Hy all,
A while ago I purchased rTorrent Pro for my Qnap NAS and just recently started to use it. So far I love it, especially the Automatic MediaLibrary organizing. But I have just a little modification I want to achieve.
I want to make it more compatible with Sonarr and Radarr so I tried to modify the filebot-postprocess.sh script to include Media quality and source material at the end of the file names after the plex naming. But I cannot figure out the right way to do it.
What I did so far:
For my own excuse I just recently found out about filebot and the amc script and all that jazz, and I tried my best. Although I know its the butchering of the code and probably this is not the right way to do it.
So my problem is that I can not figure out how to include spaces in the name and also, while the current extension works, it messes up the subtitles.
So currently it will do:
Movie-720p-BDRip.mkv and
But I want:
Movie - 720p - BDRip.mkv and
Subtitle -720p - BDRip.language.srt
Can someone point me to the right way to do this? I would be really grateful for some help or advice.
Thanks in advance!
I hope its the right place to ask this, and that I will not get banned for this XD.
Edited: Picture replaced wit thext
A while ago I purchased rTorrent Pro for my Qnap NAS and just recently started to use it. So far I love it, especially the Automatic MediaLibrary organizing. But I have just a little modification I want to achieve.
I want to make it more compatible with Sonarr and Radarr so I tried to modify the filebot-postprocess.sh script to include Media quality and source material at the end of the file names after the plex naming. But I cannot figure out the right way to do it.
What I did so far:
_mvformat_NotWorking="\"./{plex} - {vf} - {source}\""
_added_params="--def movieFormat=${_mvformat} seriesFormat=${_mvformat}"
#_MB_params="--def ${_test}
# now
[ "$_try_fix_kodi_tv_shows" -eq 1 ] && nohup ./filebot-fix_kodi_tvshows.sh >> ${LOG_MEDIALIB} &
__cmd="$_cmd ${_def_script} ${_def_basic_params} ${_def_params} ${_added_params} ${_args}"
echo -e "$NOW - STEP [ 7/xx] - postrun - (exec)\n # $__cmd\n ut_dir=\"${ARG_PATH}\" ut_kind=multi ut_title=\"${ARG_NAME}\" ut_label=\"${ARG_LABEL}\"" | tee -a ${LOG_MEDIALIB}
$__cmd ut_dir="${ARG_PATH}" ut_kind=multi ut_title="${ARG_NAME}" ut_label="${ARG_LABEL}"
For my own excuse I just recently found out about filebot and the amc script and all that jazz, and I tried my best. Although I know its the butchering of the code and probably this is not the right way to do it.
So my problem is that I can not figure out how to include spaces in the name and also, while the current extension works, it messes up the subtitles.
So currently it will do:
Movie-720p-BDRip.mkv and
But I want:
Movie - 720p - BDRip.mkv and
Subtitle -720p - BDRip.language.srt
Can someone point me to the right way to do this? I would be really grateful for some help or advice.
Thanks in advance!
I hope its the right place to ask this, and that I will not get banned for this XD.
Edited: Picture replaced wit thext