Pomoc Problem z biblioteką plex


Entry Technician
Q Associate
18 Kwiecień 2020
802.11ac (Wi-Fi 5)
Hej, mam problem z plexem gdyż program nie widzi wszystkich plików w folderze. Dziwne jest to że wszystkie pliki w folderze mają ten sam schemat np. Star Wars the Clone Wars s01e01. W folderze mam 20 plików a plex widzi tylko 6 z nich, jak zmienię części plików nazwę np. skasuje Star Wars the Clone Wars i zostawię tylko s01e5 to wtedy ten plik jest widziany przez Plexa ale jak wrócę do pełnej nazwy to już go nie widzi. Najlepsze jest to że w niektórych folderach zamiast nazwy wg. schematu zmieniałem nazwy plików na 1 - 9 i wtedy plex je rozpoznaje. Kombinowałem na różne sposoby ale już nie mama pomysłu w czym może tkwić problem.
Zmień agenta:
yyyy możesz jaśniej, niestety nie jestem zaawansowanym użytkownikiem ale z czasem mam nadzieje że to się zmieni :)
mam jeszcze jedno pytanie, w katalogu gdzie mam bajki marvel/DC plex pobiera mi dobrze okładki i opisy ale dla jednego pliku błędnie ściąga informację. Czy można ręcznie wskazać mu dla jakiego tytułu ma ściągnąć informację??? zamiast info dla filmu z 2009 to ściąga mi info dla 2017
no wrzuc screena z tego jak wygląda struktura katalogów i plikow dla tego
ręcznie wskazać mu dla jakiego tytułu ma ściągnąć informację?
Tak, nazywa się to identify i jest opisane w instrukcji plexa !
a tu masz przykład z tree
[/share/_ANIME/Seriale] # tree
├── Devs
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Episode\ 1.mkv
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Episode\ 1.nfo
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Episode\ 1-poster.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Episode\ 1-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x02\ -\ Episode\ 2.mkv
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x02\ -\ Episode\ 2.nfo
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x02\ -\ Episode\ 2-poster.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x02\ -\ Episode\ 2-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Episode\ 3.mkv
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Episode\ 3.nfo
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Episode\ 3-poster.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Episode\ 3-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Episode\ 4.mkv
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Episode\ 4.nfo
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Episode\ 4-poster.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Episode\ 4-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Episode\ 5.en.srt
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Episode\ 5.mkv
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Episode\ 5.nfo
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Episode\ 5-poster.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Episode\ 5-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Episode\ 6.mkv
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Episode\ 6.nfo
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Episode\ 6-poster.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Episode\ 6-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Episode\ 7.mkv
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Episode\ 7.nfo
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Episode\ 7-poster.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Episode\ 7-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Episode\ 8.mkv
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Episode\ 8.nfo
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Episode\ 8-poster.jpg
│   ├── Devs\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Episode\ 8-thumb.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x07\ -\ Can\ You\ Hear\ Me-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x08\ -\ The\ Haunting\ of\ Villa\ Diodati-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x09\ -\ Ascension\ of\ the\ Cybermen.mkv
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x09\ -\ Ascension\ of\ the\ Cybermen.nfo
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x09\ -\ Ascension\ of\ the\ Cybermen-poster.jpg
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x09\ -\ Ascension\ of\ the\ Cybermen-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x10\ -\ The\ Timeless\ Children.en.srt
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x10\ -\ The\ Timeless\ Children.mkv
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x10\ -\ The\ Timeless\ Children.nfo
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x10\ -\ The\ Timeless\ Children-poster.jpg
│   ├── Doctor\ Who\ (2005)\ -\ 12x10\ -\ The\ Timeless\ Children-thumb.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── landscape.jpg
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── season01-banner.jpg
│   ├── season01-poster.jpg
│   ├── season02-banner.jpg
│   ├── season02-poster.jpg
│   ├── season03-banner.jpg
│   ├── season03-poster.jpg
│   ├── season04-banner.jpg
│   ├── season04-poster.jpg
│   ├── season05-banner.jpg
│   ├── season05-poster.jpg
│   ├── season06-banner.jpg
│   ├── season06-poster.jpg
│   ├── season07-poster.jpg
│   ├── season08-poster.jpg
│   ├── season09-poster.jpg
│   ├── season10-poster.jpg
│   ├── season11-banner.jpg
│   ├── season11-poster.jpg
│   ├── season12-poster.jpg
│   ├── season-specials-banner.jpg
│   ├── season-specials-poster.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── Lost\ in\ Space\ (2018)
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── Lost\ in\ Space\ (2018)\ -\ 1x09\ -\ Resurrection-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Lost\ in\ Space\ (2018)\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Danger,\ Will\ Robinson-thumb.jpg
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Good\ Hunting-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x09\ -\ The\ Dump-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Shape-Shifters-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x11\ -\ Helping\ Hand-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x12\ -\ Fish\ Night-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x13\ -\ Lucky\ 13-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x14\ -\ Zima\ Blue-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x15\ -\ Blindspot-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x16\ -\ Ice\ Age-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x17\ -\ Alternate\ Histories-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Love,\ Death\ &\ Robots\ -\ 1x18\ -\ The\ Secret\ War-thumb.jpg
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── MacGyver\ (2016)
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── landscape.jpg
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ Fire\ +\ Ashes\ +\ Legacy\ =\ Phoenix.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ Fire\ +\ Ashes\ +\ Legacy\ =\ Phoenix.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ Fire\ +\ Ashes\ +\ Legacy\ =\ Phoenix-poster.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ Fire\ +\ Ashes\ +\ Legacy\ =\ Phoenix-thumb.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Red\ Cell\ +\ Quantum\ +\ Cold\ +\ Committed.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Red\ Cell\ +\ Quantum\ +\ Cold\ +\ Committed.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Red\ Cell\ +\ Quantum\ +\ Cold\ +\ Committed-poster.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Red\ Cell\ +\ Quantum\ +\ Cold\ +\ Committed-thumb.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ Kid\ +\ Plane\ +\ Cable\ +\ Truck.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ Kid\ +\ Plane\ +\ Cable\ +\ Truck.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ Kid\ +\ Plane\ +\ Cable\ +\ Truck-poster.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ Kid\ +\ Plane\ +\ Cable\ +\ Truck-thumb.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Windmill\ +\ Acetone\ +\ Celluloid\ +\ Firing\ Pin.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Windmill\ +\ Acetone\ +\ Celluloid\ +\ Firing\ Pin.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Windmill\ +\ Acetone\ +\ Celluloid\ +\ Firing\ Pin-poster.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Windmill\ +\ Acetone\ +\ Celluloid\ +\ Firing\ Pin-thumb.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Soccer\ +\ Desi\ +\ Merchant\ +\ Titan.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Soccer\ +\ Desi\ +\ Merchant\ +\ Titan.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Soccer\ +\ Desi\ +\ Merchant\ +\ Titan-poster.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Soccer\ +\ Desi\ +\ Merchant\ +\ Titan-thumb.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ Right\ +\ Wrong\ +\ Both\ +\ Neither.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ Right\ +\ Wrong\ +\ Both\ +\ Neither.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ Right\ +\ Wrong\ +\ Both\ +\ Neither-poster.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ Right\ +\ Wrong\ +\ Both\ +\ Neither-thumb.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ Mac\ +\ Desi\ +\ Riley\ +\ Aubrey.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ Mac\ +\ Desi\ +\ Riley\ +\ Aubrey.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ Mac\ +\ Desi\ +\ Riley\ +\ Aubrey-poster.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ Mac\ +\ Desi\ +\ Riley\ +\ Aubrey-thumb.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Father\ +\ Son\ +\ Father\ +\ Matriarch.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Father\ +\ Son\ +\ Father\ +\ Matriarch.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Father\ +\ Son\ +\ Father\ +\ Matriarch-poster.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Father\ +\ Son\ +\ Father\ +\ Matriarch-thumb.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ Code\ +\ Artemis\ +\ Nuclear\ +\ N3mesis.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ Code\ +\ Artemis\ +\ Nuclear\ +\ N3mesis.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ Code\ +\ Artemis\ +\ Nuclear\ +\ N3mesis-poster.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ Code\ +\ Artemis\ +\ Nuclear\ +\ N3mesis-thumb.jpg
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x10\ -\ Tesla\ +\ Bell\ +\ Edison\ +\ Mac.mkv
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x10\ -\ Tesla\ +\ Bell\ +\ Edison\ +\ Mac.nfo
│   ├── MacGyver\ (2016)\ -\ 4x10\ -\ Tesla\ +\ Bell\ +\ Edison\ +\ Mac-thumb.jpg
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── season01-poster.jpg
│   ├── season02-poster.jpg
│   ├── season03-poster.jpg
│   ├── season04-poster.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Clean\ Escape.mkv
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Clean\ Escape.nfo
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Clean\ Escape-poster.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Clean\ Escape.srt
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Clean\ Escape-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Awakening.mkv
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Awakening.nfo
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Awakening-poster.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Awakening.srt
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Awakening-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Jerry\ Was\ a\ Man.mkv
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Jerry\ Was\ a\ Man.nfo
