Pomoc UPS "automatyczne" odłączanie się

Paweł Tołoczko

Enterprise Admin...
Q's Architect
8 Listopad 2013
1 GbE
Jak w temacie.
Chcialbym, aby posiadacze UPSow APC (innych tez :) ) - ktore znjduja sie na liscie kompatyblnosci Qnap, a zachowuja sie dziwnie zostaly tu wymienione.
Co rozumiem przez dziwne zachowanie:
moj np. Poprawni jest rozpoznawany, wszystko niby OK, ale po paru dniach .. zostaje przez system zgloszony jako odlaczony (kabel USB).
Co chcialbym zeby bylo wymienione w temacie:

Model Serwera:
Wersja Firmware:
Model UPSa:
Mozliwe kroki debug - co zostalo zrobione, by przywrocic polaczenie.

TO ja zaczne:

Model Serwera: Ts-870
Wersja Firmware: 4.1.3 2015.03.13
Model UPSa: APC (American Power Conversion) 1500G
Zachowanie: samoistne odlaczenie (odmontowanie) urzadzenia.

1. odlaczenie kabla i ponowne podlaczenie do tego samego portu USB (USB 2.0 tyl, pierwsze gniazzdo on portu ethernet) - kicha nei dziala
2. podlaczenie do 2 portu USB 2.0 - nie dziala
3. reboot i zostawienie podlaczonego kabla do 1 gniazda (gdzie byl orginalnie) - nie dziala
4. wlozenie do 2 portu USB 2.0 - zostal znaleziony przez system - dziala
5. wlozenie do 1 portu USB 2.0 - gdzie byl od samego poczatku - dziala :)
To tak jeszcze informacyjnie.
Ponad dwa dni po powrocie do buildu 0217 - jak na razie bez problemów. UPS się nie wypinał i restartu nie było (choć przypominam, że i na tym buildzie miałem kiedyś dwa restarty związane z USB w ciągu tygodnia użytkowania - ale chyba jeden z nich sam spowodowałem ;) ).
Dzis dostalem od QNAPa odp:

Our developers cannot reproduce the UPS issue you got. Therefore, our developers want to check the UPS issue by remote connection

If it's ok, please download and run TeamViewer (www.teamviewer.com) and let us know the TeamViewer ID / password and NAS admin's password.

Our developers are located in Taiwan. How about the schedule below?

Taipei (Taiwan) Monday, 27 April 2015, 17:00:00 CST UTC+8 hours
London (United Kingdom - England) Monday, 27 April 2015, 10:00:00 BST UTC+1 hour
Corresponding UTC (GMT) Monday, 27 April 2015, 09:00:00

You could find the time difference between several cities with the time difference form below link.

Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator


Remote Tool download link
Windows system : http://www.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewerQS.exe
Mac System : http://www.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewerQS.dmg
Linux System : Free TeamViewer Download for Linux
Console SSH tool
PuTTY: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe

QNAP Systems, Inc.
Tony Yeh

Website: http://www.qnap.com/
Forum: QNAP NAS Community Forum • Board
Wiki: QNAPedia

Our advice is strictly limited to the question(s) asked and is based on the information provided to us. QNAP Systems Inc. does not assume any responsibility or liability for the advice given and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this information. Always back up your data. For more information, including technical information updates, please visit our website at www.qnap.com

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GJQ-656-40426
Department: Europe - United Kingdom & Ireland
Type: Hardware & Software Compatibility
Status: Need Follow-up

Co zamierzam:
- odpowiedzec, ze moga sie polaczyc za jakis tydzien, bo teraz jestem zajety ;p
- podac emaile osob z problemami, by z nimi laskawei sei skontaktowali i mogli ewentualnie tez przez sesje zdalna zobaczyc co i jak
(emaile - wezme z profilu osob wypowiadajacych sie w tym topicu)
Dobra dzis mialem sesje z Qnapa i oto wyniki w putty:

