Pomoc Downloads only work for a few minutes each restart


Passing Basics
7 Sierpień 2019
1 GbE

Can you please help me fix the following 2 issues I am getting with rTorrent:
  1. I receive the following warning "(warn) rtorrent: watchdog svc: rtorrent is down. Relaunching..."
    Sometimes it occurs every minute. Sometimes it doesn't occur for a day or two.
    I turned off DHT but I mostly use public trackers and would like to turn DHT back on if that would improve performance.

  2. Downloads only run for ~15 mins after startup (and then stop).
    I cannot get rTorrent to download properly on an ongoing basis. I have no idea what it wrong. Downloading via Qtransmission or QNAP's QDownload works fine (and will download large files without stopping), but I want to use rTorrent for this (hence I bought it :p).

My connection is only 1.8MB (down)/50KB (up), but everything works fine if I stick within those limits.

I purchased rTorrent a few months ago and have had this issue the entire time. I hoped things would resolve with a new version of rTorrent or QNAP firmware, but this hasn't happened, so clearly the issue is with my setup itself.

I haven't found a solution in this forum, so any help is greatly appreciated as rTorrent is currently sitting idle most of the time for me.

rTorrent Pro version: 0.9.7-0912
Model name: QNAP TVS 671 i3-3GHz 8GB (firmware
Hey Man!

You missed something I think.
Are you sure that logs are from reports directory? And why only one report? There should be more reports.

Btw: File rTorrent-Pro.*.error says there is something wrong with your sessions.

1574156559 E Failed to save session torrents.
1574157548 E Failed to save session torrents.

It might be problem of out of space, file unavailable, no permission to write or simply broken.

  1. Please stop rtorrent-Pro service
  2. Make a copy of session directory
  3. Delete all files inside a session directory
  4. Start rtorrent-Pro
All your sessions will lost. This is what I can recommend you when reading logs you sent me.

Please provides reports instead logs.
Hey Man!

You missed something I think.
Are you sure that logs are from reports directory? And why only one report? There should be more reports.
All your sessions will lost. This is what I can recommend you when reading logs you sent me.

Please provides reports instead logs.

Oops. You're correct.. Sorry!
I've attached a zip of a few recent crashreports this time. These came from the reports directory. There were no other reports other than 'crashreport' folders.
It shouldn't be a free space issue, as there's 4TB free.

This looks bad.
1574154810 C Caught internal_error: 'priority_queue_insert(...) called on an already queued item.'.
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x5ca154]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x448659]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x659e39]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x5c73e8]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x5c7b32]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x657c01]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x65934c]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x5dcb54]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x5dba3a]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x4b67e7]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x4b8d3e]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x63acbe]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x65d10e]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x608bfb]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x40d63a]
/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf0) [0x7f708855e810]
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent/bin/rtorrent() [0x40e637]


It looks to be some code problem.
Can you cleanup sessions and reads the same torrents again?
Before I add anything. Here's the log file from the recent startup.
Ok, I'll go add some torrents now.
I've added 3 torrents.
One was already downloaded from earlier, so it's 'finished'.
Other 2 are 'downloading' but haven't actually downloaded anything (and no UL/DL speed).
"Logs2" attached.
Thanks for checking.

I've added another torrent - a recent one - and it seems to be working OK.
It's not going full speed (1MB/s), but ranges 250-490KB/s. Probably a limitation of the source/seeds. (Of course, as I type this it goes up to 780KB/s :p)

Is there any way I can bring those previous torrents/sessions back? Even if it's trying small groups (~25) and then culling the problematic ones?
Sure. Try
Is there any way I can bring those previous torrents/sessions back? Even if it's trying small groups (~25) and then culling the problematic ones?
You have to restore session files, file by file to findout which one are broken.

I prefer other method.
  1. Stop rtorrent-Pro

  2. Restore sessions files from a copy

  3. Start rtorrent-Pro

  4. Using Advanced interface download .torrent for each torrent task to make a copy of torrent files from active tasks

  5. Stop rtorrent-Pro

  6. Remove session files again to cleanup all torrent tasks

  7. Readd saved torrent

Thanks. Will try that.
I've done a bit more testing.
Everything was working really well (very fast and responsive) until I had about 40 torrents.
I added the first 10 torrent individually. Only 3 torrents were actually working, but they reached the DL speed limit I'd set (700KBs) without problem.
I added another 20 torrents (in blocks of ~5). Each time, the DL would slow (or even stop) while ruTorrent seemed to be thinking. (The UI log showed that the files had been added immediately though). After about 10 mins, everything would go back to full speed (which is when I'd add the next batch).

Finally I added 20 torrents (in 1 batch)....they all added correctly, but ruTorrent has a problem.
ruTorrent isn't DLing at full speed anymore. The DL speed varies between 0 and about 130KBs. Mostly it's stuck on 0. Then it will go to 40KB for a few seconds, then back to 0, then up to 140, then zero for a while. I have been watching the UI for about an hour, just to check if perhaps the DL speed drop was due to CPU load (from the system parsing all the torrents), but it really appears to be stuck in this low performance state.

I have stopped and restarted rutorrent, but no luck. Even 5 mins after restart, not DLing at all.

Please note: the torrent files I used in this test were copied from the old sessions folder backup. The actual sessions folder for this session was cleared like you advised in the earlier posts and I confirmed that ruTorrent was working well before starting this activity. Torrent files were added by dragging them from Explorer onto the UI. I don't think this is a problem, but I wanted to give you all the info.

Logs attached.
There was no recent crash report, but I've attached the crash report from 6 hours earlier (even though I don't believe it's relevant).

Alternatively, is there something wrong with my ruTorrent settings that caused 49 torrents to suddenly perform differently to 40? eg: too many threads, small memory allocation, etc?

This is the strange behaviour I experienced before you helped me out.

After making that change, I restarted rutorrent to make sure the settings took effect. Trying to start gives the following error every minute: (warn) rtorrent: watchdog svc: rtorrent is down. Relaunching...

logs attached.
Please always refer to: rtorrent-log.*.{info|warn|error|critical} files, in current case to these two files:

And now everything is clear for me.

You have mess in torrent sessions, because you have loaded broken .torrent files. Many times this happens on Public trackers.
Rtorrent-Pro is designed to be working with Private trackers.

Please try to find and remove 16BB6E417851EFC3835CE65B6D81F7EAC1AF7B1F session file - this torrent is for sure broken.

Another thing. Cant help you any more while you are using Public trackers. Sorry.
Please try to find and remove 16BB6E417851EFC3835CE65B6D81F7EAC1AF7B1F session file - this torrent is for sure broken.

Another thing. Cant help you any more while you are using Public trackers. Sorry.

Thank you for your help so far!
At least now I can identify which are broken files so I can remove them. :)

I'm keen to switch to private.. but I'm not sure where to start/find them.