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Jerry\ Was\ a\ Man-poster.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Jerry\ Was\ a\ Man.srt
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Jerry\ Was\ a\ Man-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ Discarded.mkv
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ Discarded.nfo
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ Discarded-poster.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ Discarded.srt
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ Discarded-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Little\ Brother.mkv
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Little\ Brother.nfo
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Little\ Brother-poster.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Little\ Brother-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Watchbird.mkv
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Watchbird.nfo
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Watchbird-poster.jpg
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Watchbird.srt
│   ├── Masters\ of\ Science\ Fiction\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Watchbird-thumb.jpg
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── season01-poster.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── Rick\ and\ Morty
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── landscape.jpg
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Rickshank\ Rickdemption.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Rickshank\ Rickdemption.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Rickshank\ Rickdemption.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Rickshank\ Rickdemption.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Rickshank\ Rickdemption-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Rickshank\ Rickdemption.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Rickshank\ Rickdemption-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Rickmancing\ the\ Stone.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Rickmancing\ the\ Stone.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Rickmancing\ the\ Stone.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Rickmancing\ the\ Stone.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Rickmancing\ the\ Stone-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Rickmancing\ the\ Stone.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Rickmancing\ the\ Stone-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Pickle\ Rick.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Pickle\ Rick.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Pickle\ Rick.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Pickle\ Rick.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Pickle\ Rick-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Pickle\ Rick.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Pickle\ Rick-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Vindicators\ 3\ -\ The\ Return\ of\ Worldender.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Vindicators\ 3-\ The\ Return\ of\ Worldender.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Vindicators\ 3\ -\ The\ Return\ of\ Worldender.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Vindicators\ 3\ -\ The\ Return\ of\ Worldender.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Vindicators\ 3\ -\ The\ Return\ of\ Worldender.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Vindicators\ 3\ -\ The\ Return\ of\ Worldender.pl.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Vindicators\ 3\ -\ The\ Return\ of\ Worldender-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Vindicators\ 3\ -\ The\ Return\ of\ Worldender.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Vindicators\ 3\ -\ The\ Return\ of\ Worldender-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x05\ -\ The\ Whirly\ Dirly\ Conspiracy.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x05\ -\ The\ Whirly\ Dirly\ Conspiracy.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x05\ -\ The\ Whirly\ Dirly\ Conspiracy.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x05\ -\ The\ Whirly\ Dirly\ Conspiracy.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x05\ -\ The\ Whirly\ Dirly\ Conspiracy.pl.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x05\ -\ The\ Whirly\ Dirly\ Conspiracy-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x05\ -\ The\ Whirly\ Dirly\ Conspiracy.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x05\ -\ The\ Whirly\ Dirly\ Conspiracy-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Rest\ and\ Ricklaxation.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Rest\ and\ Ricklaxation.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Rest\ and\ Ricklaxation.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Rest\ and\ Ricklaxation.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Rest\ and\ Ricklaxation-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Rest\ and\ Ricklaxation.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Rest\ and\ Ricklaxation-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x07\ -\ The\ Ricklantis\ Mixup.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x07\ -\ The\ Ricklantis\ Mixup.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x07\ -\ The\ Ricklantis\ Mixup.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x07\ -\ The\ Ricklantis\ Mixup.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x07\ -\ The\ Ricklantis\ Mixup-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x07\ -\ The\ Ricklantis\ Mixup.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x07\ -\ The\ Ricklantis\ Mixup-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Morty's\ Mind\ Blowers.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Morty's\ Mind\ Blowers.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Morty's\ Mind\ Blowers.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Morty's\ Mind\ Blowers.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Morty's\ Mind\ Blowers.pl.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Morty's\ Mind\ Blowers-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Morty's\ Mind\ Blowers.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Morty's\ Mind\ Blowers-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x09\ -\ The\ ABC's\ of\ Beth.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x09\ -\ The\ ABC's\ of\ Beth.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x09\ -\ The\ ABC's\ of\ Beth.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x09\ -\ The\ ABC's\ of\ Beth.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x09\ -\ The\ ABC's\ of\ Beth-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x09\ -\ The\ ABC's\ of\ Beth.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x09\ -\ The\ ABC's\ of\ Beth-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Rickchurian\ Mortydate.en.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Rickchurian\ Mortydate.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Rickchurian\ Mortydate.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Rickchurian\ Mortydate.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Rickchurian\ Mortydate-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Rickchurian\ Mortydate.srt
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Rickchurian\ Mortydate-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x01\ -\ Edge\ of\ Tomorty\ -\ Rick\ Die\ Rickpeat.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x01\ -\ Edge\ of\ Tomorty\ -\ Rick\ Die\ Rickpeat.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x01\ -\ Edge\ of\ Tomorty\ -\ Rick\ Die\ Rickpeat-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x01\ -\ Edge\ of\ Tomorty\ -\ Rick\ Die\ Rickpeat-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Old\ Man\ and\ the\ Seat.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Old\ Man\ and\ the\ Seat.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Old\ Man\ and\ the\ Seat-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Old\ Man\ and\ the\ Seat-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x03\ -\ One\ Crew\ Over\ the\ Crewcoo's\ Morty.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x03\ -\ One\ Crew\ Over\ the\ Crewcoo's\ Morty.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x03\ -\ One\ Crew\ Over\ the\ Crewcoo's\ Morty-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x03\ -\ One\ Crew\ Over\ the\ Crewcoo's\ Morty-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Claw\ and\ Hoarder\ -\ Special\ Ricktim's\ Morty.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Claw\ and\ Hoarder\ -\ Special\ Ricktim's\ Morty.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Claw\ and\ Hoarder\ -\ Special\ Ricktim's\ Morty-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Claw\ and\ Hoarder\ -\ Special\ Ricktim's\ Morty-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Rattlestar\ Ricklactica.mkv
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Rattlestar\ Ricklactica.nfo
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Rattlestar\ Ricklactica-poster.jpg
│   ├── Rick\ and\ Morty\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Rattlestar\ Ricklactica-thumb.jpg
│   ├── season01-poster.jpg
│   ├── season02-poster.jpg
│   ├── season03-poster.jpg
│   ├── season04-poster.jpg
│   ├── season-specials-poster.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── Sherlock
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── landscape.jpg
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── season01-poster.jpg
│   ├── season02-poster.jpg
│   ├── season03-poster.jpg
│   ├── season04-poster.jpg
