Mam problem ze swoim serwerem TS-212 po aktualizacji firmware do wersji 4.0.2.
Proszę o porady ale bez utraty danych.
Po aktualizacji wydawało się wszystko w porządku , oprogramowanie zaktualizowało się,
nowy wygląd itd. , ale zauważyłem że wszystko wolniej pracuje ( w wersji 4.0.1 pracowało lepiej).
W aplikacjach PhotoStation i Musicstation koszmarnie długo ładowały się zdjęcia i foldery z muzyką. To samo w Videostation aż w końcu serwer się "zawieszał". Restartowałem go wiele razy i dalej to samo.
I teraz , pewnie nieźle namieszałem ale przeczytałem na forum żeby zrobić "twardy reset". Tak też zrobiłem. Nie muszę dodawać że potraciłem wszystkie ustawienia kont, użytkowników itd ale ważne ze dane pozostały. Dodatkowo próbowałem wrodzić do starszej wersji 4.0.1 poprzez moduł aktualizacji.
Efekt teraz jest taki, że po włączeniu serwer się uruchamia wszystko pracuje poprawnie ale do czasu, tzn
po około godzinie serwer zaczyna głośniej pracować (wentylator strasznie szumi albo dysk) i nie mogę ponownie się zalogować z QFindera poprzez przeglądarkę (ładowanie strony trwa w nieskończoność) , logowanie przez Putty mam komunikat Cannot create / root/.mc directory ale najlepsze, że poprzez przeglądarkę explorera normalnie się loguję
i widzę strukturę katalogów (mogę kopiować , odtwarzać idt) .
Czy można to jakoś naprawić w wersji nowej 4.0.2 ?
Proszę o pomoc
ps. Dołączę zrzut komunikatów :
Mam problem ze swoim serwerem TS-212 po aktualizacji firmware do wersji 4.0.2.
Proszę o porady ale bez utraty danych.
Po aktualizacji wydawało się wszystko w porządku , oprogramowanie zaktualizowało się,
nowy wygląd itd. , ale zauważyłem że wszystko wolniej pracuje ( w wersji 4.0.1 pracowało lepiej).
W aplikacjach PhotoStation i Musicstation koszmarnie długo ładowały się zdjęcia i foldery z muzyką. To samo w Videostation aż w końcu serwer się "zawieszał". Restartowałem go wiele razy i dalej to samo.
I teraz , pewnie nieźle namieszałem ale przeczytałem na forum żeby zrobić "twardy reset". Tak też zrobiłem. Nie muszę dodawać że potraciłem wszystkie ustawienia kont, użytkowników itd ale ważne ze dane pozostały. Dodatkowo próbowałem wrodzić do starszej wersji 4.0.1 poprzez moduł aktualizacji.
Efekt teraz jest taki, że po włączeniu serwer się uruchamia wszystko pracuje poprawnie ale do czasu, tzn
po około godzinie serwer zaczyna głośniej pracować (wentylator strasznie szumi albo dysk) i nie mogę ponownie się zalogować z QFindera poprzez przeglądarkę (ładowanie strony trwa w nieskończoność) , logowanie przez Putty mam komunikat Cannot create / root/.mc directory ale najlepsze, że poprzez przeglądarkę explorera normalnie się loguję
i widzę strukturę katalogów (mogę kopiować , odtwarzać idt) .
Czy można to jakoś naprawić w wersji nowej 4.0.2 ?
Proszę o pomoc
ps. Dołączę zrzut komunikatów :
Number,"Type","Date","Time","Users","Source IP","Computer name","Content"
65,"Information","2013-10-02","21:10:25","System","","localhost","myQNAPcloud CloudLink cannot start, error code: [-41]"
64,"Information","2013-10-02","21:10:08","System","","localhost","myQNAPcloud CloudLink cannot start, error code: [-41]"
63,"Information","2013-10-02","21:08:36","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Media Library Server started."
62,"Warning","2013-10-02","21:07:51","System","","localhost","[Single Disk Volume: Drive 1] The file system is not clean. It is suggested that you go to [Storage Manager] to run "Check File System"."
61,"Information","2013-10-02","21:07:39","System","","localhost","System started."
60,"Warning","2013-10-02","21:07:38","System","","localhost","The system was not shut down properly last time."
59,"Information","2013-09-27","06:54:24","System","","localhost","System started."
58,"Error","2013-09-25","20:15:39","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/tmp/wireless_status], section = [], field = [status], value = []) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
57,"Error","2013-09-25","20:15:39","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/wireless.conf], section = [], field = [status], value = [0]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
56,"Information","2013-09-25","20:15:28","System","","localhost","System was shut down on Wed Sep 25 20:15:28 CEST 2013."
55,"Error","2013-09-25","20:15:28","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/tmp/wireless_status], section = [], field = [status], value = []) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
54,"Error","2013-09-25","20:15:27","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/wireless.conf], section = [], field = [status], value = [0]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
53,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:46","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/default_config/uLinux.conf], section = [QWEB], field = [PHP_ZEND_SUPPORT], value = [FALSE]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
52,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:30","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/var/.application.conf], section = [PhotoStation], field = [Enable], value = [FALSE]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
51,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:26","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/var/.application.conf], section = [MusicStation], field = [Enable], value = [FALSE]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
50,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:26","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/var/.application.conf], section = [MultimediaStation], field = [USBSound], value = [TRUE]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
49,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:21","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/def_share.info], section = [SHARE_DEF], field = [defVolMP], value = [/share/HDA_DATA]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
48,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:04","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/uLinux.conf], section = [BTDownload], field = [addonEnable], value = [TRUE]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
47,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:03","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/uLinux.conf], section = [TFTP Server], field = [Allowed mode], value = [0]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
46,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:03","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/uLinux.conf], section = [TFTP Server], field = [Log Subfolder], value = []) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
45,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:02","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/uLinux.conf], section = [TFTP Server], field = [Log Folder], value = [Public]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
44,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:02","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/def_share.info], section = [SHARE_DEF], field = [defVolMP], value = [/share/HDA_DATA]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
43,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:02","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/uLinux.conf], section = [TFTP Server], field = [Root Subfolder], value = []) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
42,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:01","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/uLinux.conf], section = [TFTP Server], field = [Root Folder], value = [Public]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
41,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:01","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/uLinux.conf], section = [TFTP Server], field = [PORT], value = [69]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
40,"Error","2013-09-25","20:14:01","System","","localhost","The system is unable to save your settings (file = [/etc/config/uLinux.conf], section = [TFTP Server], field = [Enable], value = [FALSE]) due to insufficient ramdisk space. If restarting the server does not solve the problem please contact support for further assistance."
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