[~] # df
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /
devtmpfs                  7.8G      8.0k      7.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs                    64.0M      2.7M     61.3M   4% /tmp
tmpfs                     7.8G     32.0k      7.8G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/md9                509.5M    128.3M    381.1M  25% /mnt/HDA_ROOT
/dev/mapper/cachedev1    21.6T    479.8G     21.2T   2% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
/dev/md13               371.0M    286.9M     84.1M  77% /mnt/ext
tmpfs                     8.0M         0      8.0M   0% /var/syslog_maildir
tmpfs                    64.0M      2.7M     61.3M   4% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/tmp
/dev/md9                509.5M    128.3M    381.1M  25% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/etc/config
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/home/httpd/RSS/images
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/etc/init.d
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/etc/rcS.d
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/etc/rcK.d
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/etc/default_config
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/etc/platform.conf
/dev/mapper/cachedev1    21.6T    479.8G     21.2T   2% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
tmpfs                    64.0M      2.7M     61.3M   4% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/HD_Station/tmp
/dev/md9                509.5M    128.3M    381.1M  25% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/HD_Station/etc/config
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/HD_Station/home/httpd/RSS/images
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/HD_Station/etc/init.d
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/HD_Station/etc/rcS.d
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/HD_Station/etc/rcK.d
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/HD_Station/etc/default_config
none                    200.0M    150.2M     49.8M  75% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/HD_Station/etc/platform.conf
none                      7.8G         0      7.8G   0% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/sys/fs/cgroup
udev                      7.8G      8.0k      7.8G   0% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/dev
tmpfs                     7.8G    252.0k      7.8G   0% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/run
none                      7.8G         0      7.8G   0% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/run/shm
none                      7.8G         0      7.8G   0% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.q                                                      pkg/HD_Station/run/lock
[~] # id
uid=0(admin) gid=0(administrators) groups=0(administrators),100(everyone)
[~] # log_tool -qv
Query database...
event_id,event_type,event_date,event_time,event_user,event_ip,event_comp,event_d                                                      esc,event_msgid,event_timet,
  1,  0,2015-03-20,19:01:24,admin,,---,[Users] User [Tolek] password                                                       changed.,  0,1426878084,
  2,  0,2015-03-20,19:01:37,admin,,---,[Users] User [Tolek]'s accoun                                                      t information was changed.,  0,1426878097,
  3,  0,2015-03-20,19:01:43,admin,,---,[Users] User [Emilka]'s accou                                                      nt information was changed.,  0,1426878103,
  4,  0,2015-03-20,19:01:57,admin,,---,[Users] User [Emilka] passwor                                                      d changed.,  0,1426878117,
  5,  0,2015-03-22,21:20:18,admin,,---,[Users] User [admin] password                                                       changed.,  0,1427059218,
  6,  0,2015-03-23,06:30:55,System,,---,[Disk Speed] Weekly test is don                                                      e.,  0,1427092255,
  7,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:01,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427101201,
  8,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:03,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427101203,
  9,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:06,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427101206,
10,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:08,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427101208,
11,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:14,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427101214,
12,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:16,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427101216,
13,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:23,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427101223,
14,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:25,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427101225,
15,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:53,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427101253,
16,  0,2015-03-23,09:00:53,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427101253,
17,  1,2015-03-23,09:00:53,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       still has warning/abnormal condition, please check summary page.,  0,1427101253,
18,  0,2015-03-23,09:01:02,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427101262,
19,  0,2015-03-23,09:01:03,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427101263,
20,  0,2015-03-23,09:01:04,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427101264,
21,  0,2015-03-23,09:01:10,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427101270,
22,  0,2015-03-23,09:01:11,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427101271,
23,  0,2015-03-23,09:01:17,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427101277,
24,  0,2015-03-23,15:39:25,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unpl                                                      ugged.,  0,1427125165,
25,  2,2015-03-26,19:39:34,admin,,---,[App Center] App installation                                                       failed. Another App installation or system update is in progress.,  0,142739877                                                      4,
26,  0,2015-03-26,19:42:17,System,,localhost,HD_Station 2.0.2 has been                                                       installed in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/HD_Station.,  0,1427398937,
27,  0,2015-03-26,19:44:45,admin,,---,[App Center] HybridDesk Stati                                                      on disabled.,  0,1427399085,
28,  0,2015-03-26,19:44:55,admin,,---,[App Center] HybridDesk Stati                                                      on enabled.,  0,1427399095,
29,  0,2015-03-26,19:46:53,System,,localhost,Virtualization Station 1.                                                      3.2950 has been installed in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QKVM.,  0,1427399213,
30,  0,2015-03-26,19:51:55,admin,,---,[Power Management] System res                                                      tarting now.,  0,1427399515,
31,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1427399525,
32,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:06,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1427399526,
33,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:06,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1427399526,
34,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:07,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng UPnP mapped ports...,  0,1427399527,
35,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:07,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd shutted down.,  0,1427399527,
36,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:08,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt shutted down.,  0,1427399528,
37,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:10,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m shutted down.,  0,1427399530,
38,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:12,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1427399532,
39,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:12,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (8656 ),  0,1427399532,
40,  0,2015-03-26,19:52:12,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (8656 ),  0,1427399532,
41,  0,2015-03-26,19:53:25,System,,localhost,System was shut down on T                                                      hu Mar 26 19:53:25 GMT 2015.,  0,1427399605,
42,  0,2015-03-26,19:55:15,System,,localhost,System started.,  0,14273                                                      99715,
43,  0,2015-03-26,19:55:51,System,,localhost,[Media Library] Media Lib                                                      rary Server started.,  0,1427399751,
44,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:16,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1427399836,
45,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:16,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1427399836,
46,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:16,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1427399836,
47,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:16,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Fix no                                                       more PTYs issue,  0,1427399836,
48,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:16,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Creati                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1427399836,
49,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:16,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: exec:                                                       ln -sf /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1427399836,
50,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:18,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: TZ: Eu                                                      rope/London,  0,1427399838,
51,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:18,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port W                                                      eb: 6009 is available.,  0,1427399838,
52,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:18,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      ecureWeb: 6008 is available.,  0,1427399838,
53,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:19,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      CGI: 5000 is available.,  0,1427399839,
54,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:19,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port D                                                      HT: 6881 is available.,  0,1427399839,
55,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:19,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port T                                                      orrent: 42000 is available.,  0,1427399839,
56,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:19,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: eth0 i                                                      paddr:,  0,1427399839,
57,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:19,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: Country: GeoIP.dat,  0,1427399839,
58,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:19,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: City: GeoIPCity.dat,  0,1427399839,
59,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:20,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: UPnP P                                                      ort mapping: 5000, 6881, 42000,  0,1427399839,
60,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:20,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: extern                                                      al ipaddr:,  0,1427399839,
61,  1,2015-03-26,19:57:21,rtorrent,,localhost,(warn) rtorrent: Could                                                       not get registred cloud name!,  0,1427399841,
62,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Cloud                                                       domain name: myqnapcloud.com,  0,1427399842,
63,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: User m                                                      ail address: tolek81@gmail.com,  0,1427399842,
64,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Web se                                                      rver certificate found.,  0,1427399842,
65,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Genera                                                      ting new RPC password.,  0,1427399842,
66,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Applyi                                                      ng new RPC password.,  0,1427399842,
67,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:23,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Curren                                                      t ipfilter size is 3664993 bytes,  0,1427399843,
68,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:23,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Remote                                                       ipfilter size is 3664993 bytes,  0,1427399843,
69,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:23,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ipfilt                                                      er list is up to date!,  0,1427399843,
70,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:24,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m started.,  0,1427399844,
71,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:31,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt started.,  0,1427399851,
72,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:34,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd started.,  0,1427399854,
73,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:34,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (9913 9912),  0,1427399854,
74,  0,2015-03-26,19:57:34,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (9913 9912),  0,1427399854,
75,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:08,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1427399888,
76,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:31,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unpl                                                      ugged.,  0,1427399911,
