znc - 1.7.5-1a - ZNC is an IRC bouncer with many advanced features like detaching, multiple users, per channel playback buffer, SSL, IPv6, transparent DCC bouncing, and c++ module support to name a few.
znc-mod-adminlog - 1.7.5-1a - Log user connects and disconnects and failed logins to file or syslog.
znc-mod-alias - 1.7.5-1a - Provides bouncer-side command alias support.
znc-mod-autoattach - 1.7.5-1a - Reattaches you to channels on activity.
znc-mod-autocycle - 1.7.5-1a - Cycles a channel when you are the only one in there and you don't have op.
znc-mod-autoop - 1.7.5-1a - Auto op the good guys.
znc-mod-autoreply - 1.7.5-1a - Gives a automatic reply if someone messages you if you are away.
znc-mod-autovoice - 1.7.5-1a - Autovoices everyone who joins some channel.
znc-mod-awaynick - 1.7.5-1a - Change your nick while you are away.
znc-mod-awaystore - 1.7.5-1a - Stores messages while away, also auto away.
znc-mod-block-motd - 1.7.5-1a - This module blocks the server's Message of the Day.
znc-mod-blockuser - 1.7.5-1a - Blocks certain users from using ZNC saying their account was disabled.
znc-mod-bouncedcc - 1.7.5-1a - Bounces dcc transfers through the znc server instead of sending them directly to the user.
znc-mod-buffextras - 1.7.5-1a - Add nick changes, joins, parts, topic changes etc. to your playback buffer.
znc-mod-cert - 1.7.5-1a - Use a SSL certificate for connecting to a server.
znc-mod-certauth - 1.7.5-1a - This module allows users to log in to ZNC via SSL client keys.
znc-mod-chansaver - 1.7.5-1a - Keeping config up to date when user joins and parts.
znc-mod-clearbufferonmsg - 1.7.5-1a - This module keeps the buffer until the next message from the client.
znc-mod-clientnotify - 1.7.5-1a - Notify about new incoming connections to your user.
znc-mod-controlpanel - 1.7.5-1a - Allows you to add/remove/edit users and settings on the fly via IRC messages.
znc-mod-crypt - 1.7.5-1a - Encryption for channel/private messages.
znc-mod-ctcpflood - 1.7.5-1a - This module tries to block ctcp floods.
znc-mod-dcc - 1.7.5-1a - Allows you to transfer files to and from ZNC.
znc-mod-disconkick - 1.7.5-1a - This module will kick your client from all channels where you are, in case if ZNC disconnects from server.
znc-mod-fail2ban - 1.7.5-1a - Block IPs for some time after a failed login.
znc-mod-flooddetach - 1.7.5-1a - This module detaches you from channels which are flooded.
znc-mod-identfile - 1.7.5-1a - Places the ident of a user to a file when they are trying to connect.
znc-mod-imapauth - 1.7.5-1a - Allow users to authenticate via IMAP.
znc-mod-keepnick - 1.7.5-1a - Tries to get you your primary nick.
znc-mod-kickrejoin - 1.7.5-1a - Implements auto-rejoin-on-kick.
znc-mod-lastseen - 1.7.5-1a - Logs when a user last logged in to ZNC.
znc-mod-listsockets - 1.7.5-1a - This module displays a list of all open sockets in ZNC.
znc-mod-log - 1.7.5-1a - Log conversations to file.
znc-mod-missingmotd - 1.7.5-1a - Sends 422 to clients when they login.
znc-mod-modules_online - 1.7.5-1a - This module fakes the online status of ZNC-*users.
znc-mod-nickserv - 1.7.5-1a - Auths you with NickServ.
znc-mod-notes - 1.7.5-1a - This modules stores and displays short notes using a key/note pairs and shows them to you on connect.
znc-mod-notify-connect - 1.7.5-1a - Sends a notice to all admins when a user logs in or out.
znc-mod-partyline - 1.7.5-1a - Allows ZNC users to join internal channels and query other ZNC users on the same ZNC.
znc-mod-perform - 1.7.5-1a - Performs commands on connect.
znc-mod-playback - 1.7.5-1a - Avoid repetitive playback buffers on re-connect with supported clients (e.g. mutter, colluquy)
znc-mod-q - 1.7.5-1a - Auths you with Q (and a little more).
znc-mod-raw - 1.7.5-1a - View all of the raw traffic.
znc-mod-route-replies - 1.7.5-1a - Routes back answers to the right client when connected with multiple clients.
znc-mod-sasl - 1.7.5-1a - The SASL module allows you to authenticate to an IRC network via SASL.
znc-mod-savebuff - 1.7.5-1a - Saves your channel buffers into an encrypted file so they can survive restarts and reboots.
znc-mod-schat - 1.7.5-1a - SSL (encrypted) DCC chats.
znc-mod-send-raw - 1.7.5-1a - Allows you to send raw traffic to IRC from other users.
znc-mod-shell - 1.7.5-1a - Have your unix shell in a query window right inside of your IRC client.
znc-mod-simple-away - 1.7.5-1a - This module will automatically set you away on IRC while you are disconnected from the bouncer.
znc-mod-stickychan - 1.7.5-1a - Keeps you sticked to specific channels.
znc-mod-watch - 1.7.5-1a - Monitor activity for specific text patterns from specific users and have the text sent to a special query window.
znc-mod-webadmin - 1.7.5-1a - Allows you to add/remove/edit users and settings on the fly via a web browser.
znc-webskin-dark-clouds - 1.7.5-1a - dark-clouds webskin for webadmin
znc-webskin-forest - 1.7.5-1a - forest webskin for webadmin
znc-webskin-ice - 1.7.5-1a - ice webskin for webadmin