│   ├── season-specials-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x01\ -\ Unaired\ Pilot.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x01\ -\ Unaired\ Pilot.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x01\ -\ Unaired\ Pilot.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x01\ -\ Unaired\ Pilot-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x01\ -\ Unaired\ Pilot.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x01\ -\ Unaired\ Pilot-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x02\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x02\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x02\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x02\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x02\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x02\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x03\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x03\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x03\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x03\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x03\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x03\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x04\ -\ Many\ Happy\ Returns.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x04\ -\ Many\ Happy\ Returns.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x04\ -\ Many\ Happy\ Returns.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x04\ -\ Many\ Happy\ Returns-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x04\ -\ Many\ Happy\ Returns.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x04\ -\ Many\ Happy\ Returns-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x05\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock\ (2013).jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x05\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock\ (2013).mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x05\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock\ (2013).nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x05\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock\ (2013)-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x05\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock\ (2013).srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x05\ -\ Unlocking\ Sherlock\ (2013)-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x06\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Return.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x06\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Return.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x06\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Return.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x06\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Return-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x06\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Return.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x06\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Return-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x07\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Woman.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x07\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Woman.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x07\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Woman.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x07\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Woman-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x07\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Woman.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x07\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Woman-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x08\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Villains.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x08\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Villains.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x08\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Villains.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x08\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Villains-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x08\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Villains.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x08\ -\ Sherlock\ Uncovered\ -\ The\ Villains-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x09\ -\ The\ Abominable\ Bride.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x09\ -\ The\ Abominable\ Bride.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x09\ -\ The\ Abominable\ Bride.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x09\ -\ The\ Abominable\ Bride-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x09\ -\ The\ Abominable\ Bride.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 0x09\ -\ The\ Abominable\ Bride-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Study\ in\ Pink.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Study\ in\ Pink.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Study\ in\ Pink.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Study\ in\ Pink-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Study\ in\ Pink.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x01\ -\ A\ Study\ in\ Pink-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Blind\ Banker.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Blind\ Banker.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Blind\ Banker.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Blind\ Banker-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Blind\ Banker.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Blind\ Banker-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ Great\ Game.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ Great\ Game.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ Great\ Game.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ Great\ Game-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ Great\ Game.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ Great\ Game-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x01\ -\ A\ Scandal\ in\ Belgravia.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x01\ -\ A\ Scandal\ in\ Belgravia.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x01\ -\ A\ Scandal\ in\ Belgravia.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x01\ -\ A\ Scandal\ in\ Belgravia.pl.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x01\ -\ A\ Scandal\ in\ Belgravia-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x01\ -\ A\ Scandal\ in\ Belgravia.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x01\ -\ A\ Scandal\ in\ Belgravia-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x02\ -\ The\ Hounds\ of\ Baskerville.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x02\ -\ The\ Hounds\ of\ Baskerville.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x02\ -\ The\ Hounds\ of\ Baskerville.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x02\ -\ The\ Hounds\ of\ Baskerville-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x02\ -\ The\ Hounds\ of\ Baskerville.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x02\ -\ The\ Hounds\ of\ Baskerville-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x03\ -\ The\ Reichenbach\ Fall.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x03\ -\ The\ Reichenbach\ Fall.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x03\ -\ The\ Reichenbach\ Fall.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x03\ -\ The\ Reichenbach\ Fall-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x03\ -\ The\ Reichenbach\ Fall.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 2x03\ -\ The\ Reichenbach\ Fall-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Empty\ Hearse.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Empty\ Hearse.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Empty\ Hearse.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Empty\ Hearse-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Empty\ Hearse.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Empty\ Hearse-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Sign\ of\ Three.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Sign\ of\ Three.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Sign\ of\ Three.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Sign\ of\ Three-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Sign\ of\ Three.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Sign\ of\ Three-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x03\ -\ His\ Last\ Vow.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x03\ -\ His\ Last\ Vow.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x03\ -\ His\ Last\ Vow.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x03\ -\ His\ Last\ Vow-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x03\ -\ His\ Last\ Vow.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 3x03\ -\ His\ Last\ Vow-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x01\ -\ The\ Six\ Thatchers.en.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x01\ -\ The\ Six\ Thatchers.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x01\ -\ The\ Six\ Thatchers.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x01\ -\ The\ Six\ Thatchers.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x01\ -\ The\ Six\ Thatchers-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x01\ -\ The\ Six\ Thatchers.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x01\ -\ The\ Six\ Thatchers-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Lying\ Detective.en.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Lying\ Detective.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Lying\ Detective.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Lying\ Detective.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Lying\ Detective-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Lying\ Detective.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x02\ -\ The\ Lying\ Detective-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Final\ Problem.en.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Final\ Problem.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Final\ Problem.mkv
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Final\ Problem.nfo
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Final\ Problem-poster.jpg
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Final\ Problem.srt
│   ├── Sherlock\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Final\ Problem-thumb.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ (2020)
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── season01-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Remembrance.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Remembrance.mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Remembrance.nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Remembrance-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Remembrance-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x02\ -\ Maps\ and\ Legends.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x02\ -\ Maps\ and\ Legends.mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x02\ -\ Maps\ and\ Legends.nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x02\ -\ Maps\ and\ Legends-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x02\ -\ Maps\ and\ Legends-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ End\ is\ the\ Beginning.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ End\ is\ the\ Beginning.mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ End\ is\ the\ Beginning.nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ End\ is\ the\ Beginning-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x03\ -\ The\ End\ is\ the\ Beginning-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Absolute\ Candor.en.srt
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Absolute\ Candor.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Absolute\ Candor.mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Absolute\ Candor.nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Absolute\ Candor-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Absolute\ Candor-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Stardust\ City\ Rag.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Stardust\ City\ Rag.mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Stardust\ City\ Rag.nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Stardust\ City\ Rag-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Stardust\ City\ Rag-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x06\ -\ The\ Impossible\ Box.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x06\ -\ The\ Impossible\ Box.mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x06\ -\ The\ Impossible\ Box.nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x06\ -\ The\ Impossible\ Box-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x06\ -\ The\ Impossible\ Box-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Nepenthe.en.srt
