
  1. DarkSwan

    Help Ii it possible to change dedault download directory in config files

    Hi all, each time that I need to restart rTorrent the default directory is assigned to default path based en rTorrent shared unit and I need to update throught the webUI to assign a new one directory because I have several hard disk and the default shared is the less size. Is there any option to...
  2. O

    Help Reseeding issue

    Hello, thanks for great software! I am the member of one private torrent tracker which allow using only one IP for download. Everything was great at start, but my VPN provider gave me another IP. I managed somehow, so they changed other IP for me. They allow upload no matter of what IP is, so...
  3. LoCrux

    Help rtorrent vs rtorrent-pro -> question

    Hi, I hope I got the right thread here. I've one question to Silas Mariusz.. (post it here as I did not find anything like a PM). First thanks for the great rtorrent job.. Now my question... If I decide to buy the rtorrent-pro QPKG for 10€ does it include future updates (for e.g. 1, 2, 3 ...
  4. W

    VM on the new Qnap tvs-1282 - i7 - 32gb

    Hi All, Firstly I am sorry for re-posting this question, I posted it in "Virtualization of servers and clusters" but i did not get any replies, I believe its because it was the wrong forum. So here i go again I need understanding these VM's on a Qnap. I'm interested in the new Qnap tvs-1282 -...
  5. Shamman

    Help rTorrent - (warn) rtorret: watchdog svc: Lighttpd is down. Relauching...

    Czy ktoś wymyślił już na to jakieś lekarstwo? Do dzisiaj pojawiało się sporadycznie, od czasu do czasu, ale dziś od rana co jakieś 3-4 minuty minuty. Chyba nie taki był zamysł działania tego programu... Miałem najnowszą wersję, wywalało. Wróciłem do wersji 0.9.4-1012, niby stabilnej i wolnej od...