
  1. witek666

    Help RtRorrent + Libreelec

    Czy jest szansa Rtorrent PRO uruchomić na PC z systemem Libreelec, Rtorrent jest na tym systemie z dodatku thoradia/thoradia . Jeśli jest możliwość to jestem zainteresowany kupnem, jeśli nie to też jestem chętny do przetestowania. Jeśli nie da się to na jakiego QNAP zbierać lub inny NAS, choć...
  2. indru

    Help Torrents stucked on "Queued" state.

    Hello, I am having issues downloading torrents since a few days ago. It seems any new torrents I add are stuck on Queued state. I have searched the Internet and many suggested this is a rights/ownership issue, meaning the user used by rtorrent would not have access to the downloads folder. This...
  3. Iceman_jkh

    Help auto delete (x) mins after download

    Hi, I'm looking for a way for rutorrent to automatically remove and delete data of torrents (with particular labels) X minutes after completing download. I have explored autotools, but couldn't find such a feature there. I use rutorrent with Sonarr/Radarr and for whatever reason, neither app...
  4. CaracalMan

    Help ruTorrent update to V0.9.7-A725

    Hi team, when I update to the new version(V0.9.7-A725) it displays this error message: JS error: [undefined : 8188] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.actLbls["flabel_cont"]') JS error: [ : 744] TypeError: undefined is not...
  5. Iceman_jkh

    Help Problem when using sonarr/radarr save to Directory.

    Hi, Hope you are staying safe! I may have found a bug in rutorrent when using the 'directory' setting from radarr/sonarr...or I'm just not using it correctly. When I don't use a save to Directory (i.e.:field is left blank), the files/folders always (or at least 95%) get moved to the...
  6. rebekic

    Help Just bought Rtorrent Pro but having problem removing old version (rutorrent)

    Hello Silas, I just bought Rtorrent Pro and have a problem, since i had old version of rtorrent/rutorrent manualy installed on my QNAP many many years ago . Instructions where on the old forum but now they are missing. 1. After installing PRO verison (not removig old one) i now have...
  7. plonking

    Help High HDD usage

    Hi Is it possible to limit the use of hdd by rtorrent? These are only 2 torrents and the disks are already reaching their limits. In the background there is currently nothing working, so if i start backups it is only worse. Firmware version: Build 20190816 Model name: QNAP...
  8. nelik1987

    Help ruTorrent 3.8

    Czy jeste gdzieś dostępna paczka ruTorrent 3.8, kiedyś pobrałem zainstalowałem i działa do dzisiaj ale jak szukam takiej paczki na QNAP to wyszukuje się wersja rTorrenta pro czyli płatna.
  9. SDEN

    Help Add private torrent search site

    Is there a tutorial on howto add a private torrent site in ruttorrent as search engine? Firmware version: Build 2019/04/25 Model name: QNAP TS-453-Pro
  10. RaRe1

    Help The request to ruTorrent has timed out

    TS-1079 Pro Current firmware version: Date: 2019/04/25 I get timeouts since long, the strange thing is: Sometimes all the time, sometimes every here and then. I did check everything, one day i was suspicious that the Virtual switch configuration might be wrong, so i reset the...
  11. goral87

    Help rutorrent rescan biblioteki

    Witam, czy opcja rescan biblioteki dla plex działa poprawnie w rutorrencie? W ustawieniach jest napisane, że być to w formie host:token więc podałem IP-QNAPA:token z xml i coś nie działa. Czy spotkał się ktoś z podobnym problem? Wersja oprogramowania Firmware: 4.3.6 0923 Model serwera: QNAP TS-451+
  12. zeusrulez

    Help ruTorrent usunięcie całej sesji

    Witam serdecznie. Tak jak w tytule, z app na tel nawet nie wiem jak usunąłem wszystkie torrenty. Czy istnieje możliwość przywrócenie sesji z przed kilku dni ? Wersja oprogramowania Firmware: Build 20180710 Model serwera: QNAP TS-470
  13. JrCsG

    Help rtorrent-Pro manual and tutorial

    Hi, again a (maybe silly) question: I bought rtorrent-Pro. :) Before this program, I used Transmission. As I can see this program is a "bit" different. Where can I find a tutorial/help for the settings/using of the program?
  14. F1le

    Help Gdzie są pliki konfiguracyjne rtorrenta?

    Szanowni, Nie wiem czemu, ale mój rtorrent działa od zawsze dziwnie. Po pierwsze gdy ustawiam mu lokalizację do zachowywania plików torrent to o ile zapisuje w tym miejscu o tyle jak kasuje je przez www rutorrenta to nie umie usunąć folderów. Jaki powinien być user name dodany do grupy user...
  15. Fiwi

    Help rtorrent - RSS Feed duplication.

    Hi, i am using Rutorrent the latest version that is available here on this forum. I attached a picture. I have a fast connection and setup ratio groups. and set it to seed to 100% but when its down and it will then remove it from the list it will get added again. Is this a setting somewhere or...