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Nepenthe.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Nepenthe.mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Nepenthe.nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Nepenthe-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Nepenthe-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Broken\ Pieces.en.srt
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Broken\ Pieces.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Broken\ Pieces.mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Broken\ Pieces.nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Broken\ Pieces-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Broken\ Pieces-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x09\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (1).en.srt
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x09\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (1).jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x09\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (1).mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x09\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (1).nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x09\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (1)-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x09\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (1)-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (2).mkv
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (2).nfo
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (2)-poster.jpg
│   ├── Star\ Trek\ -\ Picard\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Et\ in\ Arcadia\ Ego\ (2)-thumb.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── Stranger\ Things
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Chapter\ Three\ -\ Holly,\ Jolly-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 1x04\ -\ Chapter\ Four\ -\ The\ Body-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Chapter\ Five\ -\ The\ Flea\ and\ the\ Acrobat-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Chapter\ Six\ -\ The\ Monster-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 1x07\ -\ Chapter\ Seven\ -\ The\ Bathtub-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Chapter\ Eight\ -\ The\ Upside\ Down.nfo
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Chapter\ Eight\ -\ The\ Upside\ Down-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Chapter\ Three\ -\ The\ Pollywog-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 2x04\ -\ Chapter\ Four\ -\ Will\ the\ Wise-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Chapter\ Five\ -\ Dig\ Dug-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 2x06\ -\ Chapter\ Six\ -\ The\ Spy-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 2x07\ -\ Chapter\ Seven\ -\ The\ Lost\ Sister-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Chapter\ Eight\ -\ The\ Mind\ Flayer-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 2x09\ -\ Chapter\ Nine\ -\ The\ Gate-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Chapter\ Three\ -\ The\ Case\ of\ the\ Missing\ Lifeguard-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Chapter\ Four\ -\ The\ Sauna\ Test-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Chapter\ Five\ -\ The\ Flayed-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Chapter\ Six\ -\ E\ Pluribus\ Unum-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Chapter\ Seven\ -\ The\ Bite-thumb.jpg
│   ├── Stranger\ Things\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Chapter\ Eight\ -\ The\ Battle\ of\ Starcourt-thumb.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── The\ 100
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Four\ Horsemen-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x04\ -\ A\ Lie\ Guarded-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x05\ -\ The\ Tinder\ Box-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x06\ -\ We\ Will\ Rise-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x07\ -\ Gimme\ Shelter-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x08\ -\ God\ Complex-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x09\ -\ DNR-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x10\ -\ Die\ All,\ Die\ Merrily-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x11\ -\ The\ Other\ Side-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x12\ -\ The\ Chosen-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 4x13\ -\ Praimfaya-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x04\ -\ Pandora's\ Box-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x05\ -\ Shifting\ Sands-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x06\ -\ Exit\ Wounds-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x07\ -\ Acceptable\ Losses-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x08\ -\ How\ We\ Get\ to\ Peace-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x09\ -\ Sic\ Semper\ Tyrannis-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x10\ -\ The\ Warriors\ Will-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x11\ -\ The\ Dark\ Year-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x12\ -\ Damocles\ (1)-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 5x13\ -\ Damocles\ (2)-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x03\ -\ The\ Children\ of\ Gabriel.nfo
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x03\ -\ The\ Children\ of\ Gabriel-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x04\ -\ The\ Face\ Behind\ the\ Glass.nfo
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x04\ -\ The\ Face\ Behind\ the\ Glass-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x05\ -\ The\ Gospel\ of\ Josephine.nfo
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x05\ -\ The\ Gospel\ of\ Josephine-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x06\ -\ Memento\ Mori-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x07\ -\ Nevermind.nfo
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x07\ -\ Nevermind-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x08\ -\ The\ Old\ Man\ and\ the\ Anomaly.nfo
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x08\ -\ The\ Old\ Man\ and\ the\ Anomaly-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x09\ -\ What\ You\ Take\ With\ You-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x10\ -\ Matryoshka-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x11\ -\ Ashes\ to\ Ashes-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x12\ -\ Adjustment\ Protocol-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ 100\ -\ 6x13\ -\ The\ Blood\ of\ Sanctum-thumb.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── The\ Expanse
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── landscape.jpg
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── season01-banner.jpg
│   ├── season01-poster.jpg
│   ├── season02-banner.jpg
│   ├── season02-poster.jpg
│   ├── season03-banner.jpg
│   ├── season03-poster.jpg
│   ├── season04-banner.jpg
│   ├── season04-poster.jpg
│   ├── season-specials-banner.jpg
│   ├── season-specials-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Safe.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Safe.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Safe.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Safe.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Safe-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Safe.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Safe-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Doors\ &\ Corners.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Doors\ &\ Corners.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Doors\ &\ Corners.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Doors\ &\ Corners.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Doors\ &\ Corners-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Doors\ &\ Corners.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Doors\ &\ Corners-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Static.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Static.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Static.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Static.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Static-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Static.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Static-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x04\ -\ Godspeed.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x04\ -\ Godspeed.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x04\ -\ Godspeed.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x04\ -\ Godspeed.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x04\ -\ Godspeed-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x04\ -\ Godspeed.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x04\ -\ Godspeed-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Home.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Home.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Home.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Home.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Home-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Home.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Home-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x06\ -\ Paradigm\ Shift.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x06\ -\ Paradigm\ Shift.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x06\ -\ Paradigm\ Shift.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x06\ -\ Paradigm\ Shift.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x06\ -\ Paradigm\ Shift-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x06\ -\ Paradigm\ Shift.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x06\ -\ Paradigm\ Shift-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x07\ -\ The\ Seventh\ Man.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x07\ -\ The\ Seventh\ Man.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x07\ -\ The\ Seventh\ Man.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x07\ -\ The\ Seventh\ Man.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x07\ -\ The\ Seventh\ Man-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x07\ -\ The\ Seventh\ Man.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x07\ -\ The\ Seventh\ Man-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Pyre.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Pyre.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Pyre.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Pyre.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Pyre-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Pyre.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Pyre-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x09\ -\ The\ Weeping\ Somnambulist.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x09\ -\ The\ Weeping\ Somnambulist.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x09\ -\ The\ Weeping\ Somnambulist.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x09\ -\ The\ Weeping\ Somnambulist.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x09\ -\ The\ Weeping\ Somnambulist-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x09\ -\ The\ Weeping\ Somnambulist.