
  1. Kreonium

    Help autobrr

    Czy próbował ktoś to razem z rtorrent-pro? Autobrr - MyQNAP
  2. Refrigenerator

    Help TS-230 Problem z dostępem do zasobów samba jako użytkownik

    Cześć! Nie mogę coś ustawić prawidłowego dostępu do zasobów samby jako użytkownik inny niż admin. Z poziomu klienta wołam: smbclient -L -U admin Password for [WORKGROUP\admin]: Sharename Type Comment --------- ---- -------...
  3. U

    Qinspector 1.0

    Qlocker Inspector is qpkg which can scan Malware Remover log to gain the password (if it exists) without support’s help. Feel free to share with customers. Install manually in app center Qlocker Inspector will scan 7z.log If there is no password, system log will show scan complete If exist...
  4. QNAP

    Download Gimme-iPhotos CLI

    Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: Gimme-iPhotos CLI Download media files from iCloud. This tool uses pyicloud to synchronize photos and videos from iCloud to your local machine. Features Downloads media files from iCloud in parallel (might be beneficial on small files and wide...
  5. Tom Wall

    Help Your connection to this site is not private and ask for username and pwd...

    Hi I'm new here. Hit a snag with rtorrent, using Chrome to access from appcenter but get "your connection to this site is not private and ask for username and PWD, I use the "regular" one but no go. All other apps open fine in Chrome but not rtorrent. Do I need to re-install rtorrent and if so...
  6. QNAP

    Download BitWarden SQL

    Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: BitWarden SQL Bitwarden Password Server SQL Version (embbeded MariaDB) Solve your password management problems The easiest and safest way for individuals, teams, and business organizations to store, share, and sync sensitive data YOUR ONLINE...
  7. QNAP

    Download SysPass (Apache73)

    Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: SysPass (Apache73) Systems Password Manager (Apache73 version ) An intuitive, secure and multiuser password manager <img...
  8. QNAP

    Download BitWarden

    Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: BitWarden Password management solution for individuals, teams, and business organizations. Solve your password management problems The easiest and safest way for individuals, teams, and business organizations to store, share, and sync sensitive data...
  9. Eskimo

    Help Can't login to rtorrent again

    Hey I just bought rtorrnt for my qnap and it works okay. Then i uninstalled it, and installed again and now i cant login. i use chrome web browser. I hope your guys can help me please. Firmware version: - 2019/06/26 Model name: QNAP TS-453be
  10. altaroinj

    Help rTorrent-Pro never asks password to connect to Web UI when connect through ReverseProxy on localhost

    Hi all, it seems that with last delivered version (0.9.6-0419) of rTorrent-Pro (which is a great piece of software by the way, thanks Silas ;)), the password is never asked when logging to Web UI. I am currently connecting to rTorrent Web UI using an adress like
  11. Silas Mariusz

    User name and/or Password Reset user credentials - Login/Password to rtorrent-Pro

    Symptoms: Cannot login to rtorrent-Pro Default credentials: Default user name: rtorrent Default password: admin Resolution: Uninstall rtorrent-Pro and install it again to restore credentials to default one. or Connect to your NAS by SSH and execute: /etc/init.d/
  12. Silas Mariusz

    User name and/or Password During install/upgrade get warning: "Default username and password.." or "There is no account set.."

    Symptoms: When installing or upgrading rtorrent get warning from QTS: or ... Default credentials: Default user name: rtorrent Default password: admin Cause This is safety reminder for user to change both user name and password in rtorrent UI settings and also in alternative Flood UI...
  13. roger

    Help SSH Permission denied - HTTP/HTTPS działa bez problemu

    Cześć Wszystkim, postanowiłem opisać tutaj mój problem gdyż póki co żadna z magicznych sztuczek nie pomogła :/ Ok, także mamy mojego wrednego QNAP'a. Niema problemu wbić się na niego po HTTP / HTTPS, czy to z przeglądarki czy z Q-Apki. Natomiast jeśli chcemy się zalogować po SSH, tutaj...
  14. woelrutie

    Help rtorrent 0.9.6-b1226 Default Password not Working

    I just installed the latest version of rtorrent and I could not log in using the default username and password. Username: rtorrent Password: admin Has the default changed? Would someone please help me out? I would have replied in the QPKG thread; however, I do not have sufficient permissions.