Hi everyone :)
I have purchased the rtorrent-pro module and I can see my QNAP is compatible in the description:
Compatible with QNAP NAS models:
- armv7l - ARM processors: TS-x28/x31P/x31P2/x41 and more...
- x86_64 - Intel/AMD64 CPU: TS-x51 and all higher (x53/61/63/70/71/73/77/78/80/82/88...)...
Bawiąc się ostatnio w ustawieniach zauważyłem, że aby działy magnet linki potrzebuje połączenia przez HTTPS, zmieniałem w ustawieniach programu. I nie mogę teraz go odpalić.
Próbowałem deinstalacje samej aplikacji niestety nie przywróciło jej do ustawień default'owych.
Jak teraz to...
Przez ostatnie 6 lat z powodzeniem używałem Transmission 2.84-b26. Szczególnie podobał mi się dodatek Torrentwatch.
Ostatnio (zupełnie niepotrzebnie jak się później okazało) zrobiłem reset systemu. Zrobiłem przywracanie systemu z pliku, ale Transmission już nie działało. Po czym okazało się, że...
QTS build 20200512
[Important Notes]
- For the status of QTS updates and maintenance for your NAS model, visit Product Support Status :: QNAP
- To learn more about NAS models that support the TL-D800C, TL-R1200C-RP, TL-D400S, TL-D800S, TL-D1600S, TL-R400S, TL-R1200S-RP, see the...
Zwiększone bezpieczeństwo systemu
W celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa systemu NAS domyślne hasło konta „admin” to teraz pierwszy adres MAC bez znaków specjalnych. Na przykład: jeśli adres MAC to 11:22:33:44:55:66, domyślnym hasłem będzie 112233445566. Adres MAC można sprawdzić za pośrednictwem...
QTS build 20200109
- QTS 4.3.3 is the final available firmware version for the following NAS models: TS-112P, TAS-168, TAS-268. QNAP will keep releasing security updates for these models until the end of support. For details, see Product Support Status :: QNAP...
[Important Notes]
- For the status of QTS updates and maintenance for your NAS model, visit Product Support Status :: QNAP
- We have fixed the vulnerabilities in the following apps to ensure your data security: Surveillance Station, QVPN Service, Qfiling, Qsync Central, QcalAgent, and IFTTT...
Goog morning,
I buy rTorrent Pro and cannot install it on a Qnap TS-328 NAS. I bought it because the package description literally says:
Compatible with QNAP NAS models:
- armv7l - ARM processors: TS-x28/x31P/x31P2/x41 and more...
- x86_64 - Intel/AMD64 CPU: TS-x51 and all higher...
Are you going to add support for armv7l platform in the new versions which were already released ?
I have TS-231P model and the latest version which I can use is
There are 5 newer versions and all of them doesn't support armv7l.
I need this because my version ( isn't...
QTS Build 20190528 beta
[Important Notes]
- For the status of QTS updates and maintenance for your NAS model, visit Product Support Status :: QNAP
- We have fixed the vulnerabilities in the following apps to ensure your data security: Surveillance Station, QVPN Service, Qfiling...
QTS build 20190425
[Important Notes]
- To learn more about NAS models that support the TR-004U/TR-004/TR-002, see the Compatibility List at Storage Expansion Compatibility - QNAP
- To use a TR-004 external RAID enclosure to expand NAS storage space, the enclosure must have exactly...
QTS build 20190328
[Important Notes]
- To learn more about NAS models that support the TR-004/TR-002, see the Compatibility List at Storage Expansion Compatibility - QNAP
- To use a TR-004 external RAID enclosure to expand NAS storage space, the enclosure must have exactly one...
QTS build 20190316
[Important Notes]
- To learn more about NAS models that support the TR-004/TR-002, see the Compatibility List at Storage Expansion Compatibility - QNAP
- To use a TR-004 external RAID enclosure to expand NAS storage space, the enclosure must have exactly one...
QTS build 20190308
[Important Notes]
- Modified the file download and update settings for the China region.
- To learn more about NAS models that support the TR-004/TR-002, see the Compatibility List at Storage Expansion Compatibility - QNAP
- To use a TR-004/TR-002 external RAID...
QTS build 20190228
[Important Notes]
- Modified the file download and update settings for the China region.
- To learn more about NAS models that support the TR-004/TR-002, see the Compatibility List at Storage Expansion Compatibility - QNAP
- To use a TR-004/TR-002 external RAID...
Mam pewien problem z uruchomieniem Asterisk na niżej wspomnianej platformie.
Posiadam sprawdzoną konfigurację centralki i działa poprawnie także na innym TS219P+ ARM z oprogramowaniem (najnowsze)
Na niżej wymienionym NAS instaluje się poprawnie, uruchamia niby...
QTS build 20181228
[Important Notes]
- To learn more about NAS models that support the TR-004, see the Compatibility List at Storage Expansion Compatibility - QNAP
- To use a TR-004 external RAID enclosure to expand NAS storage space, the enclosure must have exactly one external RAID...
mam pytanie odnośnie dwóch urządzeń, zastanawiam się nad kupnem jednego z nich ale do końca nie mogę się zdecydować
Pierwszy to ts431 na ARM-ie, z tego co widzę jest mała dostępność aplikacji na niego.
Drugi to ts451 na Intelu, tutaj widzę że są takie aplikacje jak VirtualizationStaion...
QTS build 20180907 Public Beta 2
[Important Notes]
- The RADVD service previously did not have an outgoing interface. Please reconfigure the RADVD service after upgrading.
- Due to security concerns, support for "Wi-Fi ad-hoc mode" has been removed.
- This QTS update changes the file...