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x09\ -\ The\ Weeping\ Somnambulist-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x10\ -\ Cascade.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x10\ -\ Cascade.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x10\ -\ Cascade.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x10\ -\ Cascade.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x10\ -\ Cascade-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x10\ -\ Cascade.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x10\ -\ Cascade-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x11\ -\ Here\ There\ Be\ Dragons.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x11\ -\ Here\ There\ Be\ Dragons.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x11\ -\ Here\ There\ Be\ Dragons.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x11\ -\ Here\ There\ Be\ Dragons.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x11\ -\ Here\ There\ Be\ Dragons-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x11\ -\ Here\ There\ Be\ Dragons.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x11\ -\ Here\ There\ Be\ Dragons-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x12\ -\ The\ Monster\ and\ the\ Rocket.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x12\ -\ The\ Monster\ and\ the\ Rocket.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x12\ -\ The\ Monster\ and\ the\ Rocket.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x12\ -\ The\ Monster\ and\ the\ Rocket.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x12\ -\ The\ Monster\ and\ the\ Rocket-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x12\ -\ The\ Monster\ and\ the\ Rocket.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x12\ -\ The\ Monster\ and\ the\ Rocket-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x13\ -\ Caliban's\ War.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x13\ -\ Caliban's\ War.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x13\ -\ Caliban's\ War.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x13\ -\ Caliban's\ War.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x13\ -\ Caliban's\ War-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x13\ -\ Caliban's\ War.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 2x13\ -\ Caliban's\ War-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Fight\ or\ Flight.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Fight\ or\ Flight.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Fight\ or\ Flight.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Fight\ or\ Flight.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Fight\ or\ Flight.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Fight\ or\ Flight-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Fight\ or\ Flight.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Fight\ or\ Flight-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x02\ -\ IFF.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x02\ -\ IFF.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x02\ -\ IFF.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x02\ -\ IFF.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x02\ -\ IFF.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x02\ -\ IFF-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x02\ -\ IFF.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x02\ -\ IFF-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Assured\ Destruction.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Assured\ Destruction.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Assured\ Destruction.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Assured\ Destruction.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Assured\ Destruction.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Assured\ Destruction-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x03\ -\ Assured\ Destruction-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Reload.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Reload.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Reload.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Reload.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Reload.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Reload-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Reload.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Reload-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Triple\ Point.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Triple\ Point.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Triple\ Point.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Triple\ Point.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Triple\ Point.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Triple\ Point-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Triple\ Point.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Triple\ Point-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Immolation.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Immolation.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Immolation.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Immolation.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Immolation.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Immolation-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Immolation.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Immolation-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Delta-V.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Delta-V.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Delta-V.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Delta-V.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Delta-V.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Delta-V-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Delta-V.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Delta-V-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x08\ -\ It\ Reaches\ Out.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x08\ -\ It\ Reaches\ Out.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x08\ -\ It\ Reaches\ Out.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x08\ -\ It\ Reaches\ Out.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x08\ -\ It\ Reaches\ Out-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x08\ -\ It\ Reaches\ Out.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x08\ -\ It\ Reaches\ Out-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x09\ -\ Intransigence.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x09\ -\ Intransigence.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x09\ -\ Intransigence.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x09\ -\ Intransigence.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x09\ -\ Intransigence-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x09\ -\ Intransigence-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x10\ -\ Dandelion\ Sky.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x10\ -\ Dandelion\ Sky.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x10\ -\ Dandelion\ Sky.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x10\ -\ Dandelion\ Sky.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x10\ -\ Dandelion\ Sky.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x10\ -\ Dandelion\ Sky-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x10\ -\ Dandelion\ Sky.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x10\ -\ Dandelion\ Sky-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Fallen\ World.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Fallen\ World.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Fallen\ World.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Fallen\ World.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Fallen\ World.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Fallen\ World-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Fallen\ World.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Fallen\ World-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x12-13\ -\ Congregation\ +\ Abaddon's\ Gate.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x12-13\ -\ Congregation\ +\ Abaddon's\ Gate.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x12-13\ -\ Congregation\ +\ Abaddon's\ Gate.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x12-13\ -\ Congregation\ +\ Abaddon's\ Gate.pl.srt
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x12-13\ -\ Congregation\ +\ Abaddon's\ Gate-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 3x12-13\ -\ Congregation\ +\ Abaddon's\ Gate-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x01\ -\ New\ Terra.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x01\ -\ New\ Terra.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x01\ -\ New\ Terra.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x01\ -\ New\ Terra-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x01\ -\ New\ Terra-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Jetsam.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Jetsam.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Jetsam.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Jetsam-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Jetsam-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x03\ -\ Subduction.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x03\ -\ Subduction.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x03\ -\ Subduction.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x03\ -\ Subduction-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x03\ -\ Subduction-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Retrograde.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Retrograde.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Retrograde.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Retrograde-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Retrograde-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Oppressor.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Oppressor.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Oppressor.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Oppressor-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Oppressor-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x06\ -\ Displacement.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x06\ -\ Displacement.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x06\ -\ Displacement.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x06\ -\ Displacement-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x06\ -\ Displacement-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x07\ -\ A\ Shot\ in\ the\ Dark.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x07\ -\ A\ Shot\ in\ the\ Dark.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x07\ -\ A\ Shot\ in\ the\ Dark.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x07\ -\ A\ Shot\ in\ the\ Dark-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x07\ -\ A\ Shot\ in\ the\ Dark-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x08\ -\ The\ One-Eyed\ Man.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x08\ -\ The\ One-Eyed\ Man.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x08\ -\ The\ One-Eyed\ Man.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x08\ -\ The\ One-Eyed\ Man-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x08\ -\ The\ One-Eyed\ Man-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x09\ -\ Saeculum.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x09\ -\ Saeculum.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x09\ -\ Saeculum.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x09\ -\ Saeculum-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x09\ -\ Saeculum-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x10\ -\ Cibola\ Burn.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x10\ -\ Cibola\ Burn.mkv
