Instrukcja Media Library structure (4K/UHD auto detection)

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Silas Mariusz

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Media Library Directories Structure
Understand directories corresponding to the download labels and media content type

What is Media Library?
Media Library is organized structure of downloaded media content which looks good and elegant, compilant with Kodi, Plex and Emby. Automatically postprocess completed movies and tv-shows and make additional library with it, rename its directories, download fanarts, posters, metadata to build elegant-looking compilant with Kodi, Plex, Emby and Windows Explorer collection.

Media Library structure
Understand media library structure.

DirectorySub categoriesParent directory Labelauto 2160p
+-- 4K Anime , Movies , TV Shows any
+-- Adult Anime , Movies , TV Shows adult ❌
+-- --- 4K Anime , Movies , TV Shows adult
+-- Kids Anime , Movies , TV Shows kids ❌
+-- --- 4K Anime , Movies , TV Shows kids
+-- Movies - any ❌
+-- TV Shows - any ❌
+-- Music - any ❌
+-- Unsorted - any -
] ]

Media type detection
Multimedia content is detected from all labels (*except seed label), however, the main labels are: movie, tv, anime and additional categories are kids or adults, which allow additional separated multimedia sorting.

For example, if a movie or series is downloaded, it will be placed in the corresponding Movies or TV Shows directory. If the downloaded show is detected as anime, it will automatically be placed in the Anime directory.

Separating children's films and adult films
However, the above does not apply to movies for children or movies for adults, which will be placed in the corresponding categories of the parent folder labels: kids and adult.

For example, when a children's movie is downloaded and placed in the kids label directory, the recognized movie will be placed instead of in Movies in a separate catalog in Kids/Movies, and if it is a cartoon series then it will be placed in the Kids/TV Shows catalog.

The same applies to the adult movie category in the parent adult label folder. Adult movies will be recognized and placed depending on the type in the Adult/Movies or Adult/TV Shows catalogs.

Ultra-HD - movies and series in 4K
If a 2160p movie, serial or anime is downloaded, it will be placed in their respective catalogs:
  • 4K/Movies
  • 4K/TV Shows
  • 4K/Anime

Movies for children and movies for adults in 4K
A similar scenario is for children's films or adult films. If the parent folder is the kids label, then the recognized 2160p video will be placed instead of Kids/Movies in the Kids/4K/Movies directory. The same goes for movies with the adult label.

*NOTE: Data downloaded within seed parent directory are ignored and not processed by media library.
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