Brak możliwości dodawania odpowiedzi.

Silas Mariusz

rm -rf /
Help us, GOD!
5 Kwiecień 2008
9 849
2 930
Nowy Sącz
1 GbE
Wrong place, create your own topic.
cześć, jestem z niemiec.

Użyj tłumacza Google:

mojego QNAP niestety nie ma na twojej liście, ale mam nadzieję, że powinien obsługiwać rtorrent.


mój błąd to: (err!) rtorrent: aplikacja nie została uruchomiona, ale wykryto wykonanie watchdoga. Proszę zgłosić ten błąd 2230:0.9.8-B801 do opiekuna pakietu

Ale kiedy go uruchamiam, prosi o dane do logowania, nie akceptuje ich tak jak w opisie, co mam zrobić?
Quick question, I have TS-230 (2gb + arm64 RTD1296 4x1.4ghz) and Im running QTS 5

Will this package be compatible?
Silas Mariusz dodał dla Rtorrent-Pro [x86_64] nową aktualizacje:

Major update

This is pre release! Digital Signature might not working correctly on current QTS firmware. This QPKG requires unreleased yet firmware.
- Updated Media Library engine
- Fixed max uploaded torrent size
- Fixed lazy code corrupting hardlinks working properly for media library
- App signed with commercial OV Comodo Signing Certificate (requires unreleased yet QTS firmware; build 0401 and newer)
- Recommended to install Filebot...

Przeczytaj więcej o tej aktualizacji...
Hi Silas, i've purchased your software on 17.01.2019 on the store (i can provide screenshot) but i don't know why it isn't updated on that platform and this forum asked me to purchase again the item. I thought that i've bought an unlimited license, or did i understood wrong?
thanks for your attention
I see only version "rtorrent_0.9.8-B900_x86_64" on store. When can we expect to have BB01 there?
Thank you for clarification. When I went to "buy it" link it requires me to purchase again (which was a life time purchase at qnapstore). This technically means it will be double purchase. Is there any work around?
When I went to "buy it" link it requires me to purchase again (which was a life time purchase at qnapstore)
What a dumb problem - you have it LIFETIME on QNAPCLUB.EU - go THERE AND BOTHER OWNER OF IT !
Our forum is NOT QNAPCLUB.EU

This technically means it will be double purchase.
yeah - I do not wanna pay for gasoline for my car too ...

Is there any work around?

It's n-th time the same discussion is on - one guy f..cked another on money, so other one one shown him middle finger and moved to his own business. The customer is the one, that will pay for service - this how this great world is constructed.

Połączono posty:

i'm pissed .. this topic will be closed.
  • Lubię to
Reakcje: Silas Mariusz
Silas Mariusz dodał dla Rtorrent-Pro [x86_64] nową aktualizacje:

Major update

  • Rtorrent-Pro is Fiber-10G ready
  • can handle maximum download speed 2^20 (10GB)
    Since torrenting allows chunks size to have 512Mb it is recommended for 10GB Fiber links to:
    • make sure your Rdownload disk volume is able to handle long-write 1.2GB/s (NVME disks are recommended)
    • make sure to keep always 20-30% disk free to avoid fragmentation
    • allow rtorrent to use 5GB RAM memory minimum for 10G Fiber links:
      Pokaż załącznik 43072
  • rtorrent...

Przeczytaj więcej o tej aktualizacji...
Brak możliwości dodawania odpowiedzi.

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