
  1. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.4 Build 0313 | ARM & x86

    QTS 4.2.4 Build 20170313 [Bug fixes] - Fixed an issue where an error message would appear when the Docker Certificate expired due to users manually setting the time forward. - Fixed an issue where RTRR FTP backup jobs would not accept passwords that contained more than 16 characters. - Fixed...
  2. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.3 Build 0213 | ARM & x86

    QTS 4.2.3 Build 20170213 [Bug fixes] - Fixed an issue where segmentation faults might occur after users enabled UPnP port forwarding when using NAT router. - Fixed an issue where users could not log in to Video Station via its URL with a username that contained the symbol "&". - Fixed an...
  3. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.3 Build 0121 | ARM & x86

    QTS 4.2.3 Build 20170121 [Bug fixes] - Fixed an issue where Qfinder could not display the direct link IP address of the second Mac when users connected two Macs to the NAS via Thunderbolt. - Fixed an issue where users could not select pre-defined domain names when sharing files via emails or...
  4. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Public Beta 2] QTS 4.3.2 Build 0104 | ARM & x86

    QTS Build 20170104 [New feature] - Added support for the linear expansion of static volumes through expansion units. - Added new disk icons in Storage Manager to help distinguish between HDDs and SSDs. - Network & Virtual Switch now provides Basic Mode and Advanced Mode to...
  5. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS Build 1208 | TVS-882ST

    QTS for TVS-882ST [Bug fixes] - Fixed an issue where Snapshot Manager could not obtain the information of snapshots. - Fixed an issue where Music Station would not show media folders added from VJBOD after the NAS rebooted. [Download]...
  6. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.2 Build 1208 | ARM & x86

    QTS 4.2.2 Build 20161208 [Bug fixes] -Fixed an issue where Syslog server would not send notification emails when system errors occured. -Fixed an issue where the upload speed on TS-563 in a 10GbE environment was lower than expected. -Fixed an issue where taking a large number of snapshots...
  7. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Public Beta] QTS 4.3.2 Build 1202 | x86

    QTS 4.3.2 Public Beta [New feature] Security: - Added support for certificates from Let's Encrypt. - Users can now be forced to change their passwords on a regular basis. Help Center: - Enhanced the Help Center UI to provide a better user experience. Notification: - Added a firmware update...
  8. kristo

    Pomoc JRE dla ARM

    Witam, szukam JRE ARM w nowszej wersji niż 8.65.0 najlepiej powyżej 101 ogramowania Firmware: 4.2.2 Model serwera: QNAP TS-231
  9. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.2 Build 1102 | ARM & x86

    QTS 4.2.2 Build 20161102 [Feature] The WebDAV protocol has been removed from File Station remote connection due to usability concern when copying big files. And the original WebDAV connection will be removed after upgraded. [Bug fixes] - Fixed a Linux kernel vulnerability: Dirty COW...
  10. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.2 Build 1021 | ARM & x86 !~ TS-X59/X59U/X39/X39U/X09/TS-269H

    QTS 4.2.2 Build 20161021 [Known issue] Back up - The Container Station folder can only be backed up using Rsync when no containers are running. It is recommended to use the import/export feature in Container Station to back up containers. Container Station - Setup default folder of...
  11. Rysiek_na_Synology

    Pomoc Menager pakietów dla ARM

    Dzień Dobry! Muszę doinstalowywać moduł do Apacha. Mam najprostszy QNAP TS-212P na ARM i jakoś w nim nie widzę [grzebiąc w plikach, z pomocą mc na konsoli] ipkg, OPKG czy QPKG. Szukam w sieci, jest nawet Install Optware IPKG - QNAPedia ale jest tam mowa o QTS3.x a teraz aktualny jest QTS4.2 albo...
  12. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.2 Build 0823 | ARM & x86

    QTS 4.2.2 Build 20160823 [Known issue] Back up - The Container Station folder can only be backed up using Rsync when no containers are running. It is recommended to use the import/export feature in Container Station to back up containers. Container Station - Setup default folder of...
  13. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.2 Build 0812 | ARM & x86

    QTS 4.2.2 Build 20160812 [New feature] Storage management - VJBOD host functions are now supported by the x89, x82, x80, x79, x71, x70, x63, x53, x51, IS-400 Pro series (with firmware 4.2.2. or newer). - NAS models that support Storage Pools and iSCSI service with firmware 4.2.1 (or newer)...
  14. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.1 Build 0601 | ARM & x86 !~ TDS-16489U

    QTS 4.2.1 Build 20160601 [Bug Fixes] - Fixed an issue where Snapshot Manager would get stuck when loading a volume that contains more than 80,000 folders. - Fixed an issue where a NAS would randomly reboot when migrating VMs from one LUN to another in ESXi. - Fixed an issue where users would...
  15. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.1 Build 0419 | ARM & x86 !~ TDS-16489U/X80/X80U

    QTS 4.2.1 Build 20160419 [New Feature] QTS - Added the Virtual Switch function to Network Manager. - Added the "Overview" page for Internet topology settings. Network & Virtual Switch - Both the Virtual Switch application and QTS firmware do not support downgrading. - The system cannot slow...
  16. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.0 Build 0317 | TS-X28

    [Bug Fixes] This release has corrected the following issues: - Fixed an issue where Wake-on-LAN (WOL) would not work. - Service Binding no longer appears on the UI of NAS that do not support that function. - TwonkyMedia DLNA server no longer appears on the UI of NAS that do not support that...
  17. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.0 Build 0311 | ARM & x86

    [Bug Fixes] - Fixed an issue where mSATA and M.2 SSDs were shown using the code name “REXP” in the System Log. - Fixed an issue where multimedia files stored in encrypted folders would disappear after rebooting the NAS. - Fixed an issue where the copy link action would not be available in the...
  18. SiewcaRyżu

    Instruktaż/Tutorial Instalacja UnRAR

    Proces instalacji modułu UnRar jest niezwykle prosty. W AppCenter należy włączyć/zainstalować pakiet OptWare IPKG: Po zainstalowaniu IPKG - należy kliknąć w guzik zaznaczony na zielono - Otwórz. Zostaniemy przekierowani na stronę WWW, gdzie należy zalogować się loginem i hasłem admina...
  19. Silas Mariusz

    Wiedza Sieci VPN

    VPN Virtual Private Network jest prywatną siecią, która używa publicznej sieci (najczęściej Internetu) do łączenia zdalnych punktów i użytkowników. Oprócz wykorzystywania dedykowanych połączeń, takich jak na przykład linie dzierżawione, VPN stosują połączenia internetowe przebiegające od sieci...
  20. Silas Mariusz

    FAQ Debian - Instalacja na platformie ARM Marvell Orion i Kirkwood

    Debian Instalacja oraz opisy Linki do projektu portu Debiana na platformę ARM Orion i Kirkwood Platforma ARM, procesor Marvell Orion QNAP TS-109, TS-209, TS-409 and TS-409U Platforma ARM, procesor Marvell Kirkwood QNAP TS-110, TS-112, TS-119...