77,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:32,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1427399912,
78,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:54,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unpl                                                      ugged.,  0,1427399934,
79,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:59,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1427399939,
80,  0,2015-03-27,18:52:31,System,,localhost,PlexMediaServer                                                      8 has been installed in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/PlexMediaServer.,  0,1427482                                                      351,
81,  0,2015-03-27,19:20:37,admin,,---,[VPN Service] Change Network                                                       interface successfully.,  0,1427484037,
82,  0,2015-03-27,19:20:37,admin,,---,[VPN Service] Change PPTP set                                                      tings successfully.,  0,1427484037,
83,  0,2015-03-27,19:20:41,admin,,---,[VPN Service] Change OpenVPN                                                       settings successfully.,  0,1427484041,
84,  0,2015-03-30,06:30:54,System,,---,[Disk Speed] Weekly test is don                                                      e.,  0,1427693454,
85,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:01,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427702401,
86,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:04,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427702404,
87,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:06,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427702406,
88,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:09,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427702408,
89,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:14,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427702414,
90,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:16,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427702416,
91,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:19,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427702419,
92,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:26,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1427702426,
93,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:54,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427702454,
94,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:55,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427702455,
95,  1,2015-03-30,09:00:55,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       still has warning/abnormal condition, please check summary page.,  0,1427702455,
96,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:57,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427702457,
97,  0,2015-03-30,09:00:58,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427702458,
98,  0,2015-03-30,09:01:06,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427702466,
99,  0,2015-03-30,09:01:12,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427702472,
100,  0,2015-03-30,09:01:13,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427702473,
101,  0,2015-03-30,09:01:18,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427702478,
102,  0,2015-03-31,10:29:19,System,,localhost,QNAP Diagnostic Tool enab                                                      led.,  0,1427794159,
103,  0,2015-03-31,10:29:20,System,,localhost,QNAP Diagnostic Tool 0.5.                                                      0 installation succeeded.,  0,1427794160,
104,  0,2015-04-01,02:00:01,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Complete Test started.,  0,1427850001,
105,  0,2015-04-01,02:00:05,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Complete Test started.,  0,1427850005,
106,  0,2015-04-01,02:00:07,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Complete Test started.,  0,1427850007,
107,  0,2015-04-01,02:00:09,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Complete Test started.,  0,1427850009,
108,  0,2015-04-01,02:00:15,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Complete Test started.,  0,1427850015,
109,  0,2015-04-01,02:00:17,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Complete Test started.,  0,1427850017,
110,  0,2015-04-01,02:00:23,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Complete Test started.,  0,1427850023,
111,  0,2015-04-01,02:00:26,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Complete Test started.,  0,1427850026,
112,  0,2015-04-01,13:12:01,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Complete Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427890321,
113,  0,2015-04-01,13:15:19,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Complete Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427890519,
114,  0,2015-04-01,13:20:29,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Complete Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427890829,
115,  0,2015-04-01,13:21:10,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Complete Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427890870,
116,  0,2015-04-01,13:23:41,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Complete Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427891021,
117,  0,2015-04-01,13:23:50,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Complete Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427891030,
118,  1,2015-04-01,13:23:50,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       still has warning/abnormal condition, please check summary page.,  0,1427891030,
119,  0,2015-04-01,13:27:12,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Complete Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427891232,
120,  0,2015-04-01,13:27:18,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Complete Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1427891238,
121,  0,2015-04-02,19:49:17,admin,,---,[Hardware] System Smart FAN c                                                      hanged from [Fixed mode-Medium] to [Fixed mode-High] successfully.,  0,142800055                                                      7,
122,  0,2015-04-02,20:23:25,admin,,---,[Hardware] System Smart FAN c                                                      hanged from [Fixed mode-High] to [Fixed mode-Medium] successfully.,  0,142800260                                                      5,
123,  1,2015-04-03,03:23:39,System,,localhost,Power loss detected on UP                                                      S. System would be shutdown after 1 minute(s).,  0,1428027819,
124,  1,2015-04-03,03:23:56,System,,localhost,Power has returned to UPS                                                      . Canceling shutdown.,  0,1428027836,
125,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:11,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /home/httpd/cgi-bin/application,  0,1428276491,
126,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:13,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1428276493,
127,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:17,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1428276497,
128,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:17,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng UPnP mapped ports...,  0,1428276497,
129,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:17,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd shutted down.,  0,1428276497,
130,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:18,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt shutted down.,  0,1428276498,
131,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:20,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m shutted down.,  0,1428276500,
132,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:21,admin,,---,[App Center] rtorrent disable                                                      d.,  0,1428276501,
133,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428276501,
134,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (29856 ),  0,1428276502,
135,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (29856 ),  0,1428276502,
136,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /home/httpd/cgi-bin/application,  0,1428276505,
137,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1428276505,
138,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1428276505,
139,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Fix no                                                       more PTYs issue,  0,1428276505,
140,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Creati                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428276505,
141,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: exec:                                                       ln -sf /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428276505,
142,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: TZ: Eu                                                      rope/London,  0,1428276507,
143,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port W                                                      eb: 6009 is available.,  0,1428276507,
144,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      ecureWeb: 6008 is available.,  0,1428276507,
145,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      CGI: 5000 is available.,  0,1428276507,
146,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port D                                                      HT: 6881 is available.,  0,1428276507,
147,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port T                                                      orrent: 42000 is available.,  0,1428276507,
148,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: eth0 i                                                      paddr:,  0,1428276507,
149,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: Country: GeoIP.dat,  0,1428276507,
150,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:28,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: City: GeoIPCity.dat,  0,1428276508,
151,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:28,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: UPnP P                                                      ort mapping: 5000, 6881, 42000,  0,1428276507,
152,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: extern                                                      al ipaddr:,  0,1428276508,
153,  1,2015-04-06,00:28:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(warn) rtorrent: Could                                                       not get registred cloud name!,  0,1428276509,
154,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:30,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Cloud                                                       domain name: myqnapcloud.com,  0,1428276510,
155,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:30,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: User m                                                      ail address: tolek81@gmail.com,  0,1428276510,
156,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:30,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Web se                                                      rver certificate found.,  0,1428276510,
157,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:31,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Genera                                                      ting new RPC password.,  0,1428276511,
158,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:31,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Applyi                                                      ng new RPC password.,  0,1428276511,
159,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:32,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Curren                                                      t ipfilter size is 3664993 bytes,  0,1428276512,
160,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:32,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Remote                                                       ipfilter size is 3664993 bytes,  0,1428276512,
161,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:33,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ipfilt                                                      er list is up to date!,  0,1428276513,
162,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:33,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m started.,  0,1428276513,
163,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:38,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt started.,  0,1428276518,
164,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:41,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd started.,  0,1428276521,
165,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:41,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (1219 1218),  0,1428276521,
166,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:41,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (1219 1218),  0,1428276521,
167,  0,2015-04-06,00:28:45,admin,,---,[App Center] rtorrent enabled                                                      .,  0,1428276525,
168,  0,2015-04-06,06:30:59,System,,---,[Disk Speed] Weekly test is don                                                      e.,  0,1428298259,
169,  0,2015-04-06,09:00:01,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428307201,
170,  0,2015-04-06,09:00:03,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428307203,
171,  0,2015-04-06,09:00:07,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428307207,
172,  0,2015-04-06,09:00:10,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428307210,
173,  0,2015-04-06,09:00:12,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428307212,
174,  0,2015-04-06,09:00:18,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428307218,
175,  0,2015-04-06,09:00:21,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428307221,
176,  0,2015-04-06,09:00:23,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428307223,
177,  0,2015-04-06,09:00:51,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428307251,
178,  0,2015-04-06,09:01:00,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428307260,
179,  1,2015-04-06,09:01:00,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       still has warning/abnormal condition, please check summary page.,  0,1428307260,