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x10\ -\ Cibola\ Burn.nfo
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x10\ -\ Cibola\ Burn-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Expanse\ -\ 4x10\ -\ Cibola\ Burn-thumb.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)
│   ├── banner.jpg
│   ├── fanart.jpg
│   ├── landscape.jpg
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── poster.jpg
│   ├── season01-poster.jpg
│   ├── season02-poster.jpg
│   ├── season03-banner.jpg
│   ├── season03-poster.jpg
│   ├── season04-poster.jpg
│   ├── season05-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Unauthorized\ Magic.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Unauthorized\ Magic.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Unauthorized\ Magic.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Unauthorized\ Magic.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Unauthorized\ Magic-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Unauthorized\ Magic.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x01\ -\ Unauthorized\ Magic-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Source\ of\ Magic.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Source\ of\ Magic.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Source\ of\ Magic.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Source\ of\ Magic-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Source\ of\ Magic.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x02\ -\ The\ Source\ of\ Magic-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Consequences\ of\ Advanced\ Spellcasting.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Consequences\ of\ Advanced\ Spellcasting.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Consequences\ of\ Advanced\ Spellcasting.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Consequences\ of\ Advanced\ Spellcasting-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Consequences\ of\ Advanced\ Spellcasting.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x03\ -\ Consequences\ of\ Advanced\ Spellcasting-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ World\ in\ the\ Walls.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ World\ in\ the\ Walls.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ World\ in\ the\ Walls.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ World\ in\ the\ Walls-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ World\ in\ the\ Walls.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x04\ -\ The\ World\ in\ the\ Walls-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Mendings,\ Major\ and\ Minor.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Mendings,\ Major\ and\ Minor.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Mendings,\ Major\ and\ Minor.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Mendings,\ Major\ and\ Minor-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Mendings,\ Major\ and\ Minor.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x05\ -\ Mendings,\ Major\ and\ Minor-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Impractical\ Applications.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Impractical\ Applications.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Impractical\ Applications.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Impractical\ Applications-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Impractical\ Applications.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x06\ -\ Impractical\ Applications-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x07\ -\ The\ Mayakovsky\ Circumstances.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x07\ -\ The\ Mayakovsky\ Circumstances.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x07\ -\ The\ Mayakovsky\ Circumstances.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x07\ -\ The\ Mayakovsky\ Circumstances-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x07\ -\ The\ Mayakovsky\ Circumstances.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x07\ -\ The\ Mayakovsky\ Circumstances-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x08\ -\ The\ Strangled\ Heart.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x08\ -\ The\ Strangled\ Heart.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x08\ -\ The\ Strangled\ Heart.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x08\ -\ The\ Strangled\ Heart-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x08\ -\ The\ Strangled\ Heart.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x08\ -\ The\ Strangled\ Heart-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x09\ -\ The\ Writing\ Room.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x09\ -\ The\ Writing\ Room.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x09\ -\ The\ Writing\ Room.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x09\ -\ The\ Writing\ Room-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x09\ -\ The\ Writing\ Room.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x09\ -\ The\ Writing\ Room-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Homecoming.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Homecoming.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Homecoming.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Homecoming-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Homecoming.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x10\ -\ Homecoming-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x11\ -\ Remedial\ Battle\ Magic.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x11\ -\ Remedial\ Battle\ Magic.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x11\ -\ Remedial\ Battle\ Magic.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x11\ -\ Remedial\ Battle\ Magic-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x11\ -\ Remedial\ Battle\ Magic.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x11\ -\ Remedial\ Battle\ Magic-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x12\ -\ Thirty-Nine\ Graves.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x12\ -\ Thirty-Nine\ Graves.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x12\ -\ Thirty-Nine\ Graves.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x12\ -\ Thirty-Nine\ Graves-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x12\ -\ Thirty-Nine\ Graves.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x12\ -\ Thirty-Nine\ Graves-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x13\ -\ Have\ You\ Brought\ Me\ Little\ Cakes.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x13\ -\ Have\ You\ Brought\ Me\ Little\ Cakes.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x13\ -\ Have\ You\ Brought\ Me\ Little\ Cakes.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x13\ -\ Have\ You\ Brought\ Me\ Little\ Cakes-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x13\ -\ Have\ You\ Brought\ Me\ Little\ Cakes.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 1x13\ -\ Have\ You\ Brought\ Me\ Little\ Cakes-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Knight\ of\ Crowns.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Knight\ of\ Crowns.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Knight\ of\ Crowns.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Knight\ of\ Crowns-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Knight\ of\ Crowns.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x01\ -\ Knight\ of\ Crowns-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Hotel\ Spa\ Potions.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Hotel\ Spa\ Potions.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Hotel\ Spa\ Potions.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Hotel\ Spa\ Potions-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Hotel\ Spa\ Potions.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x02\ -\ Hotel\ Spa\ Potions-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Divine\ Elimination.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Divine\ Elimination.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Divine\ Elimination.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Divine\ Elimination-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Divine\ Elimination.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x03\ -\ Divine\ Elimination-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x04\ -\ The\ Flying\ Forest.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x04\ -\ The\ Flying\ Forest.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x04\ -\ The\ Flying\ Forest.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x04\ -\ The\ Flying\ Forest-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x04\ -\ The\ Flying\ Forest.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x04\ -\ The\ Flying\ Forest-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Cheat\ Day.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Cheat\ Day.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Cheat\ Day.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Cheat\ Day-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Cheat\ Day.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x05\ -\ Cheat\ Day-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x06\ -\ The\ Cock\ Barrens.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x06\ -\ The\ Cock\ Barrens.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x06\ -\ The\ Cock\ Barrens.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x06\ -\ The\ Cock\ Barrens.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x06\ -\ The\ Cock\ Barrens-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x06\ -\ The\ Cock\ Barrens.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x06\ -\ The\ Cock\ Barrens-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x07\ -\ Plan\ B.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x07\ -\ Plan\ B.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x07\ -\ Plan\ B.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x07\ -\ Plan\ B-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x07\ -\ Plan\ B.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x07\ -\ Plan\ B-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Word\ As\ Bond.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Word\ As\ Bond.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Word\ As\ Bond.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Word\ As\ Bond-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Word\ As\ Bond.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x08\ -\ Word\ As\ Bond-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x09\ -\ Lesser\ Evils.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x09\ -\ Lesser\ Evils.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x09\ -\ Lesser\ Evils.