut on the UPS even though power recovers right after
- Web UI - Multimedia Station directory tree modified to adapt to IE7 and Firefox
- Incorrect default path for FAQ SSH (/usr/local/bin/FAQ SSH instead of /usr/local/bin/FAQ SSH) causing errors in SCP.
- Garbage characters are displayed in telnet
- Using wget (-q) generates garbage files (when installing softwares using 'ipkg install')
- UPS support broken with 'genpowered' process re-launched
- Errors on renaming a share folder name
- Back up to external eSATA drive fails
[Known Issues]
1.5TB hard disk is only supported from build 1024 if you had previously installed these disks you will not be able
to update the system using the 'System Update' option from the administration backend but the finder and only
after a fresh reboot.

[Download Locations]
TS-409 | TS-409 Pro
Po zainstalowaniu tej wersji Qnap odmówił mi ładowania dużych, kilku gigowych plików, twierdząc, że nie mam miejsca na dysku ... Po powrocie do wersji z 20080904 wszystko wróciło do normy.