180,  0,2015-04-06,09:01:02,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428307262,
181,  0,2015-04-06,09:01:02,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428307262,
182,  0,2015-04-06,09:01:09,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428307269,
183,  0,2015-04-06,09:01:10,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428307270,
184,  0,2015-04-06,09:01:16,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428307276,
185,  0,2015-04-06,09:01:17,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428307277,
186,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:21,admin,,---,[Power Management] System rest                                                      arting now.,  0,1428752301,
187,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:23,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1428752303,
188,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:24,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1428752304,
189,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1428752305,
190,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng UPnP mapped ports...,  0,1428752305,
191,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:26,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd shutted down.,  0,1428752305,
192,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:28,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt shutted down.,  0,1428752308,
193,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:28,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m shutted down.,  0,1428752308,
194,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:32,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428752312,
195,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:33,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (22254 ),  0,1428752313,
196,  0,2015-04-11,12:38:33,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (22254 ),  0,1428752313,
197,  0,2015-04-11,12:39:45,System,,localhost,System was shut down on S                                                      at Apr 11 12:39:45 BST 2015.,  0,1428752385,
198,  0,2015-04-11,12:41:34,System,,localhost,System started.,  0,14287                                                      52494,
199,  0,2015-04-11,12:42:10,System,,localhost,[Media Library] Media Lib                                                      rary Server started.,  0,1428752530,
200,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:21,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1428752601,
201,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1428752602,
202,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1428752602,
203,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:22,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Fix no                                                       more PTYs issue,  0,1428752602,
204,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:23,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Creati                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428752603,
205,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:23,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: exec:                                                       ln -sf /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428752603,
206,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: TZ: Eu                                                      rope/London,  0,1428752609,
207,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port W                                                      eb: 6009 is available.,  0,1428752609,
208,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      ecureWeb: 6008 is available.,  0,1428752609,
209,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      CGI: 5000 is available.,  0,1428752609,
210,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:30,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port D                                                      HT: 6881 is available.,  0,1428752610,
211,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:30,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port T                                                      orrent: 42000 is available.,  0,1428752610,
212,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:30,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: eth0 i                                                      paddr:,  0,1428752610,
213,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:31,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: UPnP P                                                      ort mapping: 5000, 6881, 42000,  0,1428752610,
214,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:32,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: extern                                                      al ipaddr:,  0,1428752611,
215,  1,2015-04-11,12:43:34,rtorrent,,localhost,(warn) rtorrent: Could                                                       not get registred cloud name!,  0,1428752614,
216,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:35,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: Country: GeoIP.dat,  0,1428752610,
217,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:36,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Cloud                                                       domain name: myqnapcloud.com,  0,1428752615,
218,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:36,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: User m                                                      ail address: tolek81@gmail.com,  0,1428752616,
219,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:37,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Web se                                                      rver certificate found.,  0,1428752617,
220,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:37,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Genera                                                      ting new RPC password.,  0,1428752617,
221,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:37,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Applyi                                                      ng new RPC password.,  0,1428752617,
222,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:38,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: City: GeoIPCity.dat,  0,1428752616,
223,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:40,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Curren                                                      t ipfilter size is 3664993 bytes,  0,1428752619,
224,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:41,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Remote                                                       ipfilter size is 3664630 bytes,  0,1428752621,
225,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:41,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Downlo                                                      ading new ipfilter list...,  0,1428752621,
226,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:53,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Conver                                                      ting ipfilter list...,  0,1428752633,
227,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:53,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Replac                                                      ing old ipfilter list,  0,1428752633,
228,  0,2015-04-11,12:43:55,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m started.,  0,1428752635,
229,  0,2015-04-11,12:44:01,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt started.,  0,1428752641,
230,  0,2015-04-11,12:44:02,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd started.,  0,1428752642,
231,  0,2015-04-11,12:44:02,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (18742 18741),  0,1428752642,
232,  0,2015-04-11,12:44:02,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (18742 18741),  0,1428752642,
233,  0,2015-04-11,12:45:08,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1428752708,
234,  0,2015-04-11,12:50:26,System,,localhost,[Firmware Update] Use add                                                      itional space to update firmware.,  0,1428753026,
235,  0,2015-04-11,12:50:33,System,,localhost,[Firmware Update] Start t                                                      o update the firmware.,  0,1428753033,
236,  0,2015-04-11,12:52:20,System,,localhost,[Firmware Update] System                                                       updated successfully from 4.1.3(20150313) to 4.1.3(20150408).,  0,1428753140,
237,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:24,admin,,---,[Power Management] System rest                                                      arting now.,  0,1428753204,
238,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:42,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1428753222,
239,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:42,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1428753222,
240,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:42,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1428753222,
241,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:42,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng UPnP mapped ports...,  0,1428753222,
242,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:42,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd shutted down.,  0,1428753222,
243,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:43,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt shutted down.,  0,1428753223,
244,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:43,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m shutted down.,  0,1428753223,
245,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:45,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428753225,
246,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:45,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (16901 ),  0,1428753225,
247,  0,2015-04-11,12:53:45,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (16901 ),  0,1428753225,
248,  0,2015-04-11,12:55:00,System,,localhost,System was shut down on S                                                      at Apr 11 12:55:00 BST 2015.,  0,1428753300,
249,  0,2015-04-11,12:56:53,System,,localhost,System started.,  0,14287                                                      53413,
250,  0,2015-04-11,12:57:29,System,,localhost,[Media Library] Media Lib                                                      rary Server started.,  0,1428753449,
251,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:54,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1428753534,
252,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:54,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1428753534,
253,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:54,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1428753534,
254,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:54,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Fix no                                                       more PTYs issue,  0,1428753534,
255,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:54,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Creati                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428753534,
256,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:54,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: exec:                                                       ln -sf /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428753534,
257,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:56,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: TZ: Eu                                                      rope/London,  0,1428753536,
258,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:56,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port W                                                      eb: 6009 is available.,  0,1428753536,
259,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:57,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      ecureWeb: 6008 is available.,  0,1428753537,
260,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:57,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      CGI: 5000 is available.,  0,1428753537,
261,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:57,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port D                                                      HT: 6881 is available.,  0,1428753537,
262,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:57,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port T                                                      orrent: 42000 is available.,  0,1428753537,
263,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:57,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: eth0 i                                                      paddr:,  0,1428753537,
264,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:57,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: Country: GeoIP.dat,  0,1428753537,
265,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:58,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: extern                                                      al ipaddr:,  0,1428753538,
266,  1,2015-04-11,12:58:58,rtorrent,,localhost,(warn) rtorrent: Could                                                       not get registred cloud name!,  0,1428753538,
267,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:58,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: UPnP P                                                      ort mapping: 5000, 6881, 42000,  0,1428753537,
268,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:59,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Cloud                                                       domain name: myqnapcloud.com,  0,1428753539,
269,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:59,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: User m                                                      ail address: tolek81@gmail.com,  0,1428753539,
270,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:59,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Web se                                                      rver certificate found.,  0,1428753539,