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x09\ -\ Lesser\ Evils-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x09\ -\ Lesser\ Evils.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x09\ -\ Lesser\ Evils-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x10\ -\ The\ Girl\ Who\ Told\ Time.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x10\ -\ The\ Girl\ Who\ Told\ Time.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x10\ -\ The\ Girl\ Who\ Told\ Time.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x10\ -\ The\ Girl\ Who\ Told\ Time-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x10\ -\ The\ Girl\ Who\ Told\ Time.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x10\ -\ The\ Girl\ Who\ Told\ Time-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x11\ -\ The\ Rattening.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x11\ -\ The\ Rattening.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x11\ -\ The\ Rattening.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x11\ -\ The\ Rattening-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x11\ -\ The\ Rattening.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x11\ -\ The\ Rattening-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x12\ -\ Ramifications.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x12\ -\ Ramifications.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x12\ -\ Ramifications.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x12\ -\ Ramifications-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x12\ -\ Ramifications.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x12\ -\ Ramifications-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x13\ -\ We\ Have\ Brought\ You\ Little\ Cakes.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x13\ -\ We\ Have\ Brought\ You\ Little\ Cakes.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x13\ -\ We\ Have\ Brought\ You\ Little\ Cakes.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x13\ -\ We\ Have\ Brought\ You\ Little\ Cakes-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x13\ -\ We\ Have\ Brought\ You\ Little\ Cakes.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 2x13\ -\ We\ Have\ Brought\ You\ Little\ Cakes-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Tales\ of\ the\ Seven\ Keys.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Tales\ of\ the\ Seven\ Keys.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Tales\ of\ the\ Seven\ Keys.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Tales\ of\ the\ Seven\ Keys.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Tales\ of\ the\ Seven\ Keys-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Tales\ of\ the\ Seven\ Keys.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x01\ -\ The\ Tales\ of\ the\ Seven\ Keys-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Heroes\ and\ Morons.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Heroes\ and\ Morons.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Heroes\ and\ Morons.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Heroes\ and\ Morons.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Heroes\ and\ Morons-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Heroes\ and\ Morons.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x02\ -\ Heroes\ and\ Morons-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Losses\ of\ Magic.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Losses\ of\ Magic.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Losses\ of\ Magic.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Losses\ of\ Magic-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Losses\ of\ Magic.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Losses\ of\ Magic-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Be\ the\ Penny.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Be\ the\ Penny.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Be\ the\ Penny.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Be\ the\ Penny-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Be\ the\ Penny.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x04\ -\ Be\ the\ Penny-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x05\ -\ A\ Life\ in\ the\ Day.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x05\ -\ A\ Life\ in\ the\ Day.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x05\ -\ A\ Life\ in\ the\ Day.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x05\ -\ A\ Life\ in\ the\ Day-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x05\ -\ A\ Life\ in\ the\ Day.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x05\ -\ A\ Life\ in\ the\ Day-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Do\ You\ Like\ Teeth.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Do\ You\ Like\ Teeth.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Do\ You\ Like\ Teeth.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Do\ You\ Like\ Teeth.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Do\ You\ Like\ Teeth-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Do\ You\ Like\ Teeth.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x06\ -\ Do\ You\ Like\ Teeth-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Poached\ Eggs.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Poached\ Eggs.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Poached\ Eggs.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Poached\ Eggs.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Poached\ Eggs-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Poached\ Eggs.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x07\ -\ Poached\ Eggs-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Six\ Short\ Stories\ About\ Magic.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Six\ Short\ Stories\ About\ Magic.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Six\ Short\ Stories\ About\ Magic.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Six\ Short\ Stories\ About\ Magic.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Six\ Short\ Stories\ About\ Magic-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Six\ Short\ Stories\ About\ Magic.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x08\ -\ Six\ Short\ Stories\ About\ Magic-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x09\ -\ All\ That\ Josh.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x09\ -\ All\ That\ Josh.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x09\ -\ All\ That\ Josh.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x09\ -\ All\ That\ Josh.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x09\ -\ All\ That\ Josh-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x09\ -\ All\ That\ Josh.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x09\ -\ All\ That\ Josh-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Art\ of\ the\ Deal.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Art\ of\ the\ Deal.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Art\ of\ the\ Deal.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Art\ of\ the\ Deal.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Art\ of\ the\ Deal-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Art\ of\ the\ Deal.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x10\ -\ The\ Art\ of\ the\ Deal-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Twenty-Three.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Twenty-Three.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Twenty-Three.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Twenty-Three.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Twenty-Three-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Twenty-Three.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x11\ -\ Twenty-Three-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x12\ -\ The\ Fillorian\ Candidate.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x12\ -\ The\ Fillorian\ Candidate.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x12\ -\ The\ Fillorian\ Candidate.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x12\ -\ The\ Fillorian\ Candidate.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x12\ -\ The\ Fillorian\ Candidate-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x12\ -\ The\ Fillorian\ Candidate.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x12\ -\ The\ Fillorian\ Candidate-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x13\ -\ Will\ You\ Play\ with\ Me.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x13\ -\ Will\ You\ Play\ with\ Me.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x13\ -\ Will\ You\ Play\ with\ Me.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x13\ -\ Will\ You\ Play\ with\ Me.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x13\ -\ Will\ You\ Play\ with\ Me-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x13\ -\ Will\ You\ Play\ with\ Me.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 3x13\ -\ Will\ You\ Play\ with\ Me-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ A\ Flock\ of\ Lost\ Birds.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ A\ Flock\ of\ Lost\ Birds.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ A\ Flock\ of\ Lost\ Birds.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ A\ Flock\ of\ Lost\ Birds.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ A\ Flock\ of\ Lost\ Birds-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x01\ -\ A\ Flock\ of\ Lost\ Birds-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Lost,\ Found,\ Fucked.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Lost,\ Found,\ Fucked.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Lost,\ Found,\ Fucked.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Lost,\ Found,\ Fucked-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x02\ -\ Lost,\ Found,\ Fucked-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Bad\ News\ Bear.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Bad\ News\ Bear.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Bad\ News\ Bear.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Bad\ News\ Bear.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Bad\ News\ Bear-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x03\ -\ The\ Bad\ News\ Bear-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Marry\ Fuck\ Kill.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Marry,\ Fuck,\ Kill.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Marry,\ Fuck,\ Kill.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Marry,\ Fuck,\ Kill.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Marry,\ Fuck,\ Kill-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Marry,\ Fuck,\ Kill.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x04\ -\ Marry,\ Fuck,\ Kill-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Escape\ from\ the\ Happy\ Place.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Escape\ from\ the\ Happy\ Place.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Escape\ from\ the\ Happy\ Place.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Escape\ from\ the\ Happy\ Place-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Escape\ from\ the\ Happy\ Place.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x05\ -\ Escape\ from\ the\ Happy\ Place-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ A\ Timeline\ and\ Place.