
  1. B

    Pomoc rtorrent installation problem

    Hello, I tried to upgrade to v0.9.9-0037 via app center. Upgrade stucked at 80%, so I canceled the process and removed rtorrent in order to reinstall. I tried to install rtorrent from the app center again with the same result. During installation process I got few warnings, three ordinary...
  2. Kreonium

    Pomoc Warning rtorrent: Update is available: 0.9.8-BB01 (current 0.9.8-BB02). Download update...

    Couple times per day i see this warning: Warning 2022-12-11 16:03:24 rtorrent --- --- --- (warn) rtorrent: Update is available: 0.9.8-BB01 (current 0.9.8-BB02). Download update: https://qnapclub.eu/qpkg/376 Installed version 0.9.8-BB02 Its anything what i can...
  3. S

    Pomoc problem with Quts 5

    Hi, Since i upgraded to quts 5, activity seems very high while doing nothing and causes troubles. The activity of the NAS itself is normal https://ibb.co/r0VHZjV I had no problem with quts 4x I uninstalled rtorrent and reinstalled it but it doesn't help I tried on my 2 NAS (TS-h973x &...
  4. Silas Mariusz

    Ostrzeżenie DHT default port 6881 is already in use. Perhaps an another downloader is already running ...

    Symptoms: Get warning message in system Events log during start of rtorrent-Pro: Cause Warning notification: DHT service is unable to start Resolution: Please change DHT port to next available. Optional: Uninstall Download Station or other torrent downloader.
  5. Silas Mariusz

    Filebot license has expired. Trial full functionality license is automatically renewed for a next...

    Symptoms: Get warning message in system Events log during start of rtorrent-Pro: Cause Only notification: This is notification only suggesting to support FileBot developer and to switch to commercial license. Recommended. Resolution: Buy FileBot commercial license and save received...
  6. RaRe1

    Pomoc (warn) rtorrent: Cannot retrieve current version file...

    <-- Please remind: English only. Don't forget to delete this line when writing post and fill FW version and model name bellow. --> TS-1079 Pro Current firmware version: Date: 2019/03/28 Most of the time i get this warning, basically always): Warning 2019/04/07 20:09:11 rtorrent...
  7. sebastian.wifi

    Pomoc Błąd: Not all files/folders and their attributes are copied!

    Witajcie, Posiadam urządzenie QNAP TS-112P, z którego raz na dobę wykonuję kopię zapasową na dysku zewnętrznym podłączonym przez USB 3.0. Mam ustawione aby na e-mail przychodziły raporty z każdej kopii zapasowej i od niedawna zaczął przychodzić dodatkowy - drugi e-maile. Jeden z informacją o...