Pomoc Issues running rTorrent-pro


Nowy użytkownik
6 Sierpień 2019
1 GbE

New user of rTorrent Pro.
A lot of issues:
- WebUI is reporting : No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file.
- in rTorrent UI cannot start more than 20 torrents
- FloodUI - if more than 1000 torrents are added the following message is given: Bad response from server: (200 [parsererror,recheck]) <pre style='display: block; background-color: #3a3839; border-color: #4d4d4d; margin: 3px; padding: 3px; color: #ffc40d; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset; border: 1px solid #e1e1e8; font-family: Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace; font-size: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px;'> Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0 </pre>

Any ideas?
Please provide log files from logs directory. If there are crashes please upload here crash reports from reports directory.

Please zip those folders.

FYI: Since FloodUI is not popular will not be included in a future.
Połączono posty:

Please provide log files from logs directory. If there are crashes please upload here crash reports from reports directory.

Please zip those folders.

FYI: Since FloodUI is not popular will not be included in a future.
@ Silas Mariusz
I have managed to fix it by removing / installing again (without Flood UI).

Still the initial question remains:
- in rTorrent UI cannot start more than 20 torrents

Hope to get a faster reply ;)
Połączono posty:

@ Silas Mariusz
I have managed to fix it by removing / installing again (without Flood UI).

Still the initial question remains:
- in rTorrent UI cannot start more than 20 torrents

Hope to get a faster reply ;)
Detailed steps:
1. Add Torrent
2. if more than 20 are selected then only 20 are added.
How to fix this?
Please provide more information related to how to:
- import existing completed data to rtorrent using watch folder
- minimize session folder
- automatically seed them
Thanks again!
Połączono posty:

Also there is the following warning:
(warn) rtorrent: Update is available: 0.9.9-0036 (current 0.9.9-0037). Download update: Rtorrent-Pro - MyQNAP

Użytkownicy znaleźli tą stronę używając tych słów:

  1. Rtorrent
  2. $scgi_port
  3. rtorrent-Pro not download
  4. no connection to rtorrent. check if it is really running.
  5. bad response from server
  6. Rdownload
  7. rtorrent rss
  8. r-torrent