
  1. DarkSwan

    Help Ii it possible to change dedault download directory in config files

    Hi all, each time that I need to restart rTorrent the default directory is assigned to default path based en rTorrent shared unit and I need to update throught the webUI to assign a new one directory because I have several hard disk and the default shared is the less size. Is there any option to...
  2. WallyDream

    Help How to change the Theme

    Hello I have updated to V0.9.8 and evrything is going well But my theme for Advanced UI is black ^^ How can I change to get it white like before ? Thanks Firmware version: 0.9.8 Build 20210302 Model name: QNAP TVS-871
  3. lfsantarelli

    Help Added a second Drive and need to change paths for new torrents

    Hi, Just aquired a second drive for my NAS and I'm having trouble to change the paths for new torrents. I've already managed to change the default download and complete folders after a lot of tries. The GUI version on the Advanced interface seems to not be saving the change on the download...
  4. QNAP

    Download TerraForm CLI

    Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: TerraForm CLI Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code...
  5. W

    Help medialibrary location change

    I switched from an old Windows box to a QNAP VS-672XT. I purchased the rtorrent-Pro application and I'm amazed at the performance and integration with the QNAP. Should have done this years ago. I have a slightly different setup that I'm hoping to get some help with. My System Drive in the QNAP...
  6. kolinek77

    Help Malware Remover: Removed high-risk malware. Change all user account passwords immediately

    Witam, Dziś na kilku (trzech) QNAPach podczas skanowania pojawił się poniższy komunikat: [Malware Remover] Removed high-risk malware. Change all user account passwords immediately, update QTS and all applications to the latest versions, and restart the NAS. Tylko na jednym był dostęp z zew...
  7. Silas Mariusz

    Network Share How-To change downloaded data path to another disk volume

    In stock QNAP's applications a default Download share is used to save downloaded data from the Internet. Download share location is always static and only on the first initiated disk volume. In the default configuration, Rtorrent also uses the Download network share. ..., you can specify a...
  8. M

    Help Download location

    Is there anyway to change the download location? The front page setting is non-editable. The rtorrent setting is editable but it changes back after every rtorrent startup.
  9. perillas

    Help duplicates when change default download folder

    Hi, When I changed default download folder to another, when I download anything appears two copies one in the default folder and other in the configured folder. Thank you
  10. Silas Mariusz

    How-To Change forum navigation language to English

    To switch forum navigation language to english, please do this: Scroll to the bottom of the page On the dark gray footer bar click the globe icon... Then choose English (US) from the list: Done!
  11. Chiefy

    Help Rtorrent - cannot change port above 49192 ?? - Also Cant connect with sickrage/sickbeard

    Firmware Version : Build 4.3.3 Model Serwer : QNAP TS-453A Hi there, I have just switched to Rtorrent after upgrading to QTS 4.3.3 as I have used it lots on my seedbox but could never get it to work before now.. However after I have installed, its running fine as far as I can tell, but I was...
  12. LoCrux

    Help rtorrent -> Default login credentials

    Wersja oprogramowania Firmware: 4.2.0 Build 2016/03/11 Model serwera: QNAP TS-543 Pro I'm a newbie to my new QNAP NAS (bought it a few weeks ago). Can some one tell me hot to change the default login credentials for rtorrent? Thanks
  13. Silas Mariusz

    Zmiana MAC adresu w serwerach QNAP NAS

    MAC address modification (Wersja angielska) # ARM-based NAS http://ip:8080/cgi-bin/hwtest/hwtest.cgi?func=main or http://ip:8080/cgi-bin/hwtest/hwtest.cgi?func=hw_pro # NMP-1000 http://ip/cgi-bin/hwtest/hwtest.cgi?func=main # Intel x86 D410/D510 NAS...
  14. Silas Mariusz

    How-To Zmiana MAC adresu w serwerach QNAP NAS

    Silas Mariusz opublikował nowe elementy w zasobach: Zmiana MAC adresu w serwerach QNAP NAS (wersja 2014-07-07) - Przeprogramowywanie adresu MAC Czytaj więcej...