271,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:59,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Genera                                                      ting new RPC password.,  0,1428753539,
272,  0,2015-04-11,12:58:59,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Applyi                                                      ng new RPC password.,  0,1428753539,
273,  0,2015-04-11,12:59:00,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: City: GeoIPCity.dat,  0,1428753539,
274,  0,2015-04-11,12:59:00,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Curren                                                      t ipfilter size is 3664630 bytes,  0,1428753540,
275,  0,2015-04-11,12:59:00,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Remote                                                       ipfilter size is 3664630 bytes,  0,1428753540,
276,  0,2015-04-11,12:59:00,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ipfilt                                                      er list is up to date!,  0,1428753540,
277,  0,2015-04-11,12:59:01,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m started.,  0,1428753541,
278,  0,2015-04-11,12:59:07,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt started.,  0,1428753547,
279,  0,2015-04-11,12:59:10,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd started.,  0,1428753550,
280,  0,2015-04-11,12:59:10,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (11502 11499),  0,1428753550,
281,  0,2015-04-11,12:59:10,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (11502 11499),  0,1428753550,
282,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:17,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1428753617,
283,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:21,admin,,---,[Power Management] System rest                                                      arting now.,  0,1428753621,
284,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:34,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1428753634,
285,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:34,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1428753634,
286,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:34,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1428753634,
287,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:34,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng UPnP mapped ports...,  0,1428753634,
288,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:35,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd shutted down.,  0,1428753634,
289,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:36,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt shutted down.,  0,1428753636,
290,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:36,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m shutted down.,  0,1428753636,
291,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:37,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428753637,
292,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:37,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (31343 ),  0,1428753637,
293,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:37,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (31343 ),  0,1428753637,
294,  0,2015-04-11,13:01:50,System,,localhost,System was shut down on S                                                      at Apr 11 13:01:50 BST 2015.,  0,1428753710,
295,  0,2015-04-11,13:03:39,System,,localhost,System started.,  0,14287                                                      53819,
296,  0,2015-04-11,13:04:16,System,,localhost,[Media Library] Media Lib                                                      rary Server started.,  0,1428753856,
297,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:24,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1428753924,
298,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1428753925,
299,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1428753925,
300,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Fix no                                                       more PTYs issue,  0,1428753925,
301,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Creati                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428753925,
302,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: exec:                                                       ln -sf /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1428753925,
303,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: TZ: Eu                                                      rope/London,  0,1428753927,
304,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port W                                                      eb: 6009 is available.,  0,1428753927,
305,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      ecureWeb: 6008 is available.,  0,1428753927,
306,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      CGI: 5000 is available.,  0,1428753927,
307,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port D                                                      HT: 6881 is available.,  0,1428753927,
308,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port T                                                      orrent: 42000 is available.,  0,1428753927,
309,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: eth0 i                                                      paddr:,  0,1428753927,
310,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:27,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: Country: GeoIP.dat,  0,1428753927,
311,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:28,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: extern                                                      al ipaddr:,  0,1428753928,
312,  1,2015-04-11,13:05:28,rtorrent,,localhost,(warn) rtorrent: Could                                                       not get registred cloud name!,  0,1428753928,
313,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:28,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: City: GeoIPCity.dat,  0,1428753928,
314,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Cloud                                                       domain name: myqnapcloud.com,  0,1428753929,
315,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: User m                                                      ail address: tolek81@gmail.com,  0,1428753929,
316,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Web se                                                      rver certificate found.,  0,1428753929,
317,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Genera                                                      ting new RPC password.,  0,1428753929,
318,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Applyi                                                      ng new RPC password.,  0,1428753929,
319,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:30,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: UPnP P                                                      ort mapping: 5000, 6881, 42000,  0,1428753927,
320,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:32,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Curren                                                      t ipfilter size is 3664630 bytes,  0,1428753931,
321,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:32,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Remote                                                       ipfilter size is 3664630 bytes,  0,1428753932,
322,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:32,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ipfilt                                                      er list is up to date!,  0,1428753932,
323,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:32,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m started.,  0,1428753932,
324,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:39,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt started.,  0,1428753939,
325,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:41,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd started.,  0,1428753941,
326,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:41,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (11122 11121),  0,1428753941,
327,  0,2015-04-11,13:05:41,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (11122 11121),  0,1428753941,
328,  0,2015-04-11,13:06:46,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1428754006,
329,  0,2015-04-11,13:07:45,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] User [tolek                                                      @rene.com.pl] has been signed in, and device name is [Terabajcik].,  0,142875406                                                      5,
330,  0,2015-04-11,13:07:46,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] DDNS has be                                                      en turned on.,  0,1428754066,
331,  0,2015-04-11,13:07:50,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for myQNAPcloud web site is ready.,  0,1428754070,
332,  0,2015-04-11,13:07:50,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for mobile and PC applications is ready.,  0,1428754070,
333,  0,2015-04-11,13:07:52,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] DDNS update                                                       WAN IP address to [],  0,1428754072,
334,  0,2015-04-11,13:20:59,admin,,---,[App Center] Q'center Agent di                                                      sabled.,  0,1428754859,
335,  0,2015-04-11,13:21:02,admin,,---,[App Center] Q'center disabled                                                      .,  0,1428754862,
336,  0,2015-04-11,13:22:41,admin,,---,[System Administration] System                                                       HTTPS port changed from [443] to [446],  0,1428754961,
337,  0,2015-04-11,13:22:48,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for myQNAPcloud web site is ready.,  0,1428754968,
338,  0,2015-04-11,13:22:48,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for mobile and PC applications is ready.,  0,1428754968,
339,  0,2015-04-11,13:23:12,admin,,---,[System Administration] System                                                       port changed from [8080] to [8083],  0,1428754992,
340,  0,2015-04-11,13:23:18,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for myQNAPcloud web site is ready.,  0,1428754998,
341,  0,2015-04-11,13:23:21,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for mobile and PC applications is ready.,  0,1428754999,
342,  0,2015-04-13,06:30:54,System,,---,[Disk Speed] Weekly test is don                                                      e.,  0,1428903054,
343,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:01,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428912001,
344,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:04,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428912004,
345,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:06,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428912006,
346,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:09,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428912009,
347,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:14,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428912014,
348,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:16,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428912016,
349,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:19,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428912019,
350,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:25,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Rapid Test started.,  0,1428912025,
351,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:54,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive1                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428912054,
352,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:55,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive7                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428912055,
353,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:55,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive5                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428912055,
354,  0,2015-04-13,09:00:56,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive6                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428912056,
355,  0,2015-04-13,09:01:03,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive3                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428912063,
356,  0,2015-04-13,09:01:04,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428912064,
357,  1,2015-04-13,09:01:04,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive8                                                       still has warning/abnormal condition, please check summary page.,  0,1428912064,
358,  0,2015-04-13,09:01:10,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive4                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428912070,
359,  0,2015-04-13,09:01:11,System,,localhost,[HDD SMART] Host: Drive2                                                       Rapid Test result: Completed without error.,  0,1428912071,
360,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:37,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1429157137,
361,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:38,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1429157138,
362,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:38,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1429157138,
363,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:38,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng UPnP mapped ports...,  0,1429157138,
364,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:39,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd shutted down.,  0,1429157138,
365,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:40,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt shutted down.,  0,1429157140,
366,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:40,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m shutted down.,  0,1429157140,
367,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:42,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Removi                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1429157142,
368,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:42,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (23902 ),  0,1429157142,
