Napiszę co wiem,niech mnie ktoś poprawi jeśli źle myślę.
Odświeżałem system(kolejny raz),świeża instalacja rtorrent najnowszego,filebot 5.1.1
Cały rdownload na jednym dysku,ustawione hardlink.
Ściągnięty plik movie widzę w downloads/movie,potem w complete/movie potem w...
Buenas, tengo un problema parecido al (Pomoc - New medialibrary do not process language: Chinese), he intentado responder a ese post, pero el sistema no me deja
Antes funcionaba perfectamente (tenía la versión qnapclub.eu). Cuando compré y actualicé con la versión de este foro comencé a obtener...
After torrent download complete there is an warning in QNAP Events logs:
Or when opening Rtorrent-Pro settings there is red note:
Rtorrent-Pro works fine and nothing is wrong, you may ignore this. However built-in medialibrary feature, says it might be improved very well...
Czy jest możliwość ustawienia rTorrenta w taki sposób, żeby po pobraniu pliku kopiował go do innego katalogu i dalej seed-ował, a to co seed-uje usuwał po zakończeniu?
Czy poniższe ustawienia wystarczą?
1) W autotools ustawiłem ścieżkę dla ukończonych pobierań do właściwego katalogu z...
Chciałem na moim urządzeniu (HS-210) uruchomić serwer DLNA. Mam jednak problem z dodaniem folderów mutimediów. Wchodząc do Panelu sterowania -> Uprawnienia -> Foldery współdzielone zaznaczam na wybranych folderach checkbox folder multimediów. Po zatwierdzeniu i kliknięciu Edytuj, checkbox nie...
I try to remove donwloades (on rtorrent are as hardlinked) files two ways:
- from rtorrent: removing torrent and files: the files continue on NAS, so I have to remove one by one.
- from file station: I remove from donwloaded folder, but stil have to remove one by one from, complete and...
I've installed rutorrent on my QNAP TS251. The thing is that, I download to "complete" folder, this folder is hardlinked to "medialibrary" folder. So medialibrary has classified the downloaded files and are easily visible for Kodi. The thing is that most downloaded files are classified...
Czego jest taki duży rozmiar medialibrary/movies/ około 768GB?
Wersja oprogramowania Firmware: x.x.x Build 20YYMMDD
Model serwera: QNAP TS-251D
Wersja oprogramowania Build 20200817
I was try to disable media library but r-torrent stil copy or make hard linking in Download\rtorrent\medialibrary\Movies
My settings are:
How to stop this?
At the end - how to upgrade r-torrent and keep settings? Each time when I install new versions I have to re-setup program ;-(
How do I remove medialibrary and filebot completely from Rtorrent pro? The java process is taking up 60 - 100% of the CPU on a fresh install and as I understand it, those are the pieces that use java.
Firmware version: Build 20191206
Model name: QNAP TS-451+
I switched from an old Windows box to a QNAP VS-672XT. I purchased the rtorrent-Pro application and I'm amazed at the performance and integration with the QNAP. Should have done this years ago. I have a slightly different setup that I'm hoping to get some help with.
My System Drive in the QNAP...
Hy all,
A while ago I purchased rTorrent Pro for my Qnap NAS and just recently started to use it. So far I love it, especially the Automatic MediaLibrary organizing. But I have just a little modification I want to achieve.
I want to make it more compatible with Sonarr and Radarr so I tried to...
Downloads directories
Understand what are Downloads paths
Download data structure
Understand download directories structure.
Downloading torrent is saved for download and seeding in:
On torrent download completion step, finished torrent data will be...
as said in the instuction, there are three directories
1. / share / Download / rtorrent / download / {label}
2. / share / Download / rtorrent / complete / {label}
3. / share / Download / rtorrent / medialibrary / ...
what's the difference between complete and medialibrary? why not just grab...