Help The request to ruTorrent has timed out


Entry Technician
Q Associate
Jan 19, 2019
TS-x79 Pro
1 GbE
TS-1079 Pro Current firmware version: Date: 2019/04/25

I get timeouts since long, the strange thing is: Sometimes all the time, sometimes every here and then.

I did check everything, one day i was suspicious that the Virtual switch configuration might be wrong, so i reset the config and it worked for several hours, but got back to normal timeouts of the web interface (Advanced, uTorrent-like, highly extensible front-end.)
I did try the other Web frontends as well, but the difference is simply that they don't throw a message, but also timeout.

I did try to disable DHT, no impact...

Sometimes the only application that consumes up to 29% CPU time is rutorrent.

I have 16 GB ram, most of the time the device is very idle..

Any ideas ?

All in the LAN, nothing else makes troubles, web interface of the Qnap is very responsive, no other timeouts, everything else is working as it should.
ok, so after there was no feedback i through hey, lets scrap it and uninstall the Application, restart the NAS and install it again.

After i did so, at least the web interface didn't timeout until now (Lets see what happens after i restarted the NAS once...)
But, i get the error message, after i changed the configuration in the webfrontend for Ports and so on, "cannot reload rtorrent settings, watchdog already in progress"

After a while, the web frontend is available again and it gave me once, in the Log window "rTorrent user can't access 'id' program. Some functionality will be unavailable"

Then, no progress, no connectivity, nothing, Tracker unable to connect to UDP Tracker, trackers slider is empty for different, prior active torrents...
After several minutes, i closed the browser and opened it again to connect to the Web front end, at least no errors, but still no content in the trackers window, the log file gave me now: File Share: error - STATUS:Timeout MSG: undefined.

Frustrating, my processor load level is nearly never more than 33%, when the NAS is busy, but usually it idles around at 3%, 16 GB Ram are sufficient, as i think...

Either rTorrent can not handle many torrents that are active for seeding, or something with the Webserver generator is wrong or i don't know. I did check the log-file though.... couldn't find much, but the SSL communication as of no local cert failed...

Maybe i should send you the compressed folder of all LOGs ? So you might have a look ?

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  1. Request timeout
  2. the request to rTorrent has timed out