Witam, parę dni temu okazało się że mój qnap padł ofiarą ataku ransomware. Wszystkie pliki w katalogu ze zdjęciami udostępnione za pomocą photo station zostały zaszyfrowane. W każdym katalogu znajduje się plik txt o następującej treści:
Jak mogło dojść do tego ataku i jak się przed nimi zabezpieczyć ?
Attention, all your files are encrypted with the AES cbc-128 algorithm!
It's not a virus like WannaCry and others, I hacked your computer,
The encryption key and bitcoin wallet are unique to your computer,
so you are guaranteed to be able to return your files.
But before you pay, you can make sure that I can really decrypt any of your files.
To do this, send me several encrypted files to ann4.orlova.89@yandex.com , diana.portnova.01.11.1987@mail.ru , ann4.orlova.89@Safe-mail.net, a maximum of 5 megabytes each, I will decrypt them
and I will send you back. No more than 5 files. Do not forget to send in the letter bitcoin address 1CsfSsdf3LpuWKEiUFfgzMUEYaTbAkiQAq from this file.
Do not complain about these email addresses, because other people will not be able to decrypt their files!
After that, pay the decryption in the amount of 500$ to the bitcoin address: 1CsfSsdf3LpuWKEiUFfgzMUEYaTbAkiQAq
After payment, send me a letter to ann4.orlova.89@yandex.com , diana.portnova.01.11.1987@mail.ru , ann4.orlova.89@Safe-mail.net with payment notification.
Once payment is confirmed, I will send you a decryption program.
You can pay bitcoins online in many ways:
https://buy.blockexplorer.com/ - payment by bank card
21+ Ways to Buy Bitcoins Online 2018 (Trusted Exchanges)
LocalBitcoins.com: Fastest and easiest way to buy and sell bitcoins
About Bitcoins:
Bitcoin - Wikipedia
If you have any questions, write to me at ann4.orlova.89@yandex.com , diana.portnova.01.11.1987@mail.ru , ann4.orlova.89@Safe-mail.net
As a bonus, I will tell you how hacked your computer is and how to protect it in the future.
Why I started hacking.
I am 45 years old, a year ago I had an accident and became disabled.
Naturally, I lost my only job in my small town.
I am a professional programmer, I can only write programs ..
I tried to find a remote job for a year, but nothing happened.
I have extensive knowledge of modern programming languages and computer science.
I need to feed my family, so I was forced to do hacking.
If I offer remote anonymous work with payment in Bitcoins, I will stop hacking.
Jak mogło dojść do tego ataku i jak się przed nimi zabezpieczyć ?