369,  0,2015-04-16,05:05:42,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (23902 ),  0,1429157142,
370,  0,2015-04-16,05:06:59,System,,localhost,System was shut down on T                                                      hu Apr 16 05:06:59 BST 2015.,  0,1429157219,
371,  0,2015-04-16,05:07:04,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unpl                                                      ugged.,  0,1429157224,
372,  0,2015-04-29,12:45:05,System,,localhost,System started.,  0,14303                                                      07905,
373,  0,2015-04-29,12:45:43,System,,localhost,[Media Library] Media Lib                                                      rary Server started.,  0,1430307943,
374,  0,2015-04-29,12:46:36,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] DDNS update                                                       WAN IP address to [],  0,1430307996,
375,  0,2015-04-29,12:46:57,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for myQNAPcloud web site is ready.,  0,1430308017,
376,  0,2015-04-29,12:46:57,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for mobile and PC applications is ready.,  0,1430308017,
377,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:01,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: ORIGDI                                                      R: /,  0,1430308021,
378,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:02,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: PROGDI                                                      R: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent,  0,1430308022,
379,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:02,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: RT_DOW                                                      NLOAD_SHARE: /share/Download,  0,1430308022,
380,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:02,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Fix no                                                       more PTYs issue,  0,1430308022,
381,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:02,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Creati                                                      ng link: /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1430308022,
382,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:02,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: exec:                                                       ln -sf /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/rtorrent /usr/bin/rtorrent,  0,1430308022,
383,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:04,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: TZ: Eu                                                      rope/London,  0,1430308024,
384,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:04,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port W                                                      eb: 6009 is available.,  0,1430308024,
385,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:04,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      ecureWeb: 6008 is available.,  0,1430308024,
386,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:04,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port S                                                      CGI: 5000 is available.,  0,1430308024,
387,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:04,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port D                                                      HT: 6881 is available.,  0,1430308024,
388,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:04,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Port T                                                      orrent: 42000 is available.,  0,1430308024,
389,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:04,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: eth0 i                                                      paddr:,  0,1430308024,
390,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:04,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: Country: GeoIP.dat,  0,1430308024,
391,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: IP Geo                                                      location db_update: City: GeoIPCity.dat,  0,1430308025,
392,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: UPnP P                                                      ort mapping: 5000, 6881, 42000,  0,1430308024,
393,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: extern                                                      al ipaddr:,  0,1430308025,
394,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Cloud                                                       host name: Terabajcik,  0,1430308025,
395,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Cloud                                                       domain name: myqnapcloud.com,  0,1430308025,
396,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: User m                                                      ail address: tolek81@gmail.com,  0,1430308025,
397,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Web se                                                      rver certificate found.,  0,1430308025,
398,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Genera                                                      ting new RPC password.,  0,1430308025,
399,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:05,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Applyi                                                      ng new RPC password.,  0,1430308025,
400,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:06,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Curren                                                      t ipfilter size is 3664630 bytes,  0,1430308026,
401,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:06,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Remote                                                       ipfilter size is 3664622 bytes,  0,1430308026,
402,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:06,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Downlo                                                      ading new ipfilter list...,  0,1430308026,
403,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:24,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Conver                                                      ting ipfilter list...,  0,1430308044,
404,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:24,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Replac                                                      ing old ipfilter list,  0,1430308044,
405,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:25,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: php-fp                                                      m started.,  0,1430308045,
406,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:28,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: rtorre                                                      nt started.,  0,1430308048,
407,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: lightt                                                      pd started.,  0,1430308049,
408,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Waitin                                                      g for background processes to finish... (10461 10459),  0,1430308049,
409,  0,2015-04-29,12:47:29,rtorrent,,localhost,(info) rtorrent: Backgr                                                      ound jobs done. (10461 10459),  0,1430308049,
410,  0,2015-04-29,12:48:33,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1430308113,
411,  1,2015-04-29,13:49:12,System,,localhost,[Security] Add IP: [192.1                                                      68.1.55] to ban list for 60 minutes.,  0,1430311752,
412,  1,2015-04-29,13:53:50,System,,localhost,[Security] Add IP: [192.1                                                      68.1.5] to ban list for 60 minutes.,  0,1430312030,
413,  1,2015-04-29,13:54:31,System,,localhost,[Security] Add IP: [192.1                                                      68.1.5] to ban list for 60 minutes.,  0,1430312071,
414,  0,2015-04-29,13:57:21,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for myQNAPcloud web site is ready.,  0,1430312241,
415,  0,2015-04-29,13:57:22,System,,localhost,[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink s                                                      ervice for mobile and PC applications is ready.,  0,1430312242,
416,  0,2015-04-29,13:58:19,System,,localhost,The admin password and ne                                                      twork configuration reset to the factory default.,  0,1430312299,
417,  0,2015-04-29,14:00:21,System,,localhost,[App Center] Surveillance                                                       Station enabled.,  0,1430312421,
418,  1,2015-04-29,14:00:24,System,,localhost,Note: To ensure proper op                                                      erations of the Surveillance Station, please reboot the NAS after installation o                                                      f the Surveillance Station is completed.,  0,1430312424,
419,  0,2015-04-29,14:00:25,System,,localhost,[App Center] Surveillance                                                       Station 5.0.4 installation succeeded.,  0,1430312425,
420,  0,2015-04-29,14:01:11,System,,localhost,LocalDisplay enabled.,  0                                                      ,1430312471,
421,  0,2015-04-29,14:01:15,System,,localhost,Surveillance Station (Loc                                                      al Display) 5.0.4 installation succeeded.,  0,1430312475,
422,  0,2015-04-29,14:02:10,admin,,---,[App Center] Surveillance Stat                                                      ion (Local Display) disabled.,  0,1430312530,
423,  0,2015-04-29,14:02:30,admin,,---,[App Center] Surveillance Stat                                                      ion disabled.,  0,1430312550,
424,  0,2015-04-30,00:01:30,admin,,---,User [admin] password changed.                                                      ,  0,1430348490,
Done. Return value is 0
[~] # log_tool -qv | grep UPS
24,  0,2015-03-23,15:39:25,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unpl                                                      ugged.,  0,1427125165,
75,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:08,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1427399888,
76,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:31,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unpl                                                      ugged.,  0,1427399911,
77,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:32,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1427399912,
78,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:54,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unpl                                                      ugged.,  0,1427399934,
79,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:59,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1427399939,
123,  1,2015-04-03,03:23:39,System,,localhost,Power loss detected on UP                                                      S. System would be shutdown after 1 minute(s).,  0,1428027819,
124,  1,2015-04-03,03:23:56,System,,localhost,Power has returned to UPS                                                      . Canceling shutdown.,  0,1428027836,
233,  0,2015-04-11,12:45:08,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1428752708,
282,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:17,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1428753617,
328,  0,2015-04-11,13:06:46,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1428754006,
371,  0,2015-04-16,05:07:04,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unpl                                                      ugged.,  0,1429157224,
410,  0,2015-04-29,12:48:33,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plug                                                      ged in.,  0,1430308113,
[~] # lsusb
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 1005:b155 Apacer Technology, Inc.
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 051d:0002 American Power Conversion Uninterruptible Power                                                       Supply
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
[~] # ps|grep ups
3210 admin       280 R   grep ups
7046 admin      1616 S   /usr/sbin/cupsd -C /etc/config/cups/cupsd.conf
7894 admin      1632 S   /usr/sbin/upsutil
27278 admin       644 S   /usr/local/ups/bin/usbhid-ups -a qnapups -u admin -x
27662 admin       644 S   /usr/sbin/upsd -u admin
[~] # dmesg
ll Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
[ 4402.094619] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth1: link becomes ready
[ 4402.433253] e1000e: eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
[ 4402.434001] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
[ 4402.776798] igb: eth2 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX
[ 4402.777729] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth2: link becomes ready
[ 4403.170484] igb: eth3 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX
[ 4403.171428] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth3: link becomes ready
[ 4403.171466] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4403.171476] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4414.782271] eth3: no IPv6 routers present
[ 4418.185550] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4418.579567] rule type=2, num=2
[ 4418.581166] rule type=2, num=2
[ 4420.166055] br0: port 1(eth3) entered disabled state
[ 4422.385271] e1000e: eth1 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
[ 4422.823818] e1000e: eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
[ 4422.913588] igb: eth3 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX
[ 4422.914517] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4422.914532] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4423.035489] igb: eth2 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX
[ 4437.913652] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4438.566808] rule type=2, num=2
[ 4438.568391] rule type=2, num=2
