
  1. Robin

    Help Filebot only makes hardlink for movies, doesn't work for TV shows...

    Hi I found this issue is similar to this thread Rozwiązany - Medialibrary works only with movies Rdownload/medielibrary/Movies works fine, but Rdownload/medielibrary/TV shows is always empty... I think maybe the filebot scrapes the metadata of TV shows via TVDB, which is blocked on Chinese...
  2. Silas Mariusz

    Hint Events Notifications: Telegram Bot - Easy Guide Step-by-Step

    Open Telegram app and find @BotFather Type /start and then /newbot to create new bot. Enter unique name for the bot. Once you do that, bot should respond to you with token ID. Ctrl+C this token. Now create new channel on Telegram. Find a name and hit Create Edit channel and create...
  3. Silas Mariusz

    Hint Events Notifications: Discord Webhooks - Very Easy Guide

    Open Discord app Add new server: Create own new server Select: For me and my friends: Set it name and click Create Click Server settings: From left sidebar menu select Integrations and click Create Webhook button: Create new bot and click Copy Webhook URL Go to...
  4. M

    Help Torrents had to re-download even though they were complete

    I had a handful of torrents that I had downloaded and they were 100% complete and they even had hard links for them in the "complete" folder. I closed out rTorrent by going to the App Center on the QNAP and hit "Stop" under the rTorrent drop down options. When I reopened rTorrent it shows those...
  5. M

    Help remove files from medialibray, complete and donwload

    Hi, I try to remove donwloades (on rtorrent are as hardlinked) files two ways: - from rtorrent: removing torrent and files: the files continue on NAS, so I have to remove one by one. - from file station: I remove from donwloaded folder, but stil have to remove one by one from, complete and...
  6. guffi

    Help Po zmianie loginu i hasła w rtorrent torki pobierają się od nowa

    Witam Po zmianie loginu i hasła torki pobierają się od nowa i mam podwójnie jeden tytuł video czy program w /rtorrent/medialibrary/ i /download/complete/ Model serwera: QNAP TS-251D
  7. vibrate

    Help Share name and default folders structure in 'watch' and 'complete'

    Hi I notice that the watch and complete folders are populated with a bunch of organisational folders by default (anime, couchpotato, game etc), and if I delete these they repopulate when rTorrent is re-launched. I have my own way of organising my folders and download directories and these...
  8. ajo009

    Help WD Red Disk 1 Complete Test Result: Fatal or unknown error.

    Cześć, Nas sypnął mi błędami jak w poniższych print screenach. Dysk WD Red używany domowo przez ok 4 lata. RAID 5, 3 dyski. Please run bad block scan on this drive or replace the drive if the error persists Nie można zrobić testu smart, ani szybkiego, ani pełnego, bo po kilku sekundach od...
  9. lama16

    Help Error in series for class

    Hi I seem to be getting an error where it's not detecting the name and moving it to the media library. It sometimes works and it sometimes doesn't. Usually, I will need to delete the amc.txt and then use the rescan of completed for this to work Use excludes...
  10. Lukasz1988

    Help Finished torrent data is in both downloads and complete directory

    noticed this today when I finished a download normally all my downloading items are in /downloading when they finish they Goto complete for some reason it's keeping the complete downloads in downloading and putting another copy into complete any idea how to fix this? I would like it to download...
  11. M

    Help rTorrent Java Usage

    Firmware version: Build 20190525 Model name: QNAP TS-451+ Hi all, I recently received my TS-451+ and paid for rTorrent since the qBt packages wouldn't work for me. It has worked fine but I noticed download and upload speeds had a bottleneck, because they would rarely go over 10MB/s...
  12. goral87

    Help rutorrent rescan biblioteki

    Witam, czy opcja rescan biblioteki dla plex działa poprawnie w rutorrencie? W ustawieniach jest napisane, że być to w formie host:token więc podałem IP-QNAPA:token z xml i coś nie działa. Czy spotkał się ktoś z podobnym problem? Wersja oprogramowania Firmware: 4.3.6 0923 Model serwera: QNAP TS-451+
  13. Silas Mariusz

    Hint Watch directory is not working any more | Finished torrents are not moved into "complete" directory

    Symptoms: Watch directory is not working any more, or ... Finished torrents are not moved into "complete" directory Cause Autotools plugin is disabled or watch/complete directories path are wrong. Resolution: Make sure autotools plugin is enabled and paths to watch & complete directory...
  14. Silas Mariusz

    Manual Understand what are multiple downloads directories

    Downloads directories Understand what are Downloads paths Download data structure Understand download directories structure. Downloading torrent is saved for download and seeding in: /share/Rdownload/download/{label} On torrent download completion step, finished torrent data will be...
  15. jsjcjsjc

    Help question of Download data structure

    as said in the instuction, there are three directories 1. / share / Download / rtorrent / download / {label} 2. / share / Download / rtorrent / complete / {label} 3. / share / Download / rtorrent / medialibrary / ... what's the difference between complete and medialibrary? why not just grab...
  16. M

    Help Download location

    Is there anyway to change the download location? The front page setting is non-editable. The rtorrent setting is editable but it changes back after every rtorrent startup.
  17. badziewiak

    Help Dlaczego RAIDy się synchronizują podczas sprawdzania dysków

    Witam Zgodnie z harmonogramem QTS zaczął sprawdzać mi dyski. Ku mojemu zdziewieniu odpalił synchronizację macierzy. Czyżby podłapał jakieś błędy w systemie plików? Typ Data Czas Użytkownicy Źródło IP Nazwa komputera Zawartość Informacja 2017/06/11 14:42:25 System...
  18. V

    Help rtorrent zapisuje w dwóch katalogach

    witam od aktualizacji do 4.3.3 używam rtorrent zauważyłem, że program pobiera do katalogu: /share/Download/rtorrent/downloads/ po czym robi kopię do katalogu: /share/Download/rtorrent/complete w ten sposób zajmuje 2x więcej miejsca czy można to zmienić tak aby zapisywał tylko w jednym...
  19. niestgreg

    Help rTorrent i biblioteka w Plexie

    Witam wszystkich! Pytanko dotyczy automatycznego dzielenia torentow.. w rtorrencie...Chodzi mi glownie o biblotke Plexa zeby media byly poukladane.. Jak stworzyc 4 rozne foldery w rtorrent: -Movies -Tv -Kids -sport I po zakonczonym pobraniu automatycznie przeniesc plik do wybranego folderu...