Please upgrade rtorrent to 0.9.7-A212, where Flood UI service can be enabled/disabled from the settings.
This will not work anymore!
- Using FAQ SSH please connect to your NAS
- Stop rtorrent-Pro:
Bash:/etc/init.d/ stop
- Change system platform in header of and set
- Display current header:
Bash:head -n 6 /etc/init.d/
Kod:#!/usr/bin/env sh NAME="rtorrent" VERSION=2019.0912.0 PLATFORM=x86_64
- To change
execute that command:
Bash:sed -i /etc/init.d/ -e "s:PLATFORM=x86_64:PLATFORM=x86_64_wo_flood:"
- Check if the new setting was applied correctly:
Bash:head -n 6 /etc/init.d/
- Display current header:
- Start rtorrent-Pro again
Bash:/etc/init.d/ start
This will not work anymore!
Ostatnio edytowane: