TS-509 Pro Official FW (Version 2.1.0 Beta Build 1128)

Silas Mariusz

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Help us, GOD!
Apr 5, 2008
Nowy Sącz
1 GbE
We have just released an official update firmware for TS-509 Pro (v2.1.0 Build1128). You will be able to experience a lot of new features and enhancements in the version, please see the release information below for more details.

Release date:

Revision, Build:
2.1.0 Build 1128

[Na początku]
Jeśli używasz wcześniejszą wersje Firmwaru (v2.0.2 build0924 lub starszą) z dyskami 1.5TB na NASie, NIE upgraduj firmware poprzez interfejs Web. Pobierz ostatnią wersje oprogramowania finder z QNAP.com i zaktualizuj oprogramowanie poprzez ten program.

[What's new from v2.0.3]
- Secure Data Protection by AES 256-bit Volume-based Encryption (can be set during Quick Configuration or via LCD System Initialization )
- iSCSI Target with Thin Provisioning
- Support SMS Notification
- Advanced IP Filter & Network Access Protection (Auto-blocking)
- Network Share Status Report
- Import SSL certificate
- Surveillance Station (supports 4 cameras)
- USB & eSATA drives now support multiple partition detection and they have been integrated as a new function (External Storage Device)
- Support PicLens in Multimedia Station
- System Logs support right click menu (can delete a record or block an IP address directly)
- Samba upgrades to 3.2.4
* Support Windows 2008 AD
* Fix access/modified timestamp issue
- Mac Bonjour service (Admin Portal)
- Spec. change: LCD error message + Enhance UI on long press of LCD
- MySQL upgrades from 5.0.51 to 5.0.67
* Fix the known sorting bug in MySQL 5.0.51
- Support FTP write only
- Support Syslog
- Twonky 4.4.9
- "AC power recovery control" in auto power on/off management web page

[Enhancements from v2.0.3]
- UPS support usbhid-ups driver + Standby mode
- Alert notification
- Connection Log
- On-line user (add iSCSI connection)
- Add sender in SMTP configuration function
- Add "delete all data" option in delete network share function
- DDNS now supports customized update time interval
- Disable HDD write-cache if the drive model is Seagate ST31500341AS (1.5 TB) with firmware version SD15, SD17 or SD18

[Bugfixes from v2.0.3]
- [Fix] Disable FTP anonymous login but still can login with "guest" account
- [Fix] Gateway/DNS server can't be set to x.255.255.x
- [Fix] Volume status layout error in firefox
- [Fix] autorun.sh executes twice
- [Fix] Schedule booting sometimes doesn't work if time has been changed

Download sites:
Mirror 1: United States
Mirror 3: Europe
Mirror 2: Taiwan