[ 4458.554271] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4458.555890] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4478.541690] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4498.527456] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4518.513262] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4538.499092] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4558.484898] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4578.470701] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4598.456440] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4618.442195] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4638.427950] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4658.413701] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4678.399268] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4698.385003] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4718.370800] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4738.356453] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4758.342154] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4778.327975] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4798.313773] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4818.299600] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4838.285405] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4858.271265] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4878.257076] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4898.242964] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4918.228830] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4938.214673] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4958.200534] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4978.186354] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4998.172193] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5018.158095] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5038.143933] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5058.129730] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5078.115606] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5098.101394] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5118.087226] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5138.072994] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5158.058765] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5178.044397] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5198.030228] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5218.016021] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5238.001702] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5257.987499] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5277.973329] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5297.959133] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5317.944960] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5337.930732] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5357.916536] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5377.902279] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5397.888004] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5417.873885] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5437.859636] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5457.845387] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5477.831174] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5497.816950] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5517.802715] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5537.788568] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5557.774331] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5577.760083] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5597.745828] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5617.731626] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5637.717198] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5657.702952] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5677.688764] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5697.674536] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5717.660262] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5737.646077] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5757.631937] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5777.617696] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5797.603494] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5817.589301] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5837.575108] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5857.560935] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5877.546892] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5897.532680] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5917.518469] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5937.504223] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5957.490012] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5977.475799] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5997.461597] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6017.447378] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6037.433147] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6057.418911] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6077.404851] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6097.390664] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6117.376517] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6137.362351] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6157.348168] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6177.333957] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6197.319752] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6217.305491] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6237.291320] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6257.277200] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6277.262890] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6297.248682] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6317.234504] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6337.220150] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6357.205998] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6377.191765] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6397.177539] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6417.163352] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6437.149100] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6457.134883] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6477.120743] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6497.106545] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6517.092241] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6537.078098] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6557.063944] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6577.049640] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6597.035424] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6617.021191] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6637.006974] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6656.992827] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6676.978623] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6696.964435] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6716.950262] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6736.936094] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6756.921928] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6776.907739] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6796.893640] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6816.879448] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6836.865186] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6856.850922] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6876.836677] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6896.822481] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6916.808234] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6936.794042] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6956.779850] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6976.765609] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6996.751417] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7016.737219] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7036.723028] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7056.708797] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7076.694602] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7096.680364] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7116.666132] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7136.651884] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7156.637684] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7176.623292] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7196.609054] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7216.594810] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7236.580586] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7256.566283] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7276.552049] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7296.537815] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7316.523470] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7336.509187] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7356.494953] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7376.480771] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7396.466546] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7416.452273] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7436.438061] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7456.423806] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7476.409542] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7496.395326] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7516.381240] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7536.367027] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7556.352812] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7576.338561] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7596.324298] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7616.310035] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7636.295848] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7656.281563] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7676.267306] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7696.253037] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7716.238791] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7736.224533] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7756.210220] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7776.195960] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7796.181897] rule type=2, num=0
[ 9298.487234] etxhci_hcd_140522 0000:06:00.0: WARN Event TRB for slot 1 ep 2 with no TDs queued                                      ?
[17969.990698] etxhci_hcd_140522 0000:06:00.0: WARN Event TRB for slot 1 ep 2 with no TDs queued                                      ?
[21004.809627] etxhci_hcd_140522 0000:06:00.0: WARN Event TRB for slot 1 ep 2 with no TDs queued                                      ?
[35579.400066] TCP: TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 32469. Dropping request.  Check SNMP coun                                      ters.
[~] # dmesg -c
ll Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
[ 4402.094619] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth1: link becomes ready
[ 4402.433253] e1000e: eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
[ 4402.434001] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
[ 4402.776798] igb: eth2 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX
[ 4402.777729] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth2: link becomes ready
[ 4403.170484] igb: eth3 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX
[ 4403.171428] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth3: link becomes ready
[ 4403.171466] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4403.171476] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4414.782271] eth3: no IPv6 routers present
[ 4418.185550] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4418.579567] rule type=2, num=2
[ 4418.581166] rule type=2, num=2
[ 4420.166055] br0: port 1(eth3) entered disabled state
[ 4422.385271] e1000e: eth1 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
[ 4422.823818] e1000e: eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx
[ 4422.913588] igb: eth3 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX
[ 4422.914517] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4422.914532] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4423.035489] igb: eth2 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX
[ 4437.913652] br0: port 1(eth3) entered forwarding state
[ 4438.566808] rule type=2, num=2
[ 4438.568391] rule type=2, num=2
[ 4458.554271] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4458.555890] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4478.541690] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4498.527456] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4518.513262] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4538.499092] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4558.484898] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4578.470701] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4598.456440] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4618.442195] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4638.427950] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4658.413701] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4678.399268] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4698.385003] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4718.370800] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4738.356453] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4758.342154] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4778.327975] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4798.313773] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4818.299600] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4838.285405] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4858.271265] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4878.257076] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4898.242964] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4918.228830] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4938.214673] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4958.200534] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4978.186354] rule type=2, num=0
