Pomoc TS-X53B / TS-X53Be uwalony BIOS błędną metodą aktualizacji lub wsadem


System Engineer
Q Specialist
14 Wrzesień 2018
1 GbE
Zrobiłem upgrade biosu. Niby wszystko przebiegło normalnie a teraz mam "System Booting".
Co mnie podkusiło z tym update to nie wiem :/

Thank you very much ! My NAS is working again after following your advise. :thumbs-up:

Hi, kibkib. Can you write something more that you mentioned? U2? ZSAO 698 A199. Something else?
I have a TS-453B and it acts like yours - the red LED blinking, not passing the POS, no beep, no display. It stopped working by itself. For now, I would like to check the problem from the power supply. 100 Ohm resistor on the LPC connector does nothing.
My mail piotrek_ix@o2.pl
Hi, kibkib. Can you write something more that you mentioned? U2? ZSAO 698 A199. Something else?
I have a TS-453B and it acts like yours - the red LED blinking, not passing the POS, no beep, no display. It stopped working by itself. For now, I would like to check the problem from the power supply. 100 Ohm resistor on the LPC connector does nothing.
My mail piotrek_ix@o2.pl

Hi, just write to Gregorz (george2002@tlen.pl), he will help you, it's not fixable by the 100ohm resistor.
Thank you. I understand that Mr. Gregorz repaired your QNAP. I thought you did it yourself and you know what exactly to replace. :)

I repaired myself based on Gregorz's advice. I just don't want to share the solution myself, the credit goes to Gregorz, he spent hours finding the real cause. Also, it is not easy to buy the necessary component and it was really difficult to replace the component, I had to use BGA machine eventually, so if you are from Poland I would recommend to send the device to Gregorz for repair.

Użytkownicy znaleźli tą stronę używając tych słów:

  1. 453b
  2. george2002
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  5. [How To] Recover no beep / dead Intel based Qnap x53/x51 (2014~2016?)
  6. ts-453b
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  8. TS-X53B
  9. ts-453pro bios
  10. https://forum.qnap.net.pl/threads/ts-x53b-ts-x53be-uwalony-bios-b%C5%82%C4%99dn%C4%85-metod%C4%85-aktualizacji-lub-wsadem.25085/
  11. ts-453b red light