port forwarding

  1. mabroze

    Help How to verify BT/DHT port forwarding is set up correctly?

    When it comes to configuring a torrent client, I always like to verify NAT and port forwarding are set up correctly, as download and upload speeds suffer if it's not. I did not find an obvious way to verify this from within the rtorrent-Pro UI, nor did I find any information on this forum (tho I...
  2. anubis

    Help Port forwarding and recommended settings for private trackers

    Hi First of all, I'd like to say hello to everyone as I'm new here as well as I'm a new (happy) rTorrent PRO user who needs some help with settings and appropriate config for private trackers. Environment details: Model name: QNAP TS-453Be Firmware version: RAM: 16GB Storage: 1x...
  3. J

    Help Qnap: How do I enable port forwarding on my VPN?

    Hello Together! I can't get the ports open to share the torrents on my qnap. Tracker always says that my ports are closed... Leeching over VPN works, but outgoing connections (for which i could get a port assigned by the VPN provider) don't work. The VPN provider PIA should support this in the...
  4. avis

    Knowledge myQNAPcloud - czyli QNAP w internecie... (przekierowanie portów)

    W związku z natłokiem pytań dotyczących dostępu do naszych NAS-ów od innej strony niż nasza sieć wewnętrzna (czyt. LAN) pozwoliłem sobie spłodzić ten poradnik\opis jak zwał tak zwał. Mam nadzieję że choć trochę pomogę nowym użytkownikom QNAP-ów (starzy wyjadacze niech się nie mądrzą tylko jak...