[ 4998.172193] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5018.158095] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5038.143933] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5058.129730] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5078.115606] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5098.101394] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5118.087226] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5138.072994] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5158.058765] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5178.044397] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5198.030228] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5218.016021] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5238.001702] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5257.987499] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5277.973329] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5297.959133] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5317.944960] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5337.930732] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5357.916536] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5377.902279] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5397.888004] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5417.873885] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5437.859636] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5457.845387] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5477.831174] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5497.816950] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5517.802715] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5537.788568] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5557.774331] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5577.760083] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5597.745828] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5617.731626] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5637.717198] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5657.702952] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5677.688764] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5697.674536] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5717.660262] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5737.646077] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5757.631937] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5777.617696] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5797.603494] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5817.589301] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5837.575108] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5857.560935] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5877.546892] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5897.532680] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5917.518469] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5937.504223] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5957.490012] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5977.475799] rule type=2, num=0
[ 5997.461597] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6017.447378] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6037.433147] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6057.418911] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6077.404851] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6097.390664] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6117.376517] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6137.362351] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6157.348168] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6177.333957] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6197.319752] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6217.305491] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6237.291320] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6257.277200] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6277.262890] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6297.248682] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6317.234504] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6337.220150] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6357.205998] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6377.191765] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6397.177539] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6417.163352] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6437.149100] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6457.134883] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6477.120743] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6497.106545] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6517.092241] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6537.078098] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6557.063944] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6577.049640] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6597.035424] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6617.021191] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6637.006974] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6656.992827] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6676.978623] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6696.964435] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6716.950262] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6736.936094] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6756.921928] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6776.907739] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6796.893640] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6816.879448] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6836.865186] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6856.850922] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6876.836677] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6896.822481] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6916.808234] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6936.794042] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6956.779850] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6976.765609] rule type=2, num=0
[ 6996.751417] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7016.737219] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7036.723028] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7056.708797] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7076.694602] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7096.680364] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7116.666132] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7136.651884] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7156.637684] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7176.623292] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7196.609054] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7216.594810] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7236.580586] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7256.566283] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7276.552049] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7296.537815] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7316.523470] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7336.509187] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7356.494953] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7376.480771] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7396.466546] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7416.452273] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7436.438061] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7456.423806] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7476.409542] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7496.395326] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7516.381240] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7536.367027] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7556.352812] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7576.338561] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7596.324298] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7616.310035] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7636.295848] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7656.281563] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7676.267306] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7696.253037] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7716.238791] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7736.224533] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7756.210220] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7776.195960] rule type=2, num=0
[ 7796.181897] rule type=2, num=0
[ 9298.487234] etxhci_hcd_140522 0000:06:00.0: WARN Event TRB for slot 1 ep 2 with no TDs queued                                      ?
[17969.990698] etxhci_hcd_140522 0000:06:00.0: WARN Event TRB for slot 1 ep 2 with no TDs queued                                      ?
[21004.809627] etxhci_hcd_140522 0000:06:00.0: WARN Event TRB for slot 1 ep 2 with no TDs queued                                      ?
[35579.400066] TCP: TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 32469. Dropping request.  Check SNMP coun                                      ters.
[~] #
[~] #
[~] #
[~] #
[~] #
[~] #
[~] # dmesg -c
[~] # cd /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs
[/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs] # vi kmsg
[/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs] # lsusb
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 1005:b155 Apacer Technology, Inc.
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 051d:0002 American Power Conversion Uninterruptible Power Supply
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
[/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs] # vi kmsg
[/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs] # history
    1  exit
    2  mc -c
    3  df
    4  id
    5  log_tool -qv
    6  log_tool -qv | grep UPS
    7  lsusb
    8  ps|grep ups
    9  dmesg
   10  dmesg -c
   11  dmesg -c
   12  cd /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs
   13  vi kmsg
   14  lsusb
   15  vi kmsg
   16  history
[/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs] # !6
log_tool -qv | grep UPS
24,  0,2015-03-23,15:39:25,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unplugged.,  0,14271                                      25165,
75,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:08,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in.,  0,1427                                      399888,
76,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:31,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unplugged.,  0,14273                                      99911,
77,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:32,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in.,  0,1427                                      399912,
78,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:54,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unplugged.,  0,14273                                      99934,
79,  0,2015-03-26,19:58:59,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in.,  0,1427                                      399939,
123,  1,2015-04-03,03:23:39,System,,localhost,Power loss detected on UPS. System would                                       be shutdown after 1 minute(s).,  0,1428027819,
124,  1,2015-04-03,03:23:56,System,,localhost,Power has returned to UPS. Canceling shut                                      down.,  0,1428027836,
233,  0,2015-04-11,12:45:08,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in.,  0,1428                                      752708,
282,  0,2015-04-11,13:00:17,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in.,  0,1428                                      753617,
328,  0,2015-04-11,13:06:46,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in.,  0,1428                                      754006,
371,  0,2015-04-16,05:07:04,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device unplugged.,  0,14291                                      57224,
410,  0,2015-04-29,12:48:33,System,,localhost,[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in.,  0,1430                                      308113,
[/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs] # cd
[~] #
Ja to wiem ;p - no ale moze, mysla ze je sfabrykowalem ;p skoro u nich w labie nie dziala (dziala i nie maja problemow) - ja tam spalem w tym czasie, ogolnie sesje otworzyli okoolo 3 nad ranem i sobie czekali ...do okolo 10 mojego czasu .
Ja tu nie piszę, bo u mnie na buildzie 0217 jak na razie od ostatniej mojej wiadomości, nic się nie działo. UPS nie odpiął się ani razu, Qnap się nie zrestartował. Ale użytkuję go mało intensywnie, wyłącznie jako serwer plików, a i czasem udostępniam pojedyncze przez internet.
Z tym, że na innych buildach przy takim samym używaniu było to co widzieliście.
Zobaczymy, może do czegoś dojdą..... :)
Podalem emaile i opis problemu osob w tym topicu ... ciekawe czy sie z Wami skontaktuja czy oleja, bo nie "jestescie" czescia ticketu :| nie wiem czy da sie dodac inne osoby do ticketu bez tworzenia nowego :| (przydala by sie taka opcja) ticket z "need to folow" teraz jest "open"
Ja mam identyczny problem jak opisany,mój serwer to qnap ts-231, a zasilacz power walker VI LCD 850 VA. Mam zainstalowanego QTS 4.1.3 Build 0313.
Ja ponawiam pytanie odnosnie tego, czy macie mozliwosc zalozyc w wolnej chwili konto na QNAP Helpdesk -
i sprobowac cos napisac w tickecie: QNAP Helpdesk -
Moze wtedy cos sie ruszy -choc napisza, ze tak, rzeczywiscie jest problem, pracujemy nad rozwiazaniem.

Poki co cisza - bank holiday dzisiaj.
Od QNAP'a cisza.
A bug w systemie wyglada u mnie tak:
Widziałem twój film i chyba ja również muszę taki nagrać :) Tylko u mnie będzie dotyczył Virtual Station. Wczoraj po raz kolejny po odpaleniu Windowsa - tym razem 7 sypnęło rozłączeniami.

On Sat 9 May 2015 18:48 Daniel Orme wrote napisał:
This issue is being tracked internally, not sure why you say we are ignoring it.

Best Regards,

Daniel Orme
QNAP Systems, Inc.

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