
  1. TranceDaddy

    Pomoc Failed to download rtorrent-Pro

    Firmware version: Build 20200408 Model name: QNAP TS-469L After removing the rtorrent as per email before upgrading, I know can't seem to download as it keeps failing. Failed to download rtorrent-Pro from Qnapclub Store........ I have tried removing my key from App Center and...
  2. candidate

    Pomoc After upgrade - issue with download location

    Hi I'm looking for help regarding download location - before updating rTorrent Pro to the newest version I could specify whatever disk/volume and specific location for downloaded torrent and now I can download only to default rTorrent location or created rDownload but nothing more. Any idea...
  3. Not a Hippo

    Pomoc Can I set how many concurrent downloads rTorrent should download?

    Is there a way to configure rTorrent so it does not try to download more than 5 torrents at a time? When I dumb 50 - 100 torrents that I have gotten into the Watch folder it starts all at some time and mostly they just hang and never get successfully download. I think that is annoying to have...
  4. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS build 20200519 | ALL !except TS-X32

    QTS build 20200519 [Compatibility] - All NAS models except the TS-X32. [Important Notes] - For the status of QTS updates and maintenance for your NAS model, visit Product Support Status :: QNAP - To learn more about NAS models that support the TL-D800C, TL-R1200C-RP, TL-D400S...

    Pomoc Unable to install

    I've added my private repo, and it refuses to download. Any ideas? Pics attached. Firmware version: 4.4.2. 1302 Build 2020/05/12 Model name: QNAP TS-451A
  6. WallyDream

    Pomoc How to determine The BitTorrent- Settings ?

    Hello, i'm a newbie and it not so easy to put the right settings to get maximum form rTorrent... As first i have to say that i only download form Private trackers... Downspeed is 900 Mo/s and upspeed is 600 Mo/s is theere a simple way to compute the different parameters ? Here the parameters...
  7. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS build 20200512 | ALL !except TS-X32/TS-531P

    QTS build 20200512 [Important Notes] - For the status of QTS updates and maintenance for your NAS model, visit Product Support Status :: QNAP - To learn more about NAS models that support the TL-D800C, TL-R1200C-RP, TL-D400S, TL-D800S, TL-D1600S, TL-R400S, TL-R1200S-RP, see the...
  8. altaroinj

    Pomoc 2 suggestions to improve rTorrent

    Hello all, first of all, and I may repeat myself, thanks again for rtorrent. It's one of the few apps I did not hesitate to pay for, and I don't regret it. Then, I would like to suggest @Silas Mariusz 2 things to improve. 1. If it's not possible to automatically backup main configuration page...
  9. Silas Mariusz

    Download HS-251

    Silas Mariusz opublikował nowe elementy w zasobach: HS-251 (wersja QW57AR09 (new method)) - HS-251 Czytaj więcej...
  10. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS build 20200408| x69/x69L/x69U

    QTS build 20200408 [Compatibility] - QTS 4.3.4 is the final available firmware update for the following models: TS-1269U-RP, TS-869U-RP, TS-469U-RP, TS-469U-SP, TS-869 Pro, TS-869L, TS-669 Pro, TS-669L, TS-569 Pro, TS-569L, TS-469 Pro, TS-469L, TS-269 Pro, TS-269L. [Important Notes]...
  11. jhalttu

    Pomoc Cannot download repo rtorrent update

    I have Been using Rtorrent for past year. I got info that i should update.. I got to Qnap club, login and it says download.. but download fails everytime. "network error" on chrome. How to fix and download?
  12. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS build 20200410 | ARM & x86

    Zwiększone bezpieczeństwo systemu W celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa systemu NAS domyślne hasło konta „admin” to teraz pierwszy adres MAC bez znaków specjalnych. Na przykład: jeśli adres MAC to 11:22:33:44:55:66, domyślnym hasłem będzie 112233445566. Adres MAC można sprawdzić za pośrednictwem...
  13. QNAP

    Download AspiraTV (CLI)

    Nowa aplikacja QPKG w sklepie Qnapclub Store: AspiraTV (CLI) Surveille la télévision de rattrapage et télécharge les émissions qui vous intéressent, compatible avec Kodi, Plex et Emby Ce programme interroge les serveurs de télévision de rattrapage et...
  14. SiewcaRyżu

    Download [Canceled] QTS build 20200402

    QTS build 20200402 Click to see changelog
  15. gentillo

    Pomoc Download Station - domyślny folder pobierania

    Problem dotyczy Download Station w najnowszej wersji. Ostatnio zmieniłem dysk systemowy na SSD 250. Po instalacji podstawowych aplikacji zostało mi około 100GB miejsca. Dodanie kilku większych plików do pobierania bardzo szybko wyczerpuje dostępne miejsce. Jest możliwość zmigrowania aplikacji na...
  16. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS build 20200214 | X28/X31/X51/X70/X79/IS-400

    QTS build 20200214 [Important Notes] - To ensure system functionality, after updating QTS to 4.3.6, please also update Container Station to 1.9 in App Center before enabling QVR Pro. - The RADVD service previously did not have an outgoing interface. Please reconfigure the RADVD...
  17. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS 4.2.6 build 20200109 | Old x86

    QTS 4.2.6 build 20200109 [Compatibility] - QNAP only provides limited support (mainly security updates) for the following models: SS-439 Pro, SS-839 Pro, TS-110, TS-210, TS-239 Pro, TS-239 Pro II, TS-239 Pro II+, TS-239H, TS-259 Pro, TS-259 Pro+, TS-269H, TS-410, TS-410U, TS-439 Pro, TS-439 Pro...
  18. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS build 20200109 | Old ARM

    QTS build 20200109 [Compatibility] - QTS 4.3.3 is the final available firmware version for the following NAS models: TS-112P, TAS-168, TAS-268. QNAP will keep releasing security updates for these models until the end of support. For details, see Product Support Status :: QNAP...
  19. Silas Mariusz

    Download [Stable] QTS build 20200107 | x86

    [Compatibility] - QTS 4.3.4 is the final available firmware update for the following models: TS-1269U-RP, TS-869U-RP, TS-469U-RP, TS-469U-SP, TS-869 Pro, TS-869L, TS-669 Pro, TS-669L, TS-569 Pro, TS-569L, TS-469 Pro, TS-469L, TS-269 Pro, TS-269L. [Important Notes] - To ensure system stability...
  20. Silas Mariusz

    Instrukcja How to easily start new downloads? (Watch directory)

    How to easily start new downloads? While downloading any .torrent file from your favourite tracker, use Save As Dialog and... Browse to the watch directory Open My computer and browse network drive with the Download share. Make sure Download share is already mapped as network drive in your...