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ A\ Timeline\ and\ Place.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ A\ Timeline\ and\ Place.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ A\ Timeline\ and\ Place.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ A\ Timeline\ and\ Place-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x06\ -\ A\ Timeline\ and\ Place-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ The\ Side\ Effect.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ The\ Side\ Effect.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ The\ Side\ Effect.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ The\ Side\ Effect.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ The\ Side\ Effect-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x07\ -\ The\ Side\ Effect-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Home\ Improvement.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Home\ Improvement.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Home\ Improvement.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Home\ Improvement.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Home\ Improvement-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x08\ -\ Home\ Improvement-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ The\ Serpent.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ The\ Serpent.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ The\ Serpent.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ The\ Serpent.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ The\ Serpent-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x09\ -\ The\ Serpent-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x10\ -\ All\ That\ Hard,\ Glossy\ Armor.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x10\ -\ All\ That\ Hard,\ Glossy\ Armor.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x10\ -\ All\ That\ Hard,\ Glossy\ Armor.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x10\ -\ All\ That\ Hard,\ Glossy\ Armor.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x10\ -\ All\ That\ Hard,\ Glossy\ Armor-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x10\ -\ All\ That\ Hard,\ Glossy\ Armor-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x11\ -\ The\ 4-1-1.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x11\ -\ The\ 4-1-1.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x11\ -\ The\ 4-1-1.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x11\ -\ The\ 4-1-1-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x11\ -\ The\ 4-1-1-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x12\ -\ The\ Secret\ Sea.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x12\ -\ The\ Secret\ Sea.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x12\ -\ The\ Secret\ Sea.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x12\ -\ The\ Secret\ Sea-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x12\ -\ The\ Secret\ Sea.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x12\ -\ The\ Secret\ Sea-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x13\ -\ No\ Better\ to\ Be\ Safe\ Than\ Sorry.en.srt
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x13\ -\ No\ Better\ to\ Be\ Safe\ Than\ Sorry.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x13\ -\ No\ Better\ to\ Be\ Safe\ Than\ Sorry.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x13\ -\ No\ Better\ to\ Be\ Safe\ Than\ Sorry.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x13\ -\ No\ Better\ to\ Be\ Safe\ Than\ Sorry-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 4x13\ -\ No\ Better\ to\ Be\ Safe\ Than\ Sorry-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x01\ -\ Do\ Something\ Crazy.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x01\ -\ Do\ Something\ Crazy.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x01\ -\ Do\ Something\ Crazy.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x01\ -\ Do\ Something\ Crazy-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x01\ -\ Do\ Something\ Crazy-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x02\ -\ The\ Wrath\ of\ the\ Time\ Bees.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x02\ -\ The\ Wrath\ of\ the\ Time\ Bees.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x02\ -\ The\ Wrath\ of\ the\ Time\ Bees.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x02\ -\ The\ Wrath\ of\ the\ Time\ Bees-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x02\ -\ The\ Wrath\ of\ the\ Time\ Bees-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x03\ -\ The\ Mountain\ of\ Ghosts.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x03\ -\ The\ Mountain\ of\ Ghosts.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x03\ -\ The\ Mountain\ of\ Ghosts-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x03\ -\ The\ Mountain\ of\ Ghosts-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x04\ -\ Magicians\ Anonymous.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x04\ -\ Magicians\ Anonymous.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x04\ -\ Magicians\ Anonymous-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x04\ -\ Magicians\ Anonymous-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x05\ -\ Apocalypse!\ Now!!.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x05\ -\ Apocalypse!\ Now!!.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x05\ -\ Apocalypse!\ Now!!-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x05\ -\ Apocalypse!\ Now!!-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x06\ -\ Oops!.I\ Did\ It\ Again.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x06\ -\ Oops!.I\ Did\ It\ Again.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x06\ -\ Oops!.I\ Did\ It\ Again-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x06\ -\ Oops!.I\ Did\ It\ Again-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x07\ -\ Acting\ Dean.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x07\ -\ Acting\ Dean.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x07\ -\ Acting\ Dean-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x07\ -\ Acting\ Dean-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x08\ -\ Garden\ Variety\ Homicide.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x08\ -\ Garden\ Variety\ Homicide.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x08\ -\ Garden\ Variety\ Homicide-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x08\ -\ Garden\ Variety\ Homicide-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x09\ -\ Cello\ Squirrel\ Daffodil.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x09\ -\ Cello\ Squirrel\ Daffodil.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x09\ -\ Cello\ Squirrel\ Daffodil-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x09\ -\ Cello\ Squirrel\ Daffodil-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x10\ -\ Purgatory.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x10\ -\ Purgatory.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x10\ -\ Purgatory-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x10\ -\ Purgatory-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x11\ -\ Be\ the\ Hyman.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x11\ -\ Be\ the\ Hyman.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x11\ -\ Be\ the\ Hyman-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x11\ -\ Be\ the\ Hyman-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x12\ -\ The\ Balls.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x12\ -\ The\ Balls.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x12\ -\ The\ Balls-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x12\ -\ The\ Balls-thumb.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x13\ -\ Fillory\ and\ Further.mkv
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x13\ -\ Fillory\ and\ Further.nfo
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x13\ -\ Fillory\ and\ Further-poster.jpg
│   ├── The\ Magicians\ (2015)\ -\ 5x13\ -\ Fillory\ and\ Further-thumb.jpg
│   └── tvshow.nfo
└── Westworld
    ├── banner.jpg
    ├── fanart.jpg
    ├── landscape.jpg
    ├── logo.png
    ├── poster.jpg
    ├── season01-poster.jpg
    ├── season02-poster.jpg
    ├── season03-poster.jpg
    ├── tvshow.nfo
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Parce\ Domine.mkv
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Parce\ Domine.nfo
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Parce\ Domine-poster.jpg
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x01\ -\ Parce\ Domine-thumb.jpg
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Winter\ Line.mkv
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Winter\ Line.nfo
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Winter\ Line-poster.jpg
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x02\ -\ The\ Winter\ Line-thumb.jpg
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Absence\ of\ Field.mkv
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Absence\ of\ Field.nfo
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Absence\ of\ Field-poster.jpg
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x03\ -\ The\ Absence\ of\ Field-thumb.jpg
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x04\ -\ The\ Mother\ of\ Exiles.mkv
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x04\ -\ The\ Mother\ of\ Exiles.nfo
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x04\ -\ The\ Mother\ of\ Exiles-poster.jpg
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x04\ -\ The\ Mother\ of\ Exiles-thumb.jpg
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Genre.mkv
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Genre.nfo
    ├── Westworld\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Genre-poster.jpg
    └── Westworld\ -\ 3x05\ -\ Genre-thumb.jpg

14 directories, 1215 files
podczas gdy windows wygląda to tak :
potrzebujesz doinstalować Qnapclub Store: Entware-3x , a potem w SSH , opkg update; opkg install tree


  • upload_2020-4-18_22-54-20.png
    155,9 KB · Wyświetleń: 80
czeka mnie żmudna robota ale trzeba będzie to zrobić i pozmieniać nazwy plików tak aby trzymać się jednego schematu nazewnictwa. Jak to ogarnę to wtedy sprawdzę czy wszystko jest tak jak powinno być. Zastanawiam się jeszcze czy nie lepiej przejść na ang nazewnictwo filmów hmmm doinstalować imdb i jego wykorzystywać jako agenta w Plex

Tak, nazywa się to identify i jest opisane w instrukcji plexa !
dziękuje za podpowiedź poczytam więcej na ten temat :)

Próbowałem jeszcze wystawić plexa na zewnątrz ale coś mi nie idzie :-(jak klikam zmieniam na zdalny dostęp to mam komunikat że jestem udostępniony a po chwili wraca do statusu niedostępny. Czy trzeba mieć publiczne ip?
dziękuje za informacje, powiedz mi jeszcze dlaczego mam część opisów po angielsku a cześć w naszym dialekcie. Idzie to ustawić aby program pobierał tylko opisy PL??? szukałem w ustawieniach agenta ale na liście krajów nie mam Polski :(
Idzie to ustawić aby program pobierał tylko opisy PL??? szukałem w ustawieniach agenta ale na liście krajów nie mam Polski
i kolejne pytanie z cyklu - nie przeczytałem instrukcji plexa, w bibliotece (pisze z pamięci), masz ustawiony kraj , jesli nie bedzie opisu w tym jezyku, to opis zostanie pobrany po ang. A że polskich opisów jest mało .. masz takie niespodzianki.

Użytkownicy znaleźli tą stronę używając tych słów:

  1